Sunrise Over Britain
Chapter 10 - Angels and Weddings
By Bobmin
WhiteElfElder posted a comment on Thursday 18th August 2011 7:29pm for Chapter 10 - Angels and Weddings
It seems that Luna may have forgotten to let the information about the bonding that Harry and Hermione are capable of to become known to Hermione, or at least hinted at. Will that ever happen..the bonding? If anyone is stupid enough to attack Susan and Terry, I hope they enjoy death...and that Frog that sold the newlyweds out as well.
Keeroo92 posted a comment on Friday 7th January 2011 10:35pm for Chapter 10 - Angels and Weddings
Great job describing the ceremony!
Snag posted a comment on Thursday 15th April 2010 7:10pm for Chapter 10 - Angels and Weddings
(Ch. 10) Agreed (re: unfinished fic notes)- Olafr did one of the best characterizations of Tonks that I've ever seen.
Fidelia posted a comment on Friday 24th October 2008 4:02am for Chapter 10 - Angels and Weddings
I am having a stupid moment...Eight couples were married? You have eight newly married couples dancing...I thought that there were 5 couples...if this is not a typoe...who else got married? The J&W twins? That still leaves one set of newlyweds unaccounted for.
As I said, just a bit dense from lack of coffee.
Very nice handfasting ritual - had a feeling of authenticity without taking that awful step into the overly dramatic, gothy, bad b-movie cliche.
Still enjoying it. Very happy that Charlie is slowly removing head from arse. Bald Dumbledore was a treat. Now I am feeling sad for Terry/Susan - the seemingly expendable set of Outcasts.
darthloki posted a comment on Monday 7th July 2008 4:30pm for Chapter 10 - Angels and Weddings
"Partner switch?" offered Miles.
Seeing Minerva was agreeable, he bowed to her and switched to dancing...with Miles.
Harry and Miles took several bumbling steps, each instinctively trying to lead the other, when the shock finally wore off enough for Miles to start laughing.
"I meant switch female partners, you prat!" Miles exclaimed as he pulled away from Harry and walked back to Minerva.
"That will teach you to be more specific," Harry told him as he wrapped his arms around Hermione and began to dance.
*laughs hysterically* Very funny. I also liked the birthday prank, especially the dancing pigs.
David305 posted a comment on Monday 16th June 2008 9:59am for Chapter 10 - Angels and Weddings
"a Bluejay started to caw loudly" -- alas, strictly a North American bird. None at all in Ireland or anywhere else in Europe. (Other noisy corvidae, e.g. crows and ravens, are very available, though.)
"he did not share her beliefs. At least, not yet." I sense that where you're going is affirming Christian beliefs. Not only is that your right as an author, but also could be seen as your duty if you're a Christian.
In context, though, it doesn't ring right. The history of the Christian faith has been to regard witches, wizards and magic as evil, and to try to burn or otherwise destroy them. Sorta puts a damper in the desire of a Wizard to belong to such a faith. There are very similar experiences among gay Christians: rejected for what they are, a majority either join a gay church like the MCC, or switch religions, or drop out.
It's a very normal human reaction: don't go where you're not wanted.
JKR calls herself a Christian, and certainly uses a lot of Christian imagery in the books. But she never sends Harry to church, because she recognizes this particular issue.
Nic to see Andromeda and Ted at last! BTW, why haven't we heard a thing for ages about Hedwig?
Keep it up! Cheers,
Alex Austin posted a comment on Monday 5th November 2007 2:07am for Chapter 10 - Angels and Weddings
You didn't talk about Ginny and Neville's or Tonks and Remus. How were their honeymoons?
Anyway, love the story. I'm not an H/Hr shipper, but this one is very convincing.
arwen posted a comment on Saturday 9th June 2007 3:32am for Chapter 10 - Angels and Weddings
I love your story! It's very entertaining and I can't stop reading it.
The only thing I wanted to comment on was that I thought Charlie was treated a bit unfairly by the other characters. The reason that he didn't believe them was because of two reasons. One, he was fed wrong information, which isn't his fault. Two, he thought that they weren't themselves, which doesn't count as not trusting them. As soon as they showed him the pensieve memories and he found a logical reason to believe that they weren't being controlled, he believed them. So, where did he go wrong? I don't think that he really did. If it was logical to believe that they had been enchanted and Dumbledore was a good, trustworthy person, the right thing to do would be what Charlie did, and based on the information that he had, it was logical.
lmahlerdd posted a comment on Tuesday 27th March 2007 2:00pm for Chapter 10 - Angels and Weddings
Good job, and great recommendation for the updateless list.
