Content Harry Potter


Keeroo92 posted a comment on Sunday 9th January 2011 5:00pm for Chapter 15 - Dinner Guests and Mad-Eye Madness

Poor Harry! His worst nightmare, barring Hermione dying,just came true! He'd better get used to the press.

Alice Zecco posted a comment on Saturday 3rd October 2009 10:27am for Chapter 15 - Dinner Guests and Mad-Eye Madness

So Dumbly has gone around the bend, isn't that just too bad??? NOT!!! So enjoyed your last story and mow this one!!

Andrea Kay posted a comment on Thursday 9th July 2009 10:48am for Chapter 15 - Dinner Guests and Mad-Eye Madness

Alas, 15 chapters in, and unlike last night, or the night before... I must sleep. I'm too old too pull all-nighters. *whimper* It's so damn addictive,and I need to know more but... oh, maybe on Friday I'll win the lottery then I can finish entire stories in a single day without the nasty disruption that is working for a living. Wonderful chapter(s). And you're evil for making me want to keep on reading.

Fidelia posted a comment on Sunday 26th October 2008 3:23am for Chapter 15 - Dinner Guests and Mad-Eye Madness

I know that they are not part of the story, but the authors' notes are often hilarious and I sort of look forward to them at the bottom of the chapter. Pointless review, but your notes do make me chuckle.

Joyfullscroll posted a comment on Tuesday 26th June 2007 12:50pm for Chapter 15 - Dinner Guests and Mad-Eye Madness

He Bob!

The comment of your changing your religion to Druidism and 'worshiping bushes' has a very 'double' meaning...I'm sure Alyx will be alot of help. *grins* (Sorry all that previous mushieness from the previous chapter is still running through my suger-rushed veins!)

Also maybe you should take into consideration that this storyline is So Involving that people who review in Rants and Praises do take your storyline so seriously as a Epic Movie! There is another writer almost similar to you in writting such long chapters that can take a couple of hours to read...(for myself, I say Thank You) who posts at Porkey mainly. Their name is 'Madscientist'. But unlike you two, this writer hops from one storyline to the next in updates that are nearly similar in plot with Super Harry's and Super Hermione's. The other characters...well they all vary from strict canon to fanon. Too bad for myself that I don't have another Fanfic reader to talk about these storylines with like some people do with 'Soap Oprahs'. Now you have me thinking of doing something on that. Guess I'll just have to see how it may turn out.

Brady1 posted a comment on Wednesday 20th June 2007 9:47am for Chapter 15 - Dinner Guests and Mad-Eye Madness

if they continue to resue people who are going to cause a problem, after the rescue why dont the give them a truth serum to define who they are loyal too and if they belive in blood purity or not...?

Selma Flamel posted a comment on Wednesday 6th June 2007 1:52am for Chapter 15 - Dinner Guests and Mad-Eye Madness

Thank you for giving those kids holsters. I can’t understand why it’s not a required bit of equipment. You would think that at least the purebloods would have given them to their kids.
"He ignored the glow from the youth's eyes and the waves of magic flowing from him. 'You, boy! Go get the Master of the manor,'" That was hilarious poor pitiful amhar on the other hand he nearly hit Sissy. Hit him again.
"It's people like you who caused You-Know-Who to ruin our world!" Amhar stated angrily." Ok his logic is baffling which just shows that you made a very realistic lawmaker.

Eagle-Eyes posted a comment on Saturday 2nd December 2006 12:06am for Chapter 15 - Dinner Guests and Mad-Eye Madness

I am loving this story, but I want to go back to an author's note in the first story --- where you mentioned that authors should get their material beta read and corrected before they update.

I've noticed that you tend to do what I do, get so involved in what your (you're) writing that you forget to type it correctly -- then the beta is so enthralled in what their (they're) reading that they miss the simple corrections.

Don't take me wrong. I love this story and typicaly (typically) overlook these types of errors, but for a detail-oriented person like myself, I do notice them and they can get on my nerves.

Keep up the good work and continue writing this story. (I bookmarked those updateless stories and plan on reading them after I've finished - or atleast caught up with - this story!!!

morriganscrow posted a comment on Tuesday 3rd October 2006 6:12am for Chapter 15 - Dinner Guests and Mad-Eye Madness

Dear Bob,
As a new shrubbery worshiper, are you going to reform The Knights That Say "NI!" ?
Love the story, will review in more detail later.
keep up the fab work.

TxA_GunFighter posted a comment on Thursday 10th August 2006 2:06am for Chapter 15 - Dinner Guests and Mad-Eye Madness

Very good.


Rex posted a comment on Monday 24th July 2006 6:17pm for Chapter 15 - Dinner Guests and Mad-Eye Madness


kelvin posted a comment on Saturday 22nd July 2006 5:44pm for Chapter 15 - Dinner Guests and Mad-Eye Madness


JDD posted a comment on Saturday 22nd July 2006 7:21am for Chapter 15 - Dinner Guests and Mad-Eye Madness

Best. Chapter. EVER!!!!!!

