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Mutant Storm
Special Notice

By Bobmin

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Welcome to the start of Mutant Storm. A few notes, before we begin.

This story is a Harry/Ginny hookup. You've been warned. If you don't like that relationship, stop now and leave. We will not put up with any whining, bitching or moaning over the ship. You were not ambushed or tricked in any way. If you continue to read from this point on, knowing you dislike/hate/loath the ship, you have no one to blame but yourself, so refrain from commenting. If you comment anyway, we will simply delete your review, regardless of whatever else you had to say. Do yourself a favor and don't waste your time or ours.

As for Potterverse and X-Men canon, this story is AU in both 'verses. Don't like the idea? Again, don't read any further than this. We've twisted both to suit our needs, something you should all be used to at this point. Again, if that's not your thing, stop now and go elsewhere.

For those still here, we hope you enjoy the story.

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