Content Harry Potter


Christopher Estep posted a comment on Wednesday 12th July 2006 2:02am for Chapter 15 - Dinner Guests and Mad-Eye Madness

It's a *double ambush* (of a particularly nasty sort) for Harry and Hermione. Harry would rather face Death Eaters than reporters (and, truth be told, he'd rather face Voldy than the Queen), and Hermione is as unused to moving in these sorts of circles as Harry is (it's why I question the sanity of those people that *deliberately* seek high positions in American politics, especially running for President!); now they find out they will apparently be *stuck* doing this for the foreseeable future, Voldy or no Voldy. Poor Potters!

Jim_xinu posted a comment on Wednesday 12th July 2006 1:59am for Chapter 15 - Dinner Guests and Mad-Eye Madness

Nice chapter, thanks.

Ana Amaro posted a comment on Wednesday 12th July 2006 1:22am for Chapter 15 - Dinner Guests and Mad-Eye Madness

I just got grounded for 2 weeks no internet, because I stayed up until 5 am trying to finish the lst 5 chapters of Sunrise, lol, well it was really worth, but yeah. You guys are like my fanfic hereos, I suck at writing. Keep up the awesome work!

Ana Amaro posted a comment on Wednesday 12th July 2006 1:21am for Chapter 15 - Dinner Guests and Mad-Eye Madness

I just got grounded for 2 weeks not internet, because I stayed up until 5 am trying to finish the lst 5 chapters of Sunrise, lol, well it was really worth, but yeah. You guys are like my fanfic hereos, I suck at writing. Keep up the awesome work!

Kristina posted a comment on Wednesday 12th July 2006 12:59am for Chapter 15 - Dinner Guests and Mad-Eye Madness

Good chapter you guys. Can't wait to see what happens next!!!!!

Serran posted a comment on Wednesday 12th July 2006 12:59am for Chapter 15 - Dinner Guests and Mad-Eye Madness

Some already said it, so I can only repeat, why should they allow the Wizengamot to reform in the way it had been formed?
If they can get the Backing of the Crown, then they should just chage a few rules of the Wizengamot, for example allow elections of at least a part of this governing Body, say half?
And we have everything balanced.
You mentioned previously, that Harry and Hermione might be able to claim a number of Votes, what I would like to know, have Hermiones Parents researched their Ancestery?
As they are both Wizarding descendents it may very well be possible that they are Heirs to two 'ancient pureblood' Families.
The money for the fees they should have...
And speaking of these costs, do the other Wizengamot Lords have the money?

To the Ambassador Position, that would be to the Goblins or the middle east or what?
I find it pretty bad, that they are trying to pressure Harry in a position where he is part of an Hierachie (even if he is on the top) when all he is doing is helping them.
Pretty much everyone of this Ministry owes him their Lives and in part their souls.
The other Ministry's worldwide owe Harry and his friends for containing Voldie.
They should be able to restrain themself, or maybe declare Heaven an independent Wizarding State with Harry the Owner... ok, bad Idea, moving on.

Did I already mention that I really like this Story? Because I do.

Is Moody going to disclose the Wizarding World to some of the commanding Officers in the Field?
He should the grunts in the fields are after all these who know the least normaly.

RainingFlowers posted a comment on Wednesday 12th July 2006 12:02am for Chapter 15 - Dinner Guests and Mad-Eye Madness

Another fantastic chapter, I have to say. Dumbledore really is starting to lose his mind, and the Wizengamot are just asking for trouble. I wish more people thought like Harry, both in your story and in the real world. The world would be a better place without stupid racists and people so arrogant they can barely lift their heads of their shoulders. Keep the fantastic work up, and update blooming well soon!
ps how long is this story likely to be?

sexygal posted a comment on Tuesday 11th July 2006 11:54pm for Chapter 15 - Dinner Guests and Mad-Eye Madness

marry me bob. you're sexy, you're clever, you're witty and you're funny. you write like heaven, and your stories are all fantastic. your wife is a really good writer too, and i'm sure she could go off into the world without you and the two of you could publish seperate stories. marry me bob. you're so sexy, and this chapter was so sexy and fantastic too. you can treat me like harry treats hermione, it's so cute, you sexy writer!

Adam posted a comment on Tuesday 11th July 2006 11:54pm for Chapter 15 - Dinner Guests and Mad-Eye Madness

Great chapter, I do hope that the wizangamot doesnt get to cause too much trouble. The pure blood attitude that at least one has could cause some major issues, especially as haven is a mixture is magic and muggle. Persoanlly I think Harry should tell them to behave or he will givem back to voldy :).

guyute44 posted a comment on Tuesday 11th July 2006 11:53pm for Chapter 15 - Dinner Guests and Mad-Eye Madness

I can't believe that people are still complaining about the ship. I happen to love my favorite ship, She's a beautiful Catalina 36 named Isabella. I really enjoyed this latest chapter. I like the political intrigue that is happening with the rescued Wizmegot(sp?) Looking forward to your next chapter.



