Sunrise Over Britain
Chapter 17 - Trick or Treat
By Bobmin
Patrick Cross posted a comment on Monday 10th August 2009 12:06pm for Chapter 17 - Trick or Treat
Nice to see that bit about "The Great Pumpkin!"
Fidelia posted a comment on Sunday 26th October 2008 7:37am for Chapter 17 - Trick or Treat
The plot thickens. The Wizengamot is a pain the rear, but a very interesting twist. People in power like to have their power back, sod the fact that they were rescued from a very nasty situation. Amhar is extremely irritating(that's a good thing for the drama). I guess your point is that when they rescued all the peeps from Azkaban, they really couldn't check on everyone's bloodstatus politics. I find it quite interesting as Haven has turned the British Wizarding Society on its head by allowing all bloodstatus' to be equal along with the other magical creatures - it does follow logic that those that were used to being the privileged few would be very rankled by this turn of events. My only moment of wonder was at the hallowe'en pageant - why on earth would Mr. Amos suddenly attack like that? It seemed a bit sudden and sort of out of place. Surely he would realize that the constables and aurors would come investigating if he randomly starts attacking muggles and muggle-borns in front of a room full of people? Lots of witnesses. Though Yay! Hermione for snapping that twits wrist.
Love the building tension though. Realistic that Haven would not remain all luved up. Some people will insist on ruining a good thing.
RockBiter posted a comment on Tuesday 26th August 2008 4:11am for Chapter 17 - Trick or Treat
Since you probably aren't seeing my reviews, I haven't been doing much of it. Still reading, though. Still enjoying.
bjon66 posted a comment on Thursday 21st August 2008 11:24am for Chapter 17 - Trick or Treat
The only Great Pumpkin i ever heard of was in the 60s, with Charley Brown and the gang in the newspaper... Anyway, its pretty good story.. Its a little fluffier than i like, but i just skim over that... I hope you have a good ending for Dumbledork, and since they story is finished, i guess i'll find out.. lol..
runnerman87 posted a comment on Tuesday 19th August 2008 8:38am for Chapter 17 - Trick or Treat
Of all the Halloween stories out there, you had to pick Charlie Brown? I'll grant that most of the others would be guaranteed to give the kids nightmares, but still.
Bobboky posted a comment on Sunday 22nd June 2008 3:18am for Chapter 17 - Trick or Treat
I love the Charlie Brown Spoof here
witowsmp posted a comment on Saturday 14th June 2008 7:30am for Chapter 17 - Trick or Treat
Of course Santa exists! Every Christmas Eve, he floos to every house (coming out the fireplace) and then when he's done he takes a joyride on his sleigh. Or does he ride his sleigh to the building where the giant floo that goes to every house is?
cpd6000 posted a comment on Saturday 7th June 2008 10:25am for Chapter 17 - Trick or Treat
You two make traveling through the portals sound like stargates
kutekess posted a comment on Sunday 16th September 2007 3:40am for Chapter 17 - Trick or Treat
where's the story from?
Selma Flamel posted a comment on Wednesday 6th June 2007 2:00am for Chapter 17 - Trick or Treat
Very interesting pageant. Is the great pumpkin real?
Christina C. Keimig posted a comment on Tuesday 13th February 2007 12:55pm for Chapter 17 - Trick or Treat
Albus giggling is just too creepy.
Gotta love the Great Pumpkin story, though. Go, Linus! You were RIGHT! ;-)
chris13 posted a comment on Tuesday 21st November 2006 12:29pm for Chapter 17 - Trick or Treat
"The King is Charles. Camilla was accidentally mistaken for a horse and shot for food two months after the fall of Britain"
Priceless! just priceless.
i have to say, you guys Rock! i mean you seem to put about half as much thaght into your "standerd Disclaimers" and authers notes as you do into your chapters. you should have your own colums or some thing.
Jewelle posted a comment on Tuesday 31st October 2006 2:38am for Chapter 17 - Trick or Treat
Its the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown!... ROFLMAO!!!! This is great... just finished this chapter on my pocketpc (got story at and had to comment on the pageant. You must have grown up on Charlie Brown holiday specials just like I did.
I'm going back to reading the story now.
Lyn Piton posted a comment on Tuesday 5th September 2006 1:38am for Chapter 17 - Trick or Treat
Ahahaha, the Great Pumpkin! That scene made my day, seriously.
Phoenix BBQ? Kind of the ultimate Burning Day, eh?
Hey, you mentioned earlier (I think in the prequel to this, perhaps) that your profile has some fic recs. Where might I find that?
Your Dumbledore is excellently, creepily insane.
AK posted a comment on Saturday 19th August 2006 1:11pm for Chapter 17 - Trick or Treat
Hey wait I got a question. Is haven considered part of Britain, or Ireland or is it an independent territory on which the British government in exile happens to be. If so couldn't Harry have his own perfectly legal vigelente force that would deal with all those nice racists accordingly?
Derick posted a comment on Thursday 17th August 2006 4:37pm for Chapter 17 - Trick or Treat
bloody brilliant!!!!!!!!!! i can't wait for the next upate. Why does Hermione afraid of Santa Clause?
Aliwaheed posted a comment on Thursday 17th August 2006 12:33pm for Chapter 17 - Trick or Treat
Its been a week since i stumbled across your story on fanfic, the series was very well written and i sort of love stories with long chapters. After a week of reading through your fiction both the series i have finally reached the 17th chapter of your sunrise in britian story. By the looks of it this may be your longest story yet, and i know it may sound like a cliche' but your stories are very good excellent plot line especially this sunset series. I dont know why but i have this gut feeling that Dumbledore of cannon maybe showing him as someone good till now but that may change in the final book, you are very right in saying how come Harry can fight someone with 50+ year experience in duel, but then probably that is asking for a little too much.
Now coming back to your current story i in principle do not like to read stories which are incomplete because to wait for a new chapter is an arduous tasks but look what you did i had to read this though incomplete and now i am twiddling my fingers waiting for the next chapter. Any idea how long this fic would be in terms of number of chapters and what about the intervals between updates i notice you have a regular two chapter a month schedule is that going to continue or can we dunderheads expect more updates at a faster pace.
a_wanderer posted a comment on Thursday 17th August 2006 12:17pm for Chapter 17 - Trick or Treat
Ah, gee. I spent the night reading instead of working only to come to a WIP. Ah well.
Your intro's and AN's are as much fun (if not more) than the story.
Harry despises the legislature (I'm not about to spell that awful word) divide it into Lords and Commons, then neuter the House of Magical Lords.
Rebel Goddess posted a comment on Thursday 17th August 2006 6:19am for Chapter 17 - Trick or Treat
Wanted to add that I love Mama Johnansen and her twin girls and Amy. The double set of twins are particularly amusing as is the use of the Great Pumpkin legend. Wonderful chapters. I can't wait for more but I guess I'll have to. I liked the way Hermione dealt with Mr Amos and that she isn't going to be allowed straight into a commando fighting unit because it would be OC rather than merely AU. Excellent story.
Keeroo92 posted a comment on Sunday 9th January 2011 9:23pm for Chapter 17 - Trick or Treat