Sunrise Over Britain
Chapter 10 - Angels and Weddings
By Bobmin
Graup posted a comment on Wednesday 3rd May 2006 9:04am for Chapter 10 - Angels and Weddings
Enjoyed the chapter. You did a great job on the weddings, but I see trouble for the Boots. Darn!
I hate Draco as well - at least he is a minor character so far.
Interesting tie in with the Druids, and all their traditions.
I liked the part about Luna, and that Harry already has the tool to kill Voldie. I have to confess, though, that you have me stumped.
Thanks for the new chapter.
Life's a Dance posted a comment on Wednesday 3rd May 2006 8:18am for Chapter 10 - Angels and Weddings
Here's another to add to the updateless list: The Hero with a Thousand Faces by Lori @
TxA_GunFighter posted a comment on Wednesday 3rd May 2006 5:03am for Chapter 10 - Angels and Weddings
Outstanding story. I can't wait for the next chapter. Nice job.
Obliviate posted a comment on Tuesday 2nd May 2006 2:35am for Chapter 10 - Angels and Weddings
Ah.. They're so sweet. :D
Unlike you, I actually like Draco very much, and I like the way you've made his redemption possible in this fic, it actually seems possible, and that's well done considering all the people who never seems to manage to write it plausible. I'm not a H/Hr fan, but again, this is so well written that I just have to keep reading! :D
I love this fic, and I sincerely hope that you'll get healthy soon, and update frequently once more.
If you want a recommandation for the Updateless List, fics like Without Wand Or Wire ( and the Awakening of A Magus (, gloriously written but not updated for quite some time.. :S
keep up the good work!
bigdrunkguy posted a comment on Tuesday 2nd May 2006 1:54am for Chapter 10 - Angels and Weddings
Fucking good story, I'd like to say. Too bad it's not finished yet. How many chapters are you planning to have? So I could put a notification on my schedule to reread it some time in 2007 ;)
Very nice case of SuperHarry here. That dark twist makes both stories much more interesting than DA an SC. I'm really loving EvilDD fics BTW so I couldn't miss your work. :)
Talking about your fics, I'm quite pleased by your style, your plot ideas, your humor, and (last but not the least) the word/chapter figures. One suggestion, would you please kill Harry this time? The lucky bastard seems to escape every single killing curse thrown at him. Maybe that greedy bitch called JKR would dispose of him at the end of book 7...I hope.
Manatheron posted a comment on Monday 1st May 2006 12:48am for Chapter 10 - Angels and Weddings
Ooohhh cute, yet angsty. I can easily understand the difficulty in updating... I"m going on a month and a half myself... Different Story though... It's almost done I swear ;)
Loved the angels, really loved the wedding, and well... Draco and Luna finally win =D
Excellent work, it's easily worth the wait!
rjdagr8er posted a comment on Sunday 30th April 2006 10:15am for Chapter 10 - Angels and Weddings
I'm not sure if you guys have addressed this or not, but why couldn't Harry just chop off his leg and replace it with that same silver stuff that Voldemort used to give Wormtail a new hand? Anyways, this story is great, and hopefully you guys keep at it. Thanks.
Badger-dude posted a comment on Sunday 30th April 2006 3:59am for Chapter 10 - Angels and Weddings
Gd chapter. Update soon!
scott2 posted a comment on Saturday 29th April 2006 11:58am for Chapter 10 - Angels and Weddings
Wonderful chap, also vey nice cliffy for the Susan and terry honeymoon, Keep up the great work
Soothingmadness posted a comment on Saturday 29th April 2006 5:13am for Chapter 10 - Angels and Weddings
i have been wondering this since the chapter were the barrier was put up. wouldn't voldemort be able to pass the barrier because he has no dark mark and hes far enough from human he could possibly be immune to the sickness
Highschool Nerd posted a comment on Friday 28th April 2006 10:43pm for Chapter 10 - Angels and Weddings
Great chapter! I feel trouble going this way.... hope Terry and Susan will be okay. Update soon! :)
Babs posted a comment on Friday 28th April 2006 3:04pm for Chapter 10 - Angels and Weddings
It's strange, when I notice that you've updated, I often think that your story is darker than I generally like, and still, I feel compelled to continue reading.
What I really like about your story:
- While making obvious how devastating war can be, it stays drama and does not turn into angst or a sadistic, i.e. unnecessary for the plot, description of cruelty.
- Luna: One of the better explanations for her odd ways, and she is recognized as a key member of the outcasts and a powerful witch.
- How you deal with the topic of religion: I've seen too many of those "oh, Harry, of course all witches and wizards are believers according to this religion, time you got educated in our ways!" whereupon Harry embraces said religion wholeheartedly and anyone not doing the same (mostly Hermione) stays an outsider in wizanding society. Instead, you give a good reason why a specific group is confronted with a pre-christian religion, they grapple with its concepts an voice where it disagrees with their own beliefs and convictions.
- Was it really necessary that Dumbledore escaped again? Once more, and it's getting repetitive.
- the case of the French portkey clerk. I noticed that you set up Susan and Terry to be the expendable ones among the outsiders, as neither holds key functions for the plot beyond the fact that they are members of the outsiders. However, I think you should have Charlie tell his story before T and S get into real problems, otherwise he will lose all the credibility he is just starting to regain - and I liked that he came around.
Otherwise, all the best and I hope you will be better or at least pain-free soon.
Alex00 posted a comment on Friday 28th April 2006 1:00pm for Chapter 10 - Angels and Weddings
Awsome chapter.
AJ4 posted a comment on Friday 28th April 2006 12:24pm for Chapter 10 - Angels and Weddings
Yay! they got married! the wedding sounded really nice too! I hope you both get over your sickness and please write more soon!
-AJ : )
John Pinkston posted a comment on Friday 28th April 2006 10:52am for Chapter 10 - Angels and Weddings
I hope you both get well soon. Good chapter. Keep up the good work.
Katherine Leftwich posted a comment on Friday 28th April 2006 6:43am for Chapter 10 - Angels and Weddings
Intersting, what happened to Dumbledore?
Ruth posted a comment on Friday 28th April 2006 5:09am for Chapter 10 - Angels and Weddings
Aww great ceremony, i was wondering what the others did for their wreaths. Also, whats the language you used for the oaths? Did you make it up or borrow it from somewhere? I hope Susan and Terry aren't going to have their honeymoon ruined. I love the Draco and Luna pairing, its completely nuts but it works! Well done, great chap once again.
Donald McLeod posted a comment on Thursday 27th April 2006 11:11pm for Chapter 10 - Angels and Weddings
Very good on all points. look forward to the next chapter.
shlager_5321 posted a comment on Thursday 27th April 2006 9:10pm for Chapter 10 - Angels and Weddings
again as always a superb chapter from the hands of the all mighty Bob and Alyx!
hope you get well soon.
and i also have a question, one that i have asked a few times already and never got an answer for...
What the hell happened to Mad-Eye Moody when Britian fell? i really dont think that he would have let himself be captured by Voldemort! and i also dont think that he would just stay low like that and do nothing to try and win Britain back...
please answer this time...
again get well soon and keep up the good work
Patches posted a comment on Friday 5th May 2006 4:14pm for Chapter 10 - Angels and Weddings