Sunrise Over Britain
Chapter 14 - Healing Conversations
By Bobmin
noylj posted a comment on Saturday 22nd October 2011 4:00pm for Chapter 14 - Healing Conversations
I really dislike Harry getting beat up to the point of dying all the time. So far, he has only used a small amount of power except at Ban Azka--and even there he should have leveled the island if he could.
Also, they are certainly basing their lives on prophesy.
Love all your stories.
Keeroo92 posted a comment on Sunday 9th January 2011 3:59pm for Chapter 14 - Healing Conversations
You two write so well it inspires me! Yay I might actually finish my fic! I haven't posted it yet, because you guys keep giving me more ideas and I like to have the whole thing ready before I post. Thanks for the Muse boost!
ivorynightfall posted a comment on Saturday 25th September 2010 12:05am for Chapter 14 - Healing Conversations
I think they share fault, but Hermione here blames it all on Harry! She doesn't even talk about how it was her fault for jumping to conclusions! Not a very sympathetic character...
lantana posted a comment on Sunday 4th October 2009 7:36am for Chapter 14 - Healing Conversations
Lovely story (as was its prequel, of course). One little question though: what is a "dinning" room, and what's happening there to make it so noisy? ;)
participium posted a comment on Tuesday 5th August 2008 11:10pm for Chapter 14 - Healing Conversations
Nice chapter. I'm surprised though that Hermione is seen at fault. What did she do wrong?
She saw Harry in emotional turmoil, rage, apparate away and close of the link completely. She found a letter that was clearly a trap and brought that letter to the authorities. She literally told Miles that she did not know where Harry is. He could be at Surrey, he could be somewhere else.
If indeed Harry went to Surrey alone there is a great chance that he would have been injured, as he was now, but captured by the enemy which would have meant Voldemort had won.
So what did she do wrong? Nothing. There are only two people at fault here and that is Miles and to a lesser extent Harry.
pobolycwm posted a comment on Monday 16th June 2008 9:50pm for Chapter 14 - Healing Conversations
to quote from above
Hmmm how many chapters will this story be? Frankly, Scarlet, I haven't a clue. Our chapters have been getting longer and I still can't really say how many chapters there will be. This chapter is a prime example. In our plot file the visit to see the rescued contained three whole plot points. The actuality of that section was 10 pages of scene. So the answer is, the story will contain as many chapters as necessary to get to the end. Helpful, eh?
i`d say 33 chapters :D will do proper thank you at the end
Melferd posted a comment on Friday 28th September 2007 12:09pm for Chapter 14 - Healing Conversations
You get better and get out of bed, and you can't reread your fic at near as fast a pace. Nope, doesn't matter, every time I read the story I'm in awe at your wonderful story weaving. Pace, characters, got it all, baby!!
I was starting to feel a little cranky at Remus, and Hermione's treatment last chapter, but I thought you explained it perfectly, and that Tonks shouldn't let Remus walk around wearing the butt plug for awhile, as someone who should know better, and is allegedly more adult than the kids. But you know, it's a personal 'hey Remus, why are you walking funny and acting like an arse?' comment, not a criticism. Excelsior, y'all!!
Joyfullscroll posted a comment on Tuesday 26th June 2007 9:03am for Chapter 14 - Healing Conversations
Ok, with this chapter I have a comment to make. Turn away if you don't really feel like reading it.
The thing that's happened with the Harry-Hermione-Miles problem well my first thought when I read it was 'you authors are really picking on Hermione alot' when you wrote of her situation. With Harry...well it's almost a given that he'd go off some sort of deep end. He'd also be true to the fact he'd NOT Talk of it to anyone in the Manor. To me, that part was very spot on. With Miles...*shrugs* now that he's hospilalized makes sense that he'd be such a Guy and NOT admit to being Sick till he FALLS OVER! (Unless of course he's in some type of close enough relationship that said partner would Drag them kicking and cursing to the doctor's appointment.)
So by the way things are going with Remus and Hermione they seem to be getting along again despite what happened. As for the press confrence, I guess all governments are all the same world-wide. Inept at times. Sooo we're going to have to deal with 'Mad-Eyes' need for 'Constant Vigilance' in an upcomming chapter huh? DO say you will, there could be lots of fun with his character in Haven or in Hogwarts!