Shawn Pickett posted a comment on Tuesday 11th July 2006 11:07pm for Chapter 15 - Dinner Guests and Mad-Eye Madness

Old Dumbledore is just a step or two away from a drooling village idiot isn't he. Unfortunatly, those steps put him at a dangerous gigling lunatic stage. If his face turns sheet white and he starts dispensing smilex I'm out of here (heh)! I'm curious about the wizengamout angle, the idiots like Amhar are really just painting targets on themselves. They can try to claim as much power as they want, but honestly, if you've got a fair press reporting, and some arsehole like Amhar trying to play the Malfoy game of purebloods rule and everybody else can suck eggs and do as their told, he's going to find out how much of a minority he is in a hurry. While Harry may not be big on the might makes right thing, I think if the residents of Haven made it clear they'd like Amhar and his cohorts squashed, especially if he continues to piss Harry off the way he has so far, Harry would probably let fly at him.

Treck posted a comment on Tuesday 11th July 2006 10:52pm for Chapter 15 - Dinner Guests and Mad-Eye Madness

Bob... there is a new product coming on the market. Exploding Spandex. How about we have Snape give it a test run.

Great chapter.

hedwig_edwiges posted a comment on Tuesday 11th July 2006 10:52pm for Chapter 15 - Dinner Guests and Mad-Eye Madness

Looks like the political scene is going to strat simmer and then boil soon. I just hope you don't decide to make a lot of speeches. Boring things, those. It would be nice to see some action on English soil made by the resistence forces.

tverret posted a comment on Tuesday 11th July 2006 10:30pm for Chapter 15 - Dinner Guests and Mad-Eye Madness

Great job, as always...

I liked it when you were doing the updateless list because I could find stories that I may have missed, So please bring it back!

(P.S.) Ruskbyte soooo needs to be put on there right now... (March 30th...) Rosswrock hets exempted though, he is being transfered again.

Erin posted a comment on Tuesday 11th July 2006 10:17pm for Chapter 15 - Dinner Guests and Mad-Eye Madness

great update, loved it. looking forward to the next.

Quizer posted a comment on Tuesday 11th July 2006 9:59pm for Chapter 15 - Dinner Guests and Mad-Eye Madness

Wow, another really quick update!! *presents Bob and Alyx with the 'Three Consecutive Speed Updates' Award* Are you on some kind of roll?

I wonder what kind of trouble Amhar and the Wizengamot members are going to stir up. Hopefully it won't be too difficult to fix. But why doesn't Harry just shut them down? He's the de facto ruler, isn't he? Why doesn't he use his power to ruthlessly squash the blood purists' influence? Tell them he won't stand for it and he's not going to allow the reformation of the 'old' Wizengamot? The blood purists seem to be distinctly outnumbered, and they don't have access to lots of money, so what can they do? Just rolling over and allowing them to assume positions of influence again isn't a sensible solution. I realize you probably have a plan for the wings in this, but I'd still like to know why Harry feels he has to humor them for now.

I also really liked the scene with Moody and the muggle army guy. They'll finally have a base of operations on British soil again!

I'm glad you don't have Abraxan's unholy fixation on life-threatening injuries, hospital visits and drawn out recovery phases. It became so repetitive and so predictably frequent (and frequently predictable) that I lost all enjoyment of the last chapters of her epic.

Well, I wish you luck in your bush worship and I hope you'll still find the time to write this story in between. May the next update be as quick as the last three!


freakyfinger posted a comment on Tuesday 11th July 2006 9:46pm for Chapter 15 - Dinner Guests and Mad-Eye Madness

Ha! Well, that was to be expected. I mean, how can we write HARRY POTTER fanfiction without Harry himself with a major role? No, a private citizen role will be something Harry will not have for a long time . . .

Jeanas posted a comment on Tuesday 11th July 2006 9:26pm for Chapter 15 - Dinner Guests and Mad-Eye Madness

A new update. You are really spoiling us with those very fast updates. Love it ;))
Love the idea that Hermione and Leannar were able to come to a contract and bending their husband to it. But is 3 sickles not a bit low?.
Would the Goblins particitated into the war efforts.
And Harry as Ambassador, poor Harry but he is Gryff so he would overcome this anyway would he?. And who is the King of Britian ? Charles? because I remenbered that you had killed Elizabeth II and her husband before.
Love the idea of Harry and Hermione making a tour to promote the war effort.
So Moody is back on the track, good but what is Albus doing? the poor fool. And this Coeur de Lion man,he needs to be reform but somehow I dont known if he would see the error of his way.
Awaiting another chapter and hope that you would update soon.

Bebop_5 posted a comment on Tuesday 11th July 2006 9:05pm for Chapter 15 - Dinner Guests and Mad-Eye Madness

i Just have one qusetion and thats it. Did you guys ever watch stargate SG1. cause the explanation for them portal things sounded aful familiar. Sorry for the bad spelling and grammar. Lover your story and lest see if you can get another chap out in around 10 days.

BBFN Bebop_5

Ken Warner posted a comment on Tuesday 11th July 2006 8:46pm for Chapter 15 - Dinner Guests and Mad-Eye Madness

It is a little repetitive to just tell you what an excellent chapter this is - since they all are, but thanks again for your wonderful work. It is great to see the characters maturing and growing into their positions, as well as all of the story development going on. Are the portals related to the Niven transport booths? I hope you will use the 'chocolate dollar' token as a tribute if that happens to be the case.

I hope also that you have something suitably nasty prepared for old chicken liver (Coeur de Lion in modern translation).

Warmest regards