Sunrise Over Britain
Chapter 15 - Dinner Guests and Mad-Eye Madness
By Bobmin
DrT posted a comment on Tuesday 11th July 2006 8:36pm for Chapter 15 - Dinner Guests and Mad-Eye Madness
I still haven't seen any reason to think the wizarding government is 'democratic' in this story; it seems to be a pure oligarchy. Give Hermione a good biography of the Emperor Augustus and then have her ship those disruptive elements out of Haven to very different places of exile (as they should, under already established Haven rules) and with no real assets available, they can't get together. Why should Harry et al lug his own opposition around? Harry might not know any better, but those around him should.
atlantis-rob posted a comment on Tuesday 11th July 2006 8:18pm for Chapter 15 - Dinner Guests and Mad-Eye Madness
Great chapter you two! I really dug how you handled the whole portal thing with hermione really stepping up and showing harry what the advantage to them is. Very good job also with the kids training at school, too funny. The wizengamot git is in for a few more shocks in the future, if not he might just disappear by coincidence. hahahah. Excellent job with another great chapter!
red jacobson1 posted a comment on Tuesday 11th July 2006 8:05pm for Chapter 15 - Dinner Guests and Mad-Eye Madness
As always; an excellent chapter. I have to admit; I was surprised to see it take this long for the "Yammerheads" (to quote RAH) to make an appearance, but I'll be looking forward to seeing what Hermione and Amelia have come up with.
Thanks for the update
vl100butch posted a comment on Tuesday 11th July 2006 7:00pm for Chapter 15 - Dinner Guests and Mad-Eye Madness
Oh what a tangled web you weave, LOL
Just one Brit pick. Group Captains in the RAF are always addressed as Group Captain.
Afiz posted a comment on Tuesday 11th July 2006 8:42pm for Chapter 15 - Dinner Guests and Mad-Eye Madness