Mutant Storm
Chapter 11 - Taking a Stand
By Bobmin
Greg Webb posted a comment on Sunday 27th March 2011 6:55pm for Chapter 11 - Taking a Stand
look. i have already sent two requests about when you were going to update. i'm sure you didn't get them or you would have replyed. right????
you posted 5 chaps in 2008. 5 chaps in 2009. a pathetic 2 in 2010.
are you done???
do you care????
aren't your readers why you do this????
do i need to be ruder?????
i don't think asking if you are going to be updating this is that hard a question to answer.
if real life is hitting you, fine. i was diagnosed with cancer but i'm not wallowing.
wolfey posted a comment on Friday 25th March 2011 8:39am for Chapter 11 - Taking a Stand
ok I really love this story and was wondering when you were next going to update. i mean its been almost a year so far.
lancelw posted a comment on Sunday 20th March 2011 2:04am for Chapter 11 - Taking a Stand
How to flame:
thank you for the great story, please update soon.
Lol :)
shankstar89 posted a comment on Sunday 13th March 2011 9:02pm for Chapter 11 - Taking a Stand
have to say... love the ending just enough of humor with a touch of darkness... nice!
Brad1 posted a comment on Thursday 10th March 2011 11:39am for Chapter 11 - Taking a Stand
I love the story and I like the ending can't wait for the next chapter to see what happens when it goes off!
Peter4 posted a comment on Monday 7th March 2011 4:19pm for Chapter 11 - Taking a Stand
I just wanted to say the two of yours writing has improved amazingly since Sunset/Sunrise. You guys always had interesting ideas but a lot of that story felt forced, from the changes in canon to the actually writing. This story flows much better and the characters seem to be much more 'real' for lack of a better word. Fantastic, please keep writing this one.
Anois posted a comment on Wednesday 2nd March 2011 7:16am for Chapter 11 - Taking a Stand
I really hope you will continue with this story. My son and I are very fond of it.
Brad1 posted a comment on Saturday 26th February 2011 10:15am for Chapter 11 - Taking a Stand
howls of laughter at the stupid death moron's! keepup the awesome writing!
Ian Morgan posted a comment on Friday 25th February 2011 11:18am for Chapter 11 - Taking a Stand
This is a fantastic story that i have injoyed extremly.
I have read all your stories and love them all.
Please i beg you please update soon
Keeroo92 posted a comment on Friday 11th February 2011 6:47pm for Chapter 11 - Taking a Stand
Hahaha!! Perfect way to end the chapter! I love it! I'm looking forward to the next one!
I do hope I'm not random annoying reviewer #7... I seem to have both my feet, but you never can be sure when fanfiction is involved. ;)
Tzu Con posted a comment on Monday 31st January 2011 5:05am for Chapter 11 - Taking a Stand
'I am an exothermic reaction device!" A great way of obeying orders without actually following them.
I'm very interested in this story, but then again I'm interested in almost everything you write, and even more when it involves a total revolution against DD, VM and the Ministry. Stupid wizards need a padded cell and an unfriendly bunkmate. DD especially is someone I feel needs a violent introduction to the real world, perhaps Xavior could reprogram him a little, maybe sing "I'm a little teapot" at breakfast?
It's also nice to read a decent interpretation of Ginny. I'm not a fan of fanon Ginny, but there are a few stories with a pretty reasonable Ginny.
I've not got much interest in X-Men, but I enjoyed the films a great deal. Are you going to introduce Harry's little group to the Danger Room? I'd be interested in reading a few squad combat simulations with Harry and the rest of the Ministry 6.
You've mentioned that Harry has identified all the marked DE's in the castle, but are you using the 'unmarked" angle? I'm sure that Jean has already scanned everyone by this point, but I'm curious whether an unmarked DE is going to spoil Harry's plans for culling?
Thanks for this, and please write again soon,
Tzu Con
cybergades posted a comment on Monday 24th January 2011 11:01pm for Chapter 11 - Taking a Stand
Brilliant. I'm not sure what else to say. keep up the great work. Each chapter is a treat in and of itself.
eviaw1 posted a comment on Monday 24th January 2011 8:29pm for Chapter 11 - Taking a Stand
i love this story cant wait for next chapter
Wolff posted a comment on Thursday 13th January 2011 12:23am for Chapter 11 - Taking a Stand
It's been a while since you guy's have updated, and I just want to take the time to tell you that I don't care. Instead, I want to thank you for the hours of joy that you've brought us. I've re-read most of your stories five or six times, and each time I do, they're still fresh and new. So once again, I want to say thank you. What you've done to this point has meant a lot to me, and some of it has come at points in my life where I needed a tale of hope, of heroes and villians, to give me perspective on what was going on in my life, and how much worse it could've been.
Thank you.
Greg Webb posted a comment on Saturday 8th January 2011 8:57pm for Chapter 11 - Taking a Stand
ok. so you didn't reply to my last note.
i will try again.
seriously are you planning on updateing anytime soon.
it's been more than 6 months.
seriously post something.
ljdlb posted a comment on Wednesday 5th January 2011 6:36pm for Chapter 11 - Taking a Stand
Enjoyed greatly, so much that I reread, can't wait for the next chapter .
Keep up the good work
mmendoza688 posted a comment on Wednesday 5th January 2011 6:21pm for Chapter 11 - Taking a Stand
It would be really awesome if you updated soon! I love this story and you're right by the way...killing Voldemort over and over again gets really boring...why not tackle the whole Wizarding society!?
tcl7189 posted a comment on Thursday 30th December 2010 3:24pm for Chapter 11 - Taking a Stand
great great story...can"t wait for the next chapter
Anya McLerie posted a comment on Sunday 26th December 2010 7:45pm for Chapter 11 - Taking a Stand
I'm sure I've reviewed before, and yet, I have to do it again. As a long time Xman fan (and a not-so-closet Wolverine fan), dear heavens I love this story. Harry having the supportive X-family behind him, giving him the growth to be the 'great wizard' that Hermione spoke of in the first book... wicked. Each new chapter just fills me with glee. Yes, canon has been somewhat abandoned in both universes, but who cares? The fun is so there. Kudos!
Excubitor posted a comment on Monday 28th March 2011 10:34am for Chapter 11 - Taking a Stand