Sunrise Over Britain
Chapter 14 - Healing Conversations
By Bobmin
guyute44 posted a comment on Thursday 6th July 2006 3:13pm for Chapter 14 - Healing Conversations
For the past month or so I have been trying to find the time to actually sit down and read more than one paragraph. I finally managed the time and got to read the last three chapters, and I must say they are some of the best chapters I have read in the story. It was interesting to see that even though Harry has super powers, he can still be injured under the wrong circumstances. The discussion between Harry and Hermione in the aftermath was well written, and I can see how it will help both of them grow up. I'm sorry to see Miles have to step down, but ulcers are a nasty business. I like how in your stories, magic can't cure everything, kind of brings home the point magic can't do everything. Looking forward to your next chapter next month.
Kristina posted a comment on Thursday 6th July 2006 6:52am for Chapter 14 - Healing Conversations
Well, at least somebody else sees Dumbledore as a phycho (my hats off to Moody!) Good chapter, folks, and I'm now realizing why Hermione and Miles did in the last chapter. DUH ME! Anyways, good chappie, and update soon!
Anaknisatanas posted a comment on Wednesday 5th July 2006 2:49pm for Chapter 14 - Healing Conversations
YAY!! I was hoping for Ragnok and some of the goblins to come over for dinner at some point. I think its really cool that Harry made the offer. You've done a great job with Harry as a character in this story, everything is very realistic. Harry suffers casualties and even Hermione makes mistakes.
Will the goblins be offering any support to Harry? You would think that even though they don't necessarily have armies they would have some trained as guards and whatnot. But maybe I'm just expecting too much to come from this dinner with the goblins?
Perhaps when Oliver Wood recovers he could head up a squad of broom fighters or scouts or something? Just a suggestion...
kittykatluver posted a comment on Wednesday 5th July 2006 1:25pm for Chapter 14 - Healing Conversations
Hi, B & A! Read it, liked it, will keep reading it. And what the heck is with your obsession with whipped cream. Speaking of whipped's so good frozen....
Yes, anyway, the little thing about Christians was...not very funny. Tolerable, but not funny. (*Wags finger in both your faces. Theoritacally, that should not be possible, but who cares?*) As I am a Christian, aka baptized believer, I object ferociously at your slandering of the early martyrs! Hy-oh, Silver, away!!! (*Brandishes plastic sword as I gallop off into the sunset*) Here's an idea for a disclaimer: Have Snape meet a younger version of the headmaster, who is under the delusion that Snape might look miiiighty good covered in whipped cream. Then, well yeah you get the point.
Until next time,
patrik svensson posted a comment on Wednesday 5th July 2006 7:30am for Chapter 14 - Healing Conversations
Great story,
keep up the good work.
aengus posted a comment on Tuesday 4th July 2006 10:33pm for Chapter 14 - Healing Conversations
I just have one question then a statemant.
Q: Are you ever going to kill Dumbledore or Voldemort?
I must say... This, and it's first part, are some of the best fanfics ever created. It had inspired many a budding author, like myself. And, even if some of us (Us being readers) don't review we still love your chapters and wait for them all impatient like.
Sorry about the spelling
Jimbocous posted a comment on Tuesday 4th July 2006 12:22pm for Chapter 14 - Healing Conversations
Nice update!
"So, do we have a problem with Christians? Not if they are well seasoned and cooked right! "
Err, I think your Heinlein is showing. Might want to tuck that in ... or not ...
Lurk posted a comment on Tuesday 4th July 2006 4:26am for Chapter 14 - Healing Conversations
Oh, I like that flobberworm idea, though I'm not sure whether the weight would crush him first, or he would drown from choking on the resulting slime.
Great chapter guys!
I really enjoyed the way you figured out dealing with Hermione. If you've made a mistake, get a bit of shit about it, and don't do it again.
Loved the bit with stealing Draco's office. Draco keeps a toilet in his office? That'
Hmmmm, intriguing bit with the shields. Why are two shields impossible? Couldn't there be a very strong thick first shield, with a thin, smaller, but still strong inner shield, as a just in case?
Nice bit with Ollie. =^-^= Of course the twins would call him that. Very nice touch.
Keep it up!
unperfectwolf posted a comment on Tuesday 4th July 2006 3:11am for Chapter 14 - Healing Conversations
You guys never cease to amaze. This was a most enjoyable chapter. Thanks!
