Sunrise Over Britain
Chapter 10 - Angels and Weddings
By Bobmin
ginyginger posted a comment on Tuesday 25th April 2006 9:24pm for Chapter 10 - Angels and Weddings
other updateless story: hope!!! come ON jeconais ( the last time he update, as you should know, was the 14 feb)
Hagrid posted a comment on Tuesday 25th April 2006 9:04pm for Chapter 10 - Angels and Weddings
I got som'att ter say ter the two of yeh, but fer the life of me, I can't remember. Seems like them muggle pain killers their doctor gave me yesterday have addeled me brains. It was so very nice to find a new chapter ter read while me head clears. Now maybe I can go firure out what a gall bladder is, now that I don't have one anymore. Enough of me muddle headedness, this chapter's a great one. Another in a long line of 'em. I'm thinkin' that if Alex fell off the face of the earth, Bob would soon follow.
Finbar posted a comment on Tuesday 25th April 2006 6:49pm for Chapter 10 - Angels and Weddings
A great chapter, I do like the details you added into the handfastings. Very cool.
I can also see that sadly, Terry and susan may well soon be dead due to unmarked Death Eaters. On their honeymoon no less. I do hope this wont be the case, but I dont hold out much hope, considering this is a war and sadly, members of the Inner Circle will die.
So, are Tonk's parents really under the Imperius?
Orion posted a comment on Tuesday 25th April 2006 9:35pm for Chapter 10 - Angels and Weddings