Sunrise Over Britain
Chapter 14 - Healing Conversations
By Bobmin
KLGreen posted a comment on Saturday 1st July 2006 4:23am for Chapter 14 - Healing Conversations
great chapter
I loved that Oilver is back with them
I love that harry is being more open with Hermione about his feeling
Deborahsu posted a comment on Saturday 1st July 2006 2:27am for Chapter 14 - Healing Conversations
Keep up the great writing! Your stories are so good that I FINALLY talked my husband, who thinks that Harry/Hermione is just WRONG and Dumbledore & all Weasleys MUST be "good" ... and he's loving it! Hurray!
Erin posted a comment on Saturday 1st July 2006 2:13am for Chapter 14 - Healing Conversations
great update looking forward to the next.
zac posted a comment on Saturday 1st July 2006 1:52am for Chapter 14 - Healing Conversations
As far as i am concerned Harry should be the one in charge of Hermione's punishment (perhaps he could borrow Bob's paddle?). It was interesting to see Hermione's reaction to Harry's inner beast, it is fun though when the beast comes out to play.
NiereG posted a comment on Saturday 1st July 2006 1:26am for Chapter 14 - Healing Conversations
This is an amazing story. I love the way you have captured the characters. Your dialog is crisp and strong, the flow of the plot is outstanding. I love the way you mix in elements of lightheartness to balance the darkness of the story.
I look forward to reading the rest of the story.
Hagrid posted a comment on Saturday 1st July 2006 12:25am for Chapter 14 - Healing Conversations
We at the Veggie Lions Council would let you know that is was the over use of sauce that killed the thrill of eating Christians for us, as well as some of the lesser known carnivours turned veggies. The snakes and raptors come to mind, but as I am not their spokeslion, I shant roar in their names. Feed the whiners and complainers to the omnivours, thats my suggestion! Spell out the disclaimer in their spilled entrails and let em moan. Write what you like, let em read it or not.
jessie179 posted a comment on Friday 30th June 2006 11:49pm for Chapter 14 - Healing Conversations
Very interesting. I loved it!
hedwig_edwiges posted a comment on Friday 30th June 2006 11:34pm for Chapter 14 - Healing Conversations
I can understand the reasoning around the divided guilt here, but I still think Hermione should stay home and take care of the books. Too much inteligence and not enought common sense toward reality. All in all, changes are needed all the time. I loved to see Oliver Wood back, if not healthy, at least going that way. And Moody! That one should be really welcomed.
Robin Westerly posted a comment on Friday 30th June 2006 11:07pm for Chapter 14 - Healing Conversations
erm... the only safe thing to say is thanks.
You are brilliant
shutting up now
Ian Morgan posted a comment on Friday 30th June 2006 10:59pm for Chapter 14 - Healing Conversations
great chapter
I think you played the blame game perfict ang love the way you are headed with the underground. Moody will be the perfect person to run this side of the operations.
Please update soon
sandstar08 posted a comment on Friday 30th June 2006 10:40pm for Chapter 14 - Healing Conversations
this is the only non-completed story that i've ever checkedup on regularly, and i've been reading fanfic for almost 1 and a half years now... brilliant plot (i agree, i don't like hermione/harry but you are utterly forgiven just for your talent in writing!) and can't wait for the next chapter!!
Sean Dillon posted a comment on Friday 30th June 2006 10:28pm for Chapter 14 - Healing Conversations
Way to go Moody! And I knew I recognized Miles' symptoms (damn things are painful). Looks like a bit more structure in the Dept of Defense coming up. Not a good thing to lose control when one man goes down.
I liked the Snapes on Ice.
gummihu posted a comment on Friday 30th June 2006 10:12pm for Chapter 14 - Healing Conversations
Ahh. they are back on track once a week. great.
mathiasgranger posted a comment on Friday 30th June 2006 10:11pm for Chapter 14 - Healing Conversations
Good chapter. It was interesting how you decided to deal with the fall out from Harry's injuries. I think it was probably for the best that you left out any discussions on the virtues or evils of Christianity. Especially for the sake of avoiding mentioned rabid Christians you mentioned in your A/N. (I mean our president is one for Pete's sake, he could declare war on you or something!)
I like the idea of letting Moody lead some sort of a guerilla resistance. He seems like he would be perfect for something like that.
The blades that Voldemort got appear to be a rather nasty way to go. I wonder what kind of impact they are going to have on the war effort.
Keep up the good work and update soon!
Matt T posted a comment on Friday 30th June 2006 9:50pm for Chapter 14 - Healing Conversations
Ech, you're welcome for the idea.... I probably stole it from somewhere else. Another great chapter, do you two actually sleep? I coulda sworn these would take more that ten days to write... mebbe I'm just lazy. Aw well, happy writing folks. Alyx, don't kill Bob till you're finished with the story, you wouldn't wanna disapoint your fans.
Kyle Bissett posted a comment on Friday 30th June 2006 9:46pm for Chapter 14 - Healing Conversations
Oliver graduated in Harry's third year, not fourth.
The people who objected to killing death eaters because they were purebloods should remember that the Death Eater platform only accepts purebloods and the occasional (very powerful) halfblood. As it only appeals to old, well established families, the whole notion that So-and-So cannot be a DE because he is from an old, established family is nonsense. This time around, the government isn't stupid enough to think that being related to somebody excuses one's actions.
Moody might be old and worn, but if he clears a security screening, they might be able to use him in planning and administration for the counteroffensive.
Are you going to be having more of the 'US Secretary of Magic' scenes? I'm still waiting for the full reaction to their discovery that the Heritage Thieves returned their swag in better condition than it was when they stole it. That scene just stopped at the initial shock.
Jeanas posted a comment on Friday 30th June 2006 8:32pm for Chapter 14 - Healing Conversations
New interesting chapter we got there: I ´glad that Harry and Hermione are both fine.
Ablus again, he really needs a place in a pschychatric hospital.Can he even go back to Haven?.
Ah Voldy is back, the war didnt approve his temper.
But my favourite scene is the Twins coming in the hospital and screaming Ollie.
Would Oliver be involved in the War when he recovered ? And what would he do?
Until next, and thanks for the quick update.
Jadzia7667 posted a comment on Friday 30th June 2006 8:18pm for Chapter 14 - Healing Conversations
This is marvelous - I missed it while you were writing. I've rec'd it to countless people. I look forward to the next chapter.
Malimber ConDoin posted a comment on Friday 30th June 2006 8:17pm for Chapter 14 - Healing Conversations
I am really enjoying this fic. thanks for writing it and sharing it with us.
Alex00 posted a comment on Saturday 1st July 2006 5:02am for Chapter 14 - Healing Conversations