Mutant Storm
Chapter 11 - Taking a Stand
By Bobmin
millie johanson posted a comment on Saturday 18th December 2010 4:22pm for Chapter 11 - Taking a Stand
Hello I knew nothing about X Man Until your story. I love it along with H having a family and of course Ginny. I am such a H&G fan. Hr with Ron or even SS but never Harry.
I hope you get all your Christmas and New Years Wishes along with your family.
Thanks for the ride. Cross overs are new to me. I hope I can find more. H&G don't have to be jumping in bed every min. I like it that they are friends and become more working and training together. I think they are good for each other and JK left more for writers to use theire own ideas with envolving each other. Good luck in all you do. Just remember we are still reading and rereading your story.
catmay posted a comment on Saturday 18th December 2010 2:07pm for Chapter 11 - Taking a Stand
Your writing leaves something to be desired. I desire more of it.
I appreciate reading works that use good grammar, make sense, and flow well. I appreciate your works. I do hope you plan on writing more for this! I know I will look forward to reading it, if and when you do!
coronal posted a comment on Saturday 11th December 2010 3:49pm for Chapter 11 - Taking a Stand
It's been a while, so I'm just hoping all is well with you two. No rush, I'm not going to be one of those people demanding more and offering nothing. Just thought I'd drop a note and see how you're doing, is all.
Zamia posted a comment on Friday 3rd December 2010 5:30am for Chapter 11 - Taking a Stand
Your views of an insular wizard world are spot on. Good to see Harry starting to stand up for and use his feelings. Now all I want for Xmas is the next Ch.. oops ducked the fry pan. Cheers.
lifeisaparadox posted a comment on Tuesday 9th November 2010 9:18am for Chapter 11 - Taking a Stand
Brilliant story, especially the part with the talking exothermic reaction device.
lifeisaparadox posted a comment on Tuesday 9th November 2010 9:17am for Chapter 11 - Taking a Stand
Brilliant story, especially the talking exothermic reaction device.
Greg Webb posted a comment on Friday 29th October 2010 7:22pm for Chapter 11 - Taking a Stand
ok. last update was awhile ago. 4 months but whose counting. will we be getting something soon? all hallows sounds good to me.
phareigh posted a comment on Wednesday 27th October 2010 5:59pm for Chapter 11 - Taking a Stand
This was a really engaging story. I like the idea of wizards eventually being exposed through advanced technology and I never really understood Pepper-Up Potion as a cure for the common cold. You've just brought up a lot of things that I've never seen in other fics or considered before. I like where you're going with this story and can't wait to see what you have next. :)
Tammy Driver posted a comment on Monday 18th October 2010 7:43am for Chapter 11 - Taking a Stand
3....2....1....BOOM!!!! How big of a hole did it leave?
DJ posted a comment on Saturday 16th October 2010 6:58am for Chapter 11 - Taking a Stand
I have sat down a few times to read his fic but real life kept getting in the way. Now that I have found the time I have to say tou did a grat job with it. I think this is an awsom mix of what it wrong & right with all the HP crew Ron is an a*s but not evil APWBD is out of his mind and a bunch more that you know because you wrote it. well done and I look forward to the rest.
csljr1 posted a comment on Thursday 14th October 2010 10:04pm for Chapter 11 - Taking a Stand
Love it - can't wait for more. That 'talking bomb' is brilliant :-)
amulder posted a comment on Wednesday 13th October 2010 8:41am for Chapter 11 - Taking a Stand
Your closing lines make me think of the opening chapter of "Starship Troopers"... He also was lobbing talking bombs about. Was that intentional?
(I think it's the 3rd time I've read this chapter... hoping for more soon!)
jafo2008 posted a comment on Sunday 10th October 2010 9:26am for Chapter 11 - Taking a Stand
Great chapter, I can't wait to read the next one.
Patches posted a comment on Tuesday 5th October 2010 12:32pm for Chapter 11 - Taking a Stand
Dear Bob and Alyx, I just reread the story up to now. It is so good. I am really enjoying it. Like all your other readers I am looking forward to the next chapter. I want you to know I have a new appreciation of the hard work you do writing these stories. I just entered a story my daughter wrote into the computer and it took me over a week to enter 93 pages and I didn't have to think up the dialog and story line. Thank you for writing. I hope you are well. Take care. A fan for years. pms
Netta posted a comment on Monday 4th October 2010 8:58pm for Chapter 11 - Taking a Stand
Update soon!!
gadriam posted a comment on Sunday 3rd October 2010 2:42am for Chapter 11 - Taking a Stand
Not to rush you or make you do unspeakable things to inoffensive animals or anything, but after the umpteenth re-read, I'd love to see some more of the story. It would sort of be funny if you polish Voldie off with something stupid and focus on the revolution. I know you're not afraid to go big so go big and write the great reveal as well. I've never read a good story of the wizarding world revealing itself to the normals. You could do it, though. There are stories where the normals find or reveal the magicals, but a story where the magicals decide to reveal themselves would be great i think.
May Robert Lind in Kramfors bless your keyboard.
sinayah posted a comment on Saturday 2nd October 2010 7:16am for Chapter 11 - Taking a Stand
Hey Bob and Alyx! Hope you guys are doing well and busy writing. As much as I love your stories (big fan of DA and SC, Sun Series, and Wizards Fall) I wasnt sure about this one. Of course, by the third chapter I was fully engrossed in it and eagerly clicking the 'next' button. Now Ive come to the end and the button wont click :(. Just wanted to tell you both that I love your work and will be waiting for the next update, whenever it comes!
pug54321 posted a comment on Saturday 25th September 2010 8:31am for Chapter 11 - Taking a Stand
could someone get a message out to that there site is acting up?
darksidhe posted a comment on Wednesday 22nd September 2010 10:06pm for Chapter 11 - Taking a Stand
oh noes! I are all caught up! What now? I am an exothermic reaction device. 3. I need to go to sleep now anyway. Thanks so far!
sparrowphoenix posted a comment on Thursday 23rd December 2010 8:09am for Chapter 11 - Taking a Stand