Content Harry Potter


t_gebhardt posted a comment on Monday 24th July 2006 2:50am for Chapter 16 - Politics and Angels

Any chance of Dumbledore getting double crossed by Nicolai? I mean their is probably a price on Dumbledores head. And once he learns who or what is the target he might get second thoughts. Most of the Magical governments support the Haven.

KateL posted a comment on Monday 24th July 2006 2:45am for Chapter 16 - Politics and Angels

Another good thing though, it's dining room, dining table...not dinning! The word is to dine, drop the "e" to add "ing", no need to add the extra "n". sorry, but spelling errors are my absolute pet peeve ( think fingernails on a chalkboard).

JVTazz posted a comment on Monday 24th July 2006 2:42am for Chapter 16 - Politics and Angels

ARGH!!!! cliffie...other than that good chappie :)

Evan Mayerle posted a comment on Monday 24th July 2006 2:14am for Chapter 16 - Politics and Angels

Delightful cliffie, it'll be interesting to see where Harry and Crookshanks end up. All in all, a most enjoyable read.

I admit to wondering what Dumbledore is up to? A coup against Harry and the Ministry or independent action? The time line he gives sounds suspiciously like a coup de etat attempt.

Badger-dude posted a comment on Monday 24th July 2006 2:04am for Chapter 16 - Politics and Angels

gd chappie. Update soooooooooooooon (And I'll give you ice cream ^o^)

Crys posted a comment on Monday 24th July 2006 1:23am for Chapter 16 - Politics and Angels

*blink* Swedish Chef? Now he's a Muppet? :)

Oh, Q Branch in a war with Draco? *weg*

Poor Amy.

Liked the peeks at what's going on at Hogwarts and w/AD.

Ginny, did you know he'd do that, or did it just work out? I bet you knew he'd explode, which is why you were grinning at him the moment he walked in the door.

Fun story, even if you're depriving poor Dobby.

Ltank687 posted a comment on Monday 24th July 2006 1:13am for Chapter 16 - Politics and Angels

loved it...interested about dumbledore though... he just wont die

Greenleaf posted a comment on Monday 24th July 2006 1:07am for Chapter 16 - Politics and Angels

NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! You crewl crewl bastards!!!!! You can't leave someone hangin' like that!!!

lovemoonyforever posted a comment on Monday 24th July 2006 12:47am for Chapter 16 - Politics and Angels

Love everything. You two are one of the fastest updaters I've ever seen! And all the chapters are long! I don't understand how you manage it! I hope dumbledore dies soon. He makes the story exiting, but I'm very irritated of him.

RainingFlowers posted a comment on Monday 24th July 2006 12:43am for Chapter 16 - Politics and Angels

Fantastic chapter- I especially liked the Luna/Angels scene, especially when Draco winced at the thought of Angels giving birth. Dumbledore is really turning into a madman now- will he ever get his right mind back? Actually don't answer that- it's much more fun reading about Dumbly losing his mind and going almost evil.
It's nice to know that at least some Wizengamot members are nice. And sane. Without being pureblood freaks. I think the people like Coeur de Lion should really open their eyes to the current Wizarding World situation- evil madman, killing as many people as possible. If you're not gonna fight him, then at least stop making so much trouble for Harry!
I like the ending- cliffhanger! Is Diagon Alley going to be swarming with Death Eaters or something?
Update soon! Thanks for the quick update!
Raining Flowers

Voldemort is Dead posted a comment on Monday 24th July 2006 12:25am for Chapter 16 - Politics and Angels

I loved this chapter! So Harry thinks Opera is people screaming at each other in different languages, eh? LOL! I'm not a great fan of Opera either.

So our dear Dumbledork is up to new tricks again in Romania. I have no fear that whatever he is planning will fail.

Ken Warner posted a comment on Sunday 23rd July 2006 10:41pm for Chapter 16 - Politics and Angels

thnaks for another wonderful interlude with the Harry Bunch.

The imaginative names that you have come up with would almost be reward enough if the story were boring. Since it is the diametrical opposite, having the elves call Hagrid Mr. Hairy Head is priceless.

love your version of Luna - she is wonderful

Darrell2 posted a comment on Sunday 23rd July 2006 10:31pm for Chapter 16 - Politics and Angels

OH- Talk about a Cliffie! I absolutely LOVE it. Keep it up Bob.

freakyfinger posted a comment on Sunday 23rd July 2006 10:13pm for Chapter 16 - Politics and Angels

I don't see why the Wizengamot has to be remade. Haven is owned by Harry, even if he doesn't want to admit it. Yes, the British Ministry of Magic in Exile has set itself up in Haven, the Wizengamot doesn't have to. Why can't Harry just force them to rebuild themselves elsewhere?