Content Harry Potter


Lang posted a comment on Monday 24th July 2006 12:16pm for Chapter 16 - Politics and Angels

So Dumdledore has had to resort to illegal mercenaries, that's kind of low.

As to your comment about losing your job over reading, I read chapter 16 at work. Boss hadn't shown up yet. But you can't blame me! Really! Desk jobs are soooo boring. I'm young and sitting at a desk is absolutely horrible. The story makes it more bearable. If only it were possible that there'd be a chapter release everyday, possible forever at about, 8am?

Let me know. Ciao!

Sonicdale posted a comment on Monday 24th July 2006 11:27am for Chapter 16 - Politics and Angels

you know, foreshadowing should be your middle name.
Liked the bit with DD. He's going to be a major thorn in Harry's operations.

Opera isn't that bad. I wonder if Harry would like Gilbert and Sullivan? Maybe that would be his 'getting back' at Hermione. I would think Harry would like that sort of opera.

Love the angels. I like the way you're setting them up as a great foil to the dementors ... maybe foil isn't the word... balance? Draco's absolute loss for words during the office scene with the twins was great. Seems like they haven't forgiven him for being a former Malfoy.

Harry the Ambassador. Nice idea.
Loved the Wisengamot political dancing. Hope to see more of the good guys vs. the bad guys in wizarding politics.

Good work all around. I haven't been reviewing lately, but have repented from that fact and have vowed to give more, starting with your stuff. Good work.

BTW, have you planned any stories that would be non-ship?
Just curious.

mathiasgranger posted a comment on Monday 24th July 2006 10:48am for Chapter 16 - Politics and Angels

Oh Crookshanks, you wacky cat. You really are putting poor Harry through the grinder in this chapter aren't you?

His leg seems to be getting continually worse throughout the story isn't it? It's almost as if you are prepping us for the time he uses the combat spell to give him his mobility back in exchange for a permanent disability.

The whole Wizengamot thing is giving me a headache like it is Harry. No offense, but why don't they find a way of reassigning seats other than old families? Something as simple as the best and brightest wizards of the time or something.

The New York trip was a nice touch and opera hating boob was quite funny.

Keep up the good work and update soon.


Alex00 posted a comment on Monday 24th July 2006 10:12am for Chapter 16 - Politics and Angels

Great chapter.

Jamie' posted a comment on Monday 24th July 2006 10:06am for Chapter 16 - Politics and Angels

Great chapter!

Could Harry put a line of Death around Hogwarts?

How about putting one around the prison camps and waiting for the shift changes?

Or, just put one around every city and cross britain with the lines so that the DEs are trapped within a dozen sq miles, making it easy to retake Britain as there is no way for the DEs to reinforce any area?

Lurk posted a comment on Monday 24th July 2006 10:05am for Chapter 16 - Politics and Angels

Wonderful chapter! I have to actually work on a resume, so I don't have time to leave a long review! Loved everything about it!

Keep it up!

Robert1 posted a comment on Monday 24th July 2006 9:48am for Chapter 16 - Politics and Angels

Gee, I wonder if Harry's going to end up in the hospital again? OOH! What if the portal malfunctions and Harry winds up half human, half cat, and half kneazle? "Uh oh, it's Voldemort, I'd better make myself look big!"

I'm sorry, I'll go take my medication now.

minervakitty posted a comment on Monday 24th July 2006 9:45am for Chapter 16 - Politics and Angels

Hermione should remember that Harry was never exposed to culture by the Dursleys. I'm glad that one very particular Dursleys/Evans line has died out. Will they get around to doing a check on Helga and Inga? I won't be surprised if Draco has some extra clothing at his office. I sort of wonder, about Mr Weasley getting his hands on the muggle books. Will Harry get out or away from where he's sent? I sort of feel sorry for Draco and the other Brotherhood members, when the girls decide on having babies. :) Bob--Leave Alyx alone on Alan Rickman. Yes, most females do know that a good looking man is good eye candy and secret fantasy. At least she doesn't make comments about your fantasies and female eye candy. Like Jessica Alba, Britney Spears and what not. :P

Kyle Bissett posted a comment on Monday 24th July 2006 8:52am for Chapter 16 - Politics and Angels

Why would a club you have to pay to enter pay its members a salary? Taxing yourself to pay yourself is redundant and stupid.

How many times will Mr 'My last name is a King's nickname, so I must be treated as royalty' need to be stomped before he shuts up? Maybe we (or the people of Haven) should start a pool.