Selma Flamel posted a comment on Wednesday 6th June 2007 1:49am for Chapter 14 - Healing Conversations
Moody may be an old warhorse but I’d rather he was working for me than against me.
"Thou art a gem among a field of dull stones and thy brilliance doth dazzle the eye and taketh away the breath!" Actual Shakespeare or just the flavor?
Lyn Piton posted a comment on Monday 4th September 2006 10:28am for Chapter 14 - Healing Conversations
Yay, more Moody! I like the dynamic between him and Dumbledore; I know you've said he won't be a big part of the story, but I'm still hoping to see more of him!
TxA_GunFighter posted a comment on Wednesday 9th August 2006 1:34pm for Chapter 14 - Healing Conversations
Very good story.
Cky Raes posted a comment on Sunday 16th July 2006 10:00am for Chapter 14 - Healing Conversations
*sigh* You were doing so well too...
LoggingInSucksAss posted a comment on Saturday 15th July 2006 7:53am for Chapter 14 - Healing Conversations
I must have been a beta in my past life... I wasn't aware buns could flap, in a breeze or otherwise. :)
Now onto the next chapter! You guys have been in a frenzy, lately... you're just about matching your original posting schedule!
Mickey posted a comment on Wednesday 12th July 2006 2:01am for Chapter 14 - Healing Conversations
Very nice chapter. I liked Moody and Albus's conversation and the way you had Harry and Hermionie work stuff out, you didn't mention a whole list of people who share the blame for the abortion of a rescue mission but there were enough to show that it was no one person's fault.
This chapter also fixed the problem of their forces seeming too well orgenized by making it clear they'd allowed Miles to become a point failure for the entire system.
One thing, sooner or later you're going to have to have some of the good guys whom we've gotten to know die. It is a war and having only unnamed grunts die will sooner or later become unbelivable.
The Unicorn
Z3US posted a comment on Tuesday 11th July 2006 7:24am for Chapter 14 - Healing Conversations
Very well.... i hope the story will continue soon. very soon!!!!
atlantis-rob posted a comment on Monday 10th July 2006 4:08am for Chapter 14 - Healing Conversations
Wow. Amazing work on the last 7 chapters, I was way behind on reading and reviews and caughtup the other day on a slow weekend. Amazing work on the continued development of the plot especialyl nutso dumbledore, the small issues hermione has had with doing things with out more thinking, etc and harry's smaller issues. The raid on Azkahban was awesome as was the angel's luna created. Truly awesome. twisted work with riddle and such also and his ritual of power stealing...suprised the ghosts haven't reported the new trend yet either. Great job with all the dialogue and sub-bits that are going, hope to see more moody also! Cheers and all! Also I love the list of shame! :)
exar posted a comment on Monday 10th July 2006 2:39am for Chapter 14 - Healing Conversations
Great took me a bit to get to it but I thoroughly enjoyed. My thinking of Miles' decision on sending in the attack team without scouting was the simple fear of something happening to potter. Even though it turned out a mistake, he paniced and did his best to get support for Harry (even though he never went back Surrey). Just my thought...the fault lies at Harry's feet for not flaming the note from Lucious.
mcfeedfest posted a comment on Sunday 9th July 2006 9:57pm for Chapter 14 - Healing Conversations
A lot of updates recently huh? Yay!!!! Three cheers for Alyx lol Bob's a woman abuser so he doesn't get anything. It'll be interesting to see what Voldy does now since hes going on the defensive now with the recent attack on Azkaban and the morale boost the world got out of it.
Ailishmckechnie posted a comment on Sunday 9th July 2006 5:47am for Chapter 14 - Healing Conversations
Very well done chaps! I haven't really got the time to reply to the fullest but i willl try.
I have read all of your storys to their so far completed potenial and I must say "good show!"
Please keep up the good work. It is marvoulous work so far and i wish to see it continue,
Abbey_Riddle posted a comment on Sunday 5th August 2018 6:04pm for Chapter 14 - Healing Conversations