I setn in my powerbook and internet access to get fixed and i get back and this gem of writing is here.

honestly, best chapter ever, no mistakes, except one grammatical error i caught in the beginning.

Wouldn't be nice... wher eit should have been
Wouldn't it be nice... oh well.

Amazing job, so fantastic. I can't stop complimenting. This is storytelling on a more epic scale than JK Rowling by far, and much better than almost every fanficiton out there. lol, i'm grinning madly.

Bryan Wiseman posted a comment on Saturday 22nd July 2006 6:19am for Chapter 15 - Dinner Guests and Mad-Eye Madness

To the Authors
All of your stories so far (Parallels, Sunset, Sunrise, and the two on that I can not remember right now) have be interesting and well organized. I find myself reading them not only once but going back over them agian so thank you for your works. So far I have enjoyed how this story is progressing but I wonder how or if you are going to get the other magical races (Centuars, others i can't remember right now) to be involved in this story.

AJ4 posted a comment on Thursday 20th July 2006 8:47am for Chapter 15 - Dinner Guests and Mad-Eye Madness

Another great chapter. I though Harry's manor was under the charm that keeps it hidden from others and the Amhar guy just walked into it. Im not sure if I missed something or not but I was just wondering if it was still up or not.

AJ : )

jrb1501 posted a comment on Wednesday 19th July 2006 12:32am for Chapter 15 - Dinner Guests and Mad-Eye Madness

hurry up and post the next chapter i cant wait.


saugart posted a comment on Tuesday 18th July 2006 11:06pm for Chapter 15 - Dinner Guests and Mad-Eye Madness

Dear Bob and Alyx,

Because I enjoy reading your story, as a small bit of giving-back I offer you the following corrections.
You write:

Love, your bossy when you need to be, and perhaps that's the public image you portray.

You want:

Love, you're bossy when you need to be, and perhaps that's the public image you portray.

You use this word more than once:


in a context where I think you mean the similarly-pronounced word materiel. My American Heritage dictionary defines materiel as "The sequipment, apparatus, and supplies of an organization, esp. of a military force." If you don't like using French-derived words with French spelling (some people do not), then you can say "material of war".

Please let me know if these comments are helpful. If they're not, I'll stop boring you with them.

Steve6 posted a comment on Tuesday 18th July 2006 10:56pm for Chapter 15 - Dinner Guests and Mad-Eye Madness

I loved the chapter. Hell, I've loved the story since I found the first chapter. I have a habit of copying chapters out of stories I read in order to put them into "books" I keep electronically. Including a TOC I threw in to keep track of what I read, the Sunset book was about 570 pages long. This story is already 520 pages and shows no signs of coming to an end. That can only mean one thing - more updates!

I'm curious to see what other prisoners are now in Hogwarts (from Azkaban) - here's hoping another scene with Peeves and Harry is forthcoming.

I still say your two books remind me of the WorldWar books by Harry Turtledove. Fantastic on telling a world-wide story. Not just a little skirmish (so to speak) with Voldy and Harry throwing rocks at one another. I can't see JKR doing this kind of wrap up with her audience for, as you said in one of your notes, you two write for an adult market and JKR writes for a kid's market.

During the honeymoon chapter, with Harry and Hermione traveling to the library, I was almost ready for Mr. Black to show up (I'm kidding - but it sure had a Rorschach's Blot about it you have to admit).

Hope you are still recovering nicely from the spider bite, Alxy. Here's hoping you don't have complications from any medications you have to take. God knows I get nauseous from the crap I have to take every day.

While I don't leave responses after every chapter, I am excited (down Bob, not that kind of excited) to see each new chapter posted. Keep up the good work and when you're done with this story, I highly recommend you two looking into creating a new story and see about getting it published. I see some rough edges to your writings but I can nitpick on anyone, published or not. However, your scope of a world-wide magical war, your inventiveness, your characterizations - everything in this is a killer story and I think you could create your own material and get on the bookshelves.

Now go, write, entertain me! I command it. Okay, okay, I request it. And if you're nice, maybe I'll think of you two when I eat my next chocolate donut. Whenever my wife lets me have another one. Now where did she hide that box...


TNaSeein' posted a comment on Tuesday 18th July 2006 11:25am for Chapter 15 - Dinner Guests and Mad-Eye Madness

Wow! Ambassador Harry. I'm impressed. So if Harry joins the Wizangambit, will he outrank that Ambar jerk? Question #2: will Ambar & his little friends try to stage some sort of coupe within Haven?

I love this story and am loving these quick updates recently. So thanks. :-D You guys are fantastic. Sending you best wishes and Krispy Creme by the crate.


Star_Ranger4 posted a comment on Tuesday 18th July 2006 8:36am for Chapter 15 - Dinner Guests and Mad-Eye Madness

Just a note of rebuttal to the person who asked if Moody was returning to Haven... I happen to agree that it makes much more sense for Mad Eye to be operating behind the lines, organizing and generally helping the resistance. He most certainly has the correct mindset to succeed, nay, excell at the job we've seen him given.

And is it just me, or does it look to some of you like Dumby Doorknob has manage to get himself hooked on painkiller potions on top of everything else he's managed to putz up?