S'mores breed? Wait until Luna tells the local Honeydukes about that. They can start up a breeding farm and harvest candies the way muggle farmers do eggs. Sounds yummy. And an infestation is easy to get rid of - just call in some boy scouts.

I hope they won't do a commando raid to save the cat. That would be criminally stupid, and they should have known better than to have the prototype open into enemy territory anyway. Only do that with finished portals in secure locations.

Dumble's mercs have a better chance of attacking Haven than the DEs and blood purists in Ireland would. Mercs aren't evil or sadistic, just practical and efficient. As such, most of the troops would pass the anti-Mark ward with minimal harm, if any.

Sandra Smith posted a comment on Monday 24th July 2006 8:33am for Chapter 16 - Politics and Angels

very good writting. I can't wait till harry retakes England

sailrpopeye posted a comment on Monday 24th July 2006 8:18am for Chapter 16 - Politics and Angels

Aaaagggghhhh!!!!! Harry and Crookshanks sucked into an experimental portal?? Sounds like Murphy has definitely made it to Ireland and is in top form... What is this an example of - Law #56: "If it can't possibly misfunction, it will, usually taking the creator and all the notes on how to fix it along as well"?

Great stuff as usual - now to wait impatiently for the next chapter!!!

Cheers - Ed

James13 posted a comment on Monday 24th July 2006 7:41am for Chapter 16 - Politics and Angels

Evil cliff hangers. Must slay them.

Ana Amaro posted a comment on Monday 24th July 2006 5:45am for Chapter 16 - Politics and Angels

NO!!!!!!!!!! Not a Cliff hanger!!! oh come on please no more cliff hangers, awesome chapter like always. You guys rock,yeah........Hurry up and get the next chapter up......... please

Kingtad posted a comment on Monday 24th July 2006 5:35am for Chapter 16 - Politics and Angels

Love the series. I was so pissed when took it off... I thought I lost ya'll. Such a depressing thought. But now I found the Sunset and Sunrise, I have spent the last week or so reading them... I haven't gotten around to even brainstorming on either of my stories. I blame your most exellent story. On your disclaimer, you should have some guest torturees on it. As much as I love Snape torture, it's getting kinda old. Maybe Hermoine can strip tease Harry and torture him to death like that or something. And the portals... are you totally sure you didn't watch stargate before writing it?

Ishtar posted a comment on Monday 24th July 2006 4:58am for Chapter 16 - Politics and Angels

"Yeah we admit that Draco/Luna is a unique pairing."

*hides story notes for Draco/Luna pairing* Damn, I knew I should have started those other stories earlier.

I'm eagerly anticipating Draco's revenge on the twins.

MarinePotterfan posted a comment on Monday 24th July 2006 4:42am for Chapter 16 - Politics and Angels

Poor Amy! I wonder if they ever found all of her? She must really like her job. You should have her a huge boyfriend to pick her up from work and tell the twins that if they hurt her he will hirt them. Old Dumbles new crew is going to get there ass kicked. I hope it does not happen when they are in the middle of operation to save the wizards and witches in the camps, that would get ugly. I await your next update. Thanks for writing you two.


apr911 posted a comment on Monday 24th July 2006 3:48am for Chapter 16 - Politics and Angels

What ever happened to the mysterious letter from azkaban?

Really hope to see some more Amhar, Dumbledore and Voldemort (rather attacks against Voldemort) action next chapter..

Amhar is an interesting character who strikes me as the type that will run a foul with Harry again and will not like the results

Dumbledore... well I always like the stories that portray Dumbledore as something other than the true to the light side type... i mean there is only so much that you can explain away with "it was for the best" before questions should be raised...

Voldemort, attacks against voldemort progress your story along which I kind of want and kind of dont because i like the Amhar/Harry and Dumbledore/Harry interactions too much to want to see the story come to an end..

beauty0102 posted a comment on Monday 24th July 2006 3:45am for Chapter 16 - Politics and Angels

yeah great chapter can't wait for more so please update again and soon.

lordblack posted a comment on Monday 24th July 2006 3:32am for Chapter 16 - Politics and Angels

great chapter but again, who is king?

darkangel posted a comment on Monday 24th July 2006 2:52am for Chapter 16 - Politics and Angels

okay I conceed the point that he is mot heir to the founders in any way but as the fact stands he is heir to most nobel house of black and house potter with are amoog the first of the so called purebloods even if he is only a halfblood so my question is his familys should be just as powerfull as that jerk off is?anyways its a moot point as it is your story and so far a damn good one. I look forward to your next update and until then keep up the bloody good works mates.