Sunrise Over Britain
Chapter 12 - Wives speak out and an Azkaban Field Trip
By Bobmin
Thegriz posted a comment on Tuesday 15th April 2014 1:46pm for Chapter 12 - Wives speak out and an Azkaban Field Trip
Bob this a reread of this story. I had the 1st ten chapter saved. As I have about 80% plus of your stories. Your one of the best for H P fan fic. Your 1st on my list.
I express my wishes that you and your family have been able to peacefully take care of your father estate. And that all can remember the good times. May the love your parents gave to all be the example that all follow.
Keeroo92 posted a comment on Saturday 8th January 2011 9:54pm for Chapter 12 - Wives speak out and an Azkaban Field Trip
Another great chapter!
Jakh33 posted a comment on Monday 9th August 2010 7:56pm for Chapter 12 - Wives speak out and an Azkaban Field Trip
Your story seems a little bit confusing, did a few years pass between sunrise and sunset because in sunset I read this:
""Yeah, twin girls, squibs apparently, Helga and Inga, age nine," replied George."
but now in sunset you have:
"Entering the room, she was shocked to find her brother asleep, with his girlfriend in the same bed, and neither were dressed."
Are you saying that Fred and George are having sex... with nine year olds?
anon.m7 posted a comment on Saturday 13th March 2010 5:45pm for Chapter 12 - Wives speak out and an Azkaban Field Trip
sorry, the review below review was supposed to be for next chapter...
i seem to have hit a back button without noticing...
anon.m7 posted a comment on Saturday 13th March 2010 5:44pm for Chapter 12 - Wives speak out and an Azkaban Field Trip
it is very hard to believe that your hermione will let that rescue mission,
or even show the letter to non-family. before the 'bonding' it would seem probable, but seems highly unlikely after she saw the memories...
this is probably your biggest mistake until now in this and the previous story.....
Mistress of Potions posted a comment on Sunday 13th September 2009 8:58am for Chapter 12 - Wives speak out and an Azkaban Field Trip
Do you have Azkaban off the coast of Wales as a deliberately anti-canon aspect of this story or did you forget it is in the North Sea?
RockBiter posted a comment on Monday 25th August 2008 6:32am for Chapter 12 - Wives speak out and an Azkaban Field Trip
Great battle. A whole new perspective on Neville. I like.
ella1983 posted a comment on Saturday 14th July 2007 2:05pm for Chapter 12 - Wives speak out and an Azkaban Field Trip
At the start of the section titled 'Operations Center, Briefing theater (August 12th)...' I half expected Snape to walk out in an exploding thong, your disclaimers are really messing with my head lol, loving this story (and the disclaimers) thanks for sharing :-D
GryffindorDragon posted a comment on Tuesday 12th June 2007 1:58am for Chapter 12 - Wives speak out and an Azkaban Field Trip
Great Azkaban scene. Azkaban is in the North Sea not the Irish (other side of Great Britain); or is that an AU thing (why would AU rearrange the map?)?
Selma Flamel posted a comment on Wednesday 6th June 2007 1:40am for Chapter 12 - Wives speak out and an Azkaban Field Trip
"Well, that might be true for a Weasley, Ginny, but you're a Longbottom now," Luna said with a sniff. "Besides, that curse died out a long time ago. The Weasley family just didn't realize that it hadn't passed through the generations and did their best to fulfill a curse that no longer existed. " self-fulfilling huh
"I'm going to have cast a permanent cushion charm on her if she ever gets pregnant," -- excellent idea Remus.
KateL posted a comment on Friday 13th April 2007 4:03pm for Chapter 12 - Wives speak out and an Azkaban Field Trip
a calming drought?? a calming dry desolate place// probably a calming draught or draft...
Eagle-Eyes posted a comment on Friday 1st December 2006 9:05am for Chapter 12 - Wives speak out and an Azkaban Field Trip
I think the two of you are terrific authors --- doing something not many people have the ability to do -- take a story and remove it somewhat from the originating author and make it totally believable.
Love it.
Jamie' posted a comment on Wednesday 26th July 2006 3:21pm for Chapter 12 - Wives speak out and an Azkaban Field Trip
Um, I thought it was Alpha, Bravo, Charlie, not Able, Baker, Charlie. You used the Joint Army/Navy phonetic alphabet, used until 1956, now people use the NATO phonetic alphabet.
Sterling posted a comment on Thursday 29th June 2006 3:02pm for Chapter 12 - Wives speak out and an Azkaban Field Trip
I'm still here and still reading your story...just thought you'd like to know that^_^
Jadzia7667 posted a comment on Monday 26th June 2006 6:55pm for Chapter 12 - Wives speak out and an Azkaban Field Trip
This is marvelous! Well plotted, well crafted, intelligent, and believable within your AU setting. I loathed book six, too. My only nitpick is that Harry hasn't been to see Hagrid in months, to explain things. Harry and Hagrid are fairly close, in view of the fact that he was Harry's very first friend. I realize he couldn't tell Hagrid in advance, because Hagrid isn't exactly discreet, but a conversation between them would be lovely.