Erik Wiggins posted a comment on Friday 26th May 2006 7:44am for Chapter 10 - Angels and Weddings
Where's my update??? I know I know, I'm a selfish jerk who gets all of the pleasure of reading this wonderful tale but none of the headaches. Actually, that's not true. If you guys were mediocre writers then it would be true but since you are not and the story is excellent, having to wait for the update is torture! Hurry Up! ...and keep up the great work and incredibly high standards
TNaSeein' posted a comment on Tuesday 23rd May 2006 12:12pm for Chapter 10 - Angels and Weddings
I was just wondering. It took quite awhile before Charlie was allowed to step foot in Padfoot Manor, so how long will it take Melinda McKinney before she gets to meet Harry and the gang.
Or is she still in the dark about the whole Brotherhood thing?
Draymon posted a comment on Monday 22nd May 2006 12:00am for Chapter 10 - Angels and Weddings
Your writing rocks. Just a couple of questions
Glideroy lockhert and the Longbottoms were they evacuated?
The angel will they be visible to muggles? such as olga and sven
TheBlackPearl posted a comment on Saturday 20th May 2006 11:55pm for Chapter 10 - Angels and Weddings
Hurray, for happy occasions. And honeymoons! :) I do worry about Susan and Terry's well being. That desk clerk could possibly be up to no good.
I am glad Hermione did not try and AK Luna over the Angels stunt, as I truly love Luna and would hate to see her go.
Love how Harry turned that possession back on Riddle.
I still have the urge to *thwack* Ginny betweenb the eyes when she talks, but I am more inclined to try and like her in this fic.
Thrilled to see Tonks' parents are alive and well and reunited with their daughter on her wedding day.
And Bless You both for Minerva's memory of the day Harry was born. While, I love the glimpse into Harry's parents, I do have an unexplainable love for Sirius Black and any snippet that brings him back to life, however briefly, totally makes me giddy. Aunt Minnie, indeed.
Great chapter.
ZachShanks posted a comment on Tuesday 16th May 2006 6:59am for Chapter 10 - Angels and Weddings
Excessively long update periods.
Why pray tell does seem to take some authors MONTHS to write a 3K word chapter? I don’t get that at all
your own words. i'm just screwing with ya i'd rather read a storie that takes a month between updates then a rushed one so keep up the good work and thanks for the hours of entertainment. sry i kinda had a spelling error in there the first time around
ZachShanks posted a comment on Tuesday 16th May 2006 6:57am for Chapter 10 - Angels and Weddings
Excessively long update periods.
Why pray tell does seem to take some authors MONTHS to write a 3K word chapter? I don’t get that at all
your own words. i'm just screwing with ya i'd rather read a storie that takes a month between updates then a rushed one so keep up the good work and that for the hours of entertainment.
UKlover posted a comment on Saturday 6th May 2006 7:36pm for Chapter 10 - Angels and Weddings
I started Sunset on Thursday and and now up to this point in Sunrise. These two stories are awe inspiring and very addicting. I'm sure if this story were finished I'd be done by tonight since I can't seem to stop reading them! Can't wait until the next chapter.
vertru posted a comment on Saturday 6th May 2006 8:26am for Chapter 10 - Angels and Weddings
Congratulations on another long and bounteous chapter. You have once again raised the bar of fanfiction with your amazing imagery and well thought out scenarios. The wedding scene was especially sweet and endearing when Hermione froze up. You paint the pair as being so human and humane, they feel like friends. Excellent job with this, as usual.
darktail posted a comment on Saturday 6th May 2006 6:56am for Chapter 10 - Angels and Weddings
...Spiffy chapter, as always. ^_^
...Please take care of yourself, ok? I don't want you feeling bad 'cause we want new chapters every few hours or so. (...Just Kidding... Nobody "ever" asked that, right? O_o)
We can wait, you know? (Well, "I" can wait, I can't talk for others...)
...Now, can I add my two cents of the updateless list?
Curse of the Banshee
AU, starting from GoF's last chapters.
Last update: 10-27-04 (chapter 16 is the last)
AzkabanInnocent!Harry at first, then Harry defeats Voldemort and is freed, but in chapter 13 his grieving "called" the Banshees, who...
..Not telling any more things, but don't read the story if you're easily hooked up, or it would be a bad thing, seeing the last update's date...
...I really wish that this story was updated again.
Olaf Rammler posted a comment on Saturday 6th May 2006 4:08am for Chapter 10 - Angels and Weddings
Its absolutely great. please continue it very soon!
mysuv1 posted a comment on Sunday 7th January 2018 9:27pm for Chapter 10 - Angels and Weddings