James13 posted a comment on Monday 3rd July 2006 10:56am for Chapter 14 - Healing Conversations
Hmm...a slow chapter, but I think, very important in the long run. You just set up a lot of threads to follow.
As for the idea of killing people and fighting, and not having mental scars, ha. Anyone out there a cop or police man? a soldier? Being shot at is SCARY. Shooting back is chaotic and everything is blurry except your target, and did I mention scary?
Someone once said, "Nothing is quite as invigorating as being shot and missed."
So true. After action, people do crazy stuff. If you take a life, well...most people aren't mentally set up to take a life and not feel anything. In fact the only people I know who DON'T feel remorse at taking another human's life are psychopaths. So if Harry and Hermionie are a bit too touchy feely, well, I can at least understand.
Cheers and good work with the story, by far the only Potter Story I've been drooling over lately :)
Foolhammer posted a comment on Monday 3rd July 2006 6:52am for Chapter 14 - Healing Conversations
Nice chapter, you two! Really loving this story, it's one of the most developed Voldie War II tales I've ever stumbled across- and your disclaimers and authors' notes are a hoot! Looking forward to more as soon as you can grind it out!
P.S.- I think the flobberworms would be a better fate for Evil!Dumbles than Harry. ;)
Ginger posted a comment on Monday 3rd July 2006 6:17am for Chapter 14 - Healing Conversations
I love the author note. They are getting to be as funny as the story. "Someone wants to know if we have a problem with Christians. Not in the least, they make excellent lion food and are great at BBQs. But seriously, from a Wizarding standpoint I would say YES! They would have a problem with Christians, especially the rabid brand we seem to grow here in the US. Eocho would have a major problem with these little suckers as they are directly responsible for the death of his culture. So, do we have a problem with Christians? Not if they are well seasoned and cooked right! (And for those whose sense of humor was surgically removed at birth, THIS IS A JOKE!)"
HermioneGreen posted a comment on Monday 3rd July 2006 3:36am for Chapter 14 - Healing Conversations
A most wonderful chapter. I'm glad harry is on the mend. I think it would be interessting if Harry and Hermione's handfast could be concluded sooner than the year and one day . . . that opens up avenues of possibilities that could either complicate their bond or strengthen it . . .
keep up the good work
Voldemort is Dead posted a comment on Monday 3rd July 2006 3:16am for Chapter 14 - Healing Conversations
This is so good! I really wish you would update sooner. I often have to start over from the beginning, just to understand what the update is about!
Kathleen posted a comment on Sunday 2nd July 2006 12:10pm for Chapter 14 - Healing Conversations
Best moment in ages: OLLIE! :)
Great chapter. Keep it up, please!
rippergirl posted a comment on Sunday 2nd July 2006 10:17am for Chapter 14 - Healing Conversations
Great as always. Don't know what else to say but can't wait for the next chapter to be updated. Glad that they are coming out faster again but I didn't mind as long as they came out so that we could read them. Hope to hear a little bit more about Oliver's recovery. Hope the twins aren't too hard on him. Oh and great prank with the taking of Draco's office furniture and toilet. Reminded me of them promising Ginny that they would send her a toilet seat from Hogwart's.
MarinePotterfan posted a comment on Sunday 2nd July 2006 8:08am for Chapter 14 - Healing Conversations
Great chapter again, and you are getting back to your old update timeline again(which I like). I can't wait see see the part when who ever you send to see Moody, it should be a great question and answer period you know CONSTANT VIGILANCE! and all that.
Shawn Pickett posted a comment on Sunday 2nd July 2006 4:08am for Chapter 14 - Healing Conversations
Well, at least they've realised why and how everybody screwed up. There still needs to be a way they can make sure they can reach Harry if needed. At the end of the day, he is the HMFIC which means he needs to be reachable, always. A great chapter, thank you. The bit with Moody and Dumbledore was entertaining, I think Albus has completely flushed any chance of ANY person looking up to him with any respect in the future.
Fozzie Bear posted a comment on Sunday 2nd July 2006 1:35am for Chapter 14 - Healing Conversations
Are we ever going to see the return f the 'Updateless List'?
ilovekc posted a comment on Friday 7th July 2006 11:48pm for Chapter 14 - Healing Conversations
Bobmin356 replied: