Sunrise Over Britain
Chapter 15 - Dinner Guests and Mad-Eye Madness
By Bobmin
agent fisher posted a comment on Wednesday 12th July 2006 11:17am for Chapter 15 - Dinner Guests and Mad-Eye Madness
When I think of those portals, I think of stargates. And I'm glad to see the Scotts starting to kick some ass!
Musings of Apathy posted a comment on Wednesday 12th July 2006 11:01am for Chapter 15 - Dinner Guests and Mad-Eye Madness
While I voted for him (not discussing mistakes), I don't recommend worshiping him.
Updateless list not being taken seriously? Was I not the only one to respond to threats of you advertising my story with glee?
This chapter was so good that I started to look on the internet to see if I could really have some doughnuts delivered to you. Turns out that I can't. They like them to be fresh and, you know, not eaten by the UPS guy before he delivers the two unglazed cake ones that are always left over with the crumbs in the two dozen box. I did find a good selection of fancy cakes, which I considered a good trade, but I didn't know what you like. Then I realized that I didn't know where you live, which really set my plans on becoming Alyx's stalker back a step or two. I figured that I could look you up somehow, but then I found that I only know your first names, and while 'Bob' is completely useless in a nationwide person search, 'Alyx' gets me little closer, if that is your real name. So I decided on a vitual dozen:
There you go, a virtual dozen. I made a couple of them bars, because I didn't know what you like, but i like the maple bars just fine.
Okay, did I manage to wierd you out yet?
I loved harry in this chapter, with his political maneuverings that could only come from someone like him, completely disinterested in anything but being friends, and knowing that you could solve any problems with friends. Then Hermione...just turn your investments over to her and sit back...great.
No killin' in this episode, but a good setup for numerous later. Will Dumbles go with his, so far theoretical, mercenaries when they go to take on Harry? Did Dumbles really figure that he could send mercenaries after Harry without the combined aurors and soldiers from the magical world that are staying close at hand not getting involved? That is not slightly off his rocker, that is just plain delusional. These mercenaries better be cheep and plentiful. It would be hilarious if the mercs found out what their target would be and walked away. Harry does have a reputation.
Thank you for writing.
Mike (MoA) (Giving up the idea of stalking Alyx due to lazyness.)
Kari posted a comment on Wednesday 12th July 2006 10:58am for Chapter 15 - Dinner Guests and Mad-Eye Madness
These updates always make my day :D
John8 posted a comment on Wednesday 12th July 2006 10:51am for Chapter 15 - Dinner Guests and Mad-Eye Madness
This is an excellent chapter, as always. Very few grammatical errors, however, this statement near the middle of the chapter
"We know of at least two muggle groups we've heard about"
seems a little redundant to me perhaps it should be comething like "We know of at least two muggle groups"? Other than that, its all good. Keep it up!
lordblack posted a comment on Wednesday 12th July 2006 10:50am for Chapter 15 - Dinner Guests and Mad-Eye Madness
great chapter! But I was wondering, was the King (probably crowned in a member of the british commonwelth, most likely Canada as the Windsors are the Canadian Royal Family and are staying in the America-canada area) HRH, the Prince of Wales or HRH, Prince William? I can't remember if the crowned prince stayed with the queen or not. again briliant cahpter.
Alex00 posted a comment on Wednesday 12th July 2006 10:15am for Chapter 15 - Dinner Guests and Mad-Eye Madness
Great chapter.
anonymous5 posted a comment on Wednesday 12th July 2006 9:53am for Chapter 15 - Dinner Guests and Mad-Eye Madness
Have I mentioned yet that I love this story? wow. I don't know where you get all your plot twists from, but may it never run dry. Superb! Only one flaw I could find in the entire chapter - Love, your bossy when you need to be, and perhaps that's the public image you portray. You might change that "your" to "you're"... otherwise, spectacular work! Please update soon, because I'm sure if I hadn't asked you wouldn't update. or something.
sailrpopeye posted a comment on Wednesday 12th July 2006 9:49am for Chapter 15 - Dinner Guests and Mad-Eye Madness
Hah - Ambassador-at-large, eh? Serves Harry right - for such a smart cookie he sure didn't pick up on something like this little prize being offered to him fast enough. He should have been in the next county and still accelerating by the time the words "We feel that an official posting is the only solution" had passed Amelia's lips. Oh well, he will carry on carrying on in the best Brit tradition and do a bloody good job of it too!
On other issues - what's wrong with anchovies on pizza? I personally love them, shrimp, and crab too. When I was up in Juneau, Alaska there was a pizza place we would hit that made a super crab, lobster, shrimp, etc pizza to die for. For 6-8 it was just right with some beers. Dang, now I'm hungry....
Great chapter as usual - put off reading it until now as a treat to myself and a reward for a hard day of on-call support.
Ed - sailrpopeye
darkangel posted a comment on Wednesday 12th July 2006 6:49am for Chapter 15 - Dinner Guests and Mad-Eye Madness
I think the both of you have so far done a smashing job with the direction you have taken your story ,and I hope to read another update soon. also in regards to the new villian you have put into the story ,since you made him a decendant of noble blood and he is using it to influence people my question is cannot harry do the same ? Since harry is a lord in the queens eyes as well as a decendant of the founders in the magical world.
