Content Harry Potter


Miss Millie posted a comment on Wednesday 15th May 2019 4:50pm for Special Notice


I love this story! I just wish it was longer, I think it is the 6 or 7 time I've read it! It's like visiting an old friend.

I am such a H&G fan. Not the kind jumping in bed all the time! I love bonded stories one is Family Inseparable, I think that one I have read even more and told it to dozens of people, lol. I just wish he would write more to it, my friends and I gave him lots of ideas, and a little begging too. I've try ed to finish my favorite stories , or add to the ones I don't watch to end. But alas I'm a reader you are the writer. And I'm so glad you have such a wonderful imagination! Good luck with your writing.

Miss Millie

Miss Millie posted a comment on Friday 11th September 2015 12:56pm for Special Notice


I love this story I just wish it was longer.......

Keep writing!

Miss Millie

Miss Millie posted a comment on Thursday 10th September 2015 11:54pm for Special Notice


I love this story I just wish you hadn't listened to so many I don't like h&g story I think the last part of your story could have had more charter building Ginny could have been brought into the family more. I can't tell you how many times I've read and reread this story I didn't know anything about the XMEN characters until your story I would have liked a longer and may Ron and Hr could have been?

Good luck with all you do.

Miss Millie

Rivan posted a comment on Wednesday 1st December 2010 6:06am for Special Notice

At last someone with the awesome Harry/Ginny pairing crossover!
Just cannot wait to read this piece of goodness!

Rivan posted a comment on Wednesday 1st December 2010 6:03am for Special Notice

At last someone with the awesome Harry/Ginny pairing crossover!Cannot wait to read up this goodness!![url=]Your text to link here...[/url]Yesssssss!
At last someone with the awesome Harry/Ginny pairing crossover!Cannot wait to read up this goodness!!

wolfey posted a comment on Wednesday 20th October 2010 1:55pm for Special Notice

Well I am more in to harry/hermione. but I will read harry/ginny if its well written. Like there are currently three stories on I will read thats harry/ginny.

Hagrid posted a comment on Wednesday 11th August 2010 2:55pm for Special Notice

I've never read a better written special notes, come ter think of it, I've never read Any other special notes. Just goes ter show how I feel about yer writin' I guess. Yer could post yer shoppin' lists and I reckon I'd read those as well, but please, cross of the donuts before yer post 'em. The soggy lil dough balls go right ter me thighs.

millie johanson posted a comment on Tuesday 27th July 2010 3:07am for Special Notice

Hello I love your story I have not found any other crossover HP&Xman
I love all your Charaters.

Also could you help me I have spent over an hr. again trying to get my password thompson1 to work and I have tried every other I have used or could think to use. I'm 65 and we have no one how uses our computer but my husband and I. I use the same for all fanfiction but for some reason I keep getting your site worng.

Please help as I don't want to miss your next update.
Thanks Miss Millie

pobolycwm posted a comment on Sunday 18th July 2010 1:20am for Special Notice

Dont like Harry/Ginny. cant you use search and replace to change Ginny for someone with big norks, someone like ooooh i dont know fanon always has Sue Bones with over large shirt potato`s

other than that great chapter write more

John Nettles posted a comment on Thursday 24th June 2010 8:15am for Special Notice

I have just re-read through this story, and must say, while Harry/Ginny relationship stories are usually not among my favorets, this one I find quite entertaining; mostly becouse you are taking the time to actually develop a relationship, unlike the simple writing it into existence from the cannon.

Well Done.

headbanger posted a comment on Saturday 24th April 2010 8:22am for Special Notice

Update the summary, just because you wrote it at 2 AM initially is no excuse leaving it as it is. A fic written by someone, who by their own admission can't write a good summary, isn't going to attract many readers.

Aurilia posted a comment on Thursday 31st December 2009 2:26am for Special Notice

Meh, I may not be the biggest fan of Harry/Ginny, but I don't mind the occasional tale - besides, I know y'all's writing style and enjoy the stories y'all write. I keep hopin' y'all will do another story in the Sunrise/Sunset 'verse, but I'll take what I can get!

Phil Boswell posted a comment on Tuesday 20th October 2009 4:29pm for Special Notice

I'd love to know how many reviews you had to delete even after your explicit warning.

Simply-Hugs posted a comment on Saturday 19th September 2009 10:10pm for Special Notice

Isn't it automatically classified as AU the moment you change the original idea?

Just saying.


Vyperr posted a comment on Wednesday 26th August 2009 5:32am for Special Notice

Must say I LOVE the special notice. I wish more authors would do as you have done. Keep uo the good work.

PopeYodaI posted a comment on Sunday 23rd August 2009 8:27pm for Special Notice

Ah, damn... just had to be that pairing. And I heard such good things about this story, too

Carol Layland posted a comment on Sunday 16th August 2009 9:48am for Special Notice

I really do like these notes and I totally agree with you and your stance. with close to a million or so HP stories up here on the World Wide Web any one who does not appreciate your work can simply go elseware.
Carol Layland>

memnoch541 posted a comment on Sunday 1st March 2009 6:17pm for Special Notice

Well.. just spent 2 weeks going over all your works, with exception of the one offs. (one chaptered stories don't interest me much). I thank chem prof for having you in his favorite authors on because without that and reading his great stories I wouldn't have come across your wonderful re-imagination of everything. I'm saddened tho that most of the good writers for HP ff pretty much stopped writing after deathly hallows. I haven't read your mutant crossovers yet but just looking at the dates I'm saddened... wizards fall had great promise for a revenge harry / back story, but seems that was abandoned a year ago. (I think you should add that to your updateless list) :P Even though you meant it to be a one shot when you made it into 4 chapters you created a story that should've been told...

I hope you two continue writing. I'm delving more into your favourite authors, and hoping that not all is lost into the really good ff authors out there. I know that your guys/gals only source of income in fan fiction is praise, I give you mine, and I hope you keep writing... if you do continue on with wizards fall... well I'll be happy. ;) But I also would like to see a good story after deathly hallows from you 2... and I know there would be many a good story lines out there with all the loopholes JKR put out.

Your humble servant...
Rob (memnoch)

cwejr posted a comment on Sunday 10th August 2008 2:36am for Special Notice

As Artie Shaw would probably have said, "Very upfront, but Egocentric."

TxA_GunFighter posted a comment on Friday 25th July 2008 10:24am for Special Notice

I'm going to give it a try and see what you have for us.