When Snape bites it, can he please be wearing a thong? LMFAO
timey57 posted a comment on Sunday 18th June 2006 10:29am for Chapter 12 - Wives speak out and an Azkaban Field Trip
Wonderful story! I just read all of Sunset and now Sunrise and they were both very well written ^_^ and in this particular chapter I only noticed one mistake ;)
"Neville sighed and shook his head wearily. He checked his watch. It was just after seven in the morning. They had been on the island for barely an hour and he felt like he had been awake for days!
"Alright, Second Squad, let's dig in and hope no one wants to pay us another visit today," Neville called out.
He turned to start cleaning out the debris from his own hole when he heard someone shout. "Look!"
Spinning, he turned to face the fortress. The Dementors had fled to the top of the walls and were trying to escape into the building. All around them were the glowing Angels. The Angels circled the top of the building, every so often plucking a Dementor from the mass and dispatching it. Above the Angels, an enormous Celtic Cross hung in the sky, glowing brightly in the morning sun. It was the unofficial symbol of Haven, and the official talisman of the Brotherhood of CELTIC Knights(<---- wasn't is the Brotherhood of DRUIDIC Knights?).
Able company broke into a cheer at seeing the huge cross. Then Baker and finally Charlie companies took up the cry."
Well, that's all I have to say ^_^ both stories are very well written and I can't wait for the next update ^_^.
Ailishmckechnie posted a comment on Sunday 18th June 2006 8:30am for Chapter 12 - Wives speak out and an Azkaban Field Trip
I have joined you on your journey,(Sorry i use you to mean both authors) and love your story to no end. I am very happy with what you have created and obviouly your happy with what you've created or you would have stopped writting, that's all that matters to me.
This series may have started as an experiment but it's the best experiment I've ever seen(read). i extremely like the way you have taken characters from JK's works that were displayed as evil or disliked (Draco, for example) and tried and succeeded to come up with a convincing way of changing their personalities. I also wanted to see if you could take something I saw as unlikely or not believable (A Harry/Hermione pairing) and make it work.
I am pretty sure that if enough people broadcasted or reccomended your story you would have a cast of about ten of thousands. This is a Harry Potter story, but there are other voices that are heard and it makes the story unique. This story is well thought out, is believable and is bloody brilliant! Thank you for your hard efforts and great job.
DC posted a comment on Thursday 15th June 2006 11:58pm for Chapter 12 - Wives speak out and an Azkaban Field Trip
"Frankly the Harry going into and coming out of book six is a weak wimp that is probably going to end up getting killed in book seven. Book six was a major disappointment in my mind and it turned the last book (and all fan fic based on book six) into nothing more than a treasure hunt."
I know you guys aren't like that little psycho who wrote "A Slytherin REvenge (the story where everybody was against Harry and he hooked up with Blaise ZAbini, a girl version)" which was on for awhile. Remember that guy? The author's notes were him swwearing like a sailor with Tourette's about the stuff he hated from canon and cursing out his negative reviewers.
So I hope you'll forgive me for saying this (and perhaps appreciate a counter view-point), but you sound like you're almost disappointed that a) For once, we have a pretty good idea how the next book will go and b)It limits what one can do in post book 6 fics. To that I say:
So what? Rowling herself said 6 and 7 are more like one book split in half or something to that effect, so halfway through one book its natural you might have a rough idea how the other half might go. And JK is under no obligation to build a foundation for fanfic writers.
"Harry still hasn't received any decent combat training, but he's expected to duel a wizard with 50+ years of experience. Bye bye Harry."
But by that logic, even assuming Harry had been trained from birth, Voldemort would still have three decades more experience. The problem is is that a lot of people write stories (I'm not including you, because you guys are obviously smart enough to know better) assuming the "power the dark lord knows not" is some super destructive force that lets him do wandless and non verbal magic that would enable him to level a building with one spell, when Dumbledore makes it very clear that the power is just love. You guys write a super powered Harry, but you have better reasons for ignoring the canon explanation and make a good case for doing so.
At the end of HBP, Snape seems to make it pretty clear that Harry is pwoerful enough, he just needs to close his mind so he won't telegraph his attacks to a powerful Legilimens.
Over time, I have become less and less convinced that the final confrontation will take the form of a conventional duel, and if Harry dies, it won't be because he's well trained or not.
That said, I am a long time fan of both of you guys' works. I just can't help but notice that the people who criticize HBP the most are fanfiction writers and readers, especially those who have wrote and read numerous versions of year 6. If that's the case, I'm staying away from post HBP fiction so I won't be let down by the real thing.
No offense- but have you noticed this as well?
I think I have a differenet perspective than most, as I first read the entire Hp series 1-6 last summer non stop without any breaks between 5 and 6 for me to ponder the infinite number of ways number 6 could go.
I will agree that Dumbledore could have at least tried to extrapolate how the "power" works and could be used. But I also think that we have a disadvantage over the characters, so to speak: we know there's only one more book, one more year, but the characters don't. He probably simply expected a lot more time.
That said, I eagerly await the rest of the story.
And when are we going to see Dudley again?
AJ4 posted a comment on Thursday 15th June 2006 1:35pm for Chapter 12 - Wives speak out and an Azkaban Field Trip
Another awesome chapter!
-AJ : )
Brady66 posted a comment on Friday 21st September 2018 2:45am for Chapter 12 - Wives speak out and an Azkaban Field Trip