Kyle Bissett posted a comment on Wednesday 12th July 2006 6:39am for Chapter 15 - Dinner Guests and Mad-Eye Madness
Amhar needs to be hit over the head with a few things. First, one of the biggest plotholes of the HP universe - the fact that nobody considers that if a terrorist backs a policy, it might be a bad idea. Second, if he was related to Richard the Lionhearted, his surname would be Plantagenet, not Couer de Lion. Third, it has been proven that Richard's queen had never been to England at any time in her life, which further weakens his only real claim to fame - being related to a guy who spent most of his life waging wars abroad instead of doing his job, lost the most important war he was involved in, and severely damaged his countries economy by being captured and held for ransom on the way back from that war.
The 'crown approval' of Parliament was extracted from John I (Who would not have been King if his brother Richard had an heir, unless there's a law about mages taking the throne) at swordpoint. If the Wizengamot is ignored too long, they might be convinced that they need to repeat history, with potentially deadly results-for them.
Don't Ambassadorial appointments have to be ratified by the legislature (in this case, the Wizengamot) in order to be official?
There's no way to prevent the muggle military and the DEs from colliding sooner or later. The only thing that can be done is to limit the number of encounters. Hopefully somebody in the MoM will come up with a semi-plausible lie to explain the enemy abilities by the end of the war. Though a muggle soldier is more dangerous than a DE in many ways. A machine guns shoots faster than a wand (Since the American wizards have the only repeaters), and purebloods who shield against reductors as a matter of habit might not think of protecting themselves against non-magical pieces of lead.
Matt101 posted a comment on Wednesday 12th July 2006 5:30am for Chapter 15 - Dinner Guests and Mad-Eye Madness
Great work as always.... keep it up :)
HermioneGreen posted a comment on Wednesday 12th July 2006 4:24am for Chapter 15 - Dinner Guests and Mad-Eye Madness
a most awesome chapter. I don't like the lion man . . . but that's okay . . . the rest of the chapter more than made up for it . . . I hope Harry's new idea for the portals works. It looks as tho we are no on the down hill slide to the end of the war . . . I hope dumbledore gets caught in the crossfire ^_^
Ishtar posted a comment on Wednesday 12th July 2006 4:08am for Chapter 15 - Dinner Guests and Mad-Eye Madness
"Me... so I'm going to be a druid, reformed... I get to worship bushes."
LOL! That's exactly what my brother said when he was filling out forms to join the Army. (His best friend claimed he worshiped the sun god and demanded all sunny days off as religious holidays.)
I continue to be impressed by the way this story is going. Keep up the good work!
Tammy Slark posted a comment on Wednesday 12th July 2006 3:50am for Chapter 15 - Dinner Guests and Mad-Eye Madness
Small genealogical correction. Richard I had no descendents. I'm a descendent of his brother, John Lackland.
beauty0102 posted a comment on Wednesday 12th July 2006 3:25am for Chapter 15 - Dinner Guests and Mad-Eye Madness
yeah great chapter can't wait for more so please update again and soon.
Mickey posted a comment on Wednesday 12th July 2006 3:12am for Chapter 15 - Dinner Guests and Mad-Eye Madness
Nice chapter, when you had Amalia's lead up to what she thought Harry should do I was expecting the suggestion that he get apointed as head of the Wizagnmont(or howe ver the thing's spelled) but Ambasador-at-large also works.
I was wondering, why didn't sisy, or one of the other house elfs deal with de Lion themselvs witohut botheirng Harry and Hermionie, or at least have Harry tell her to toss him out,if he does that again not just tell her if he bothers her again to leave immediatly.
The Unicorn
Ricky posted a comment on Wednesday 12th July 2006 2:47am for Chapter 15 - Dinner Guests and Mad-Eye Madness
bob and Alyx; you need to keep up the good work; i look forward to some chapters;
Lang posted a comment on Wednesday 12th July 2006 2:21am for Chapter 15 - Dinner Guests and Mad-Eye Madness
Yes, uhm, i'll take that pizza, the anchovies are definitely not allowed on my pizza. If I find anchovies i'll scream! I'm a meat lovers fan myself, and if I find any vedgetables on that pizza I'll throw a fit. Oh and by the way, the chapter rocked!
AK posted a comment on Wednesday 12th July 2006 2:19am for Chapter 15 - Dinner Guests and Mad-Eye Madness
*drops to his knees*
Oh I beg thee to forgive me for mine trespassing... Well not really :-)
Nice chapter, I like the way the teleportal was handled. And can't wait to see all those full of shit winzengametes being dissolved mouahahaha.
I was wondering if you have an estimate of how much more of the story is left?
And hospital time is boring, not to mention that the food is horrible (wonder why).
Lewis posted a comment on Wednesday 12th July 2006 11:18am for Chapter 15 - Dinner Guests and Mad-Eye Madness