Sunrise Over Britain
Chapter 17 - Trick or Treat
By Bobmin
Jim_xinu posted a comment on Saturday 5th August 2006 1:07pm for Chapter 17 - Trick or Treat
The Great Pumpkin?! Okay, that had me laughing out loud. :-)
Just breaking Mr. Amos' arm and letting him run away seems rather short sighted for H&H. I would have expected them to press charges against him for attacking first instead.
Still, great chapter. Thanks for sharing it with us.
Musings of Apathy posted a comment on Saturday 5th August 2006 12:56pm for Chapter 17 - Trick or Treat
Excellent chapter, once again.
Bob, you seem to have a phobia about things biting you when they are in heat;
AK, you're right Moose bites are dangerous. Especially when they are in heat. But I don't think we'll go there.
...a boffin is a sixteen legged arachnoid like creature native to Tau Epsilon five. It's bite is poisonous and should be avoided in the mating season.
Alyx, do you have an explanation you wish to share?
Back to the story...
Could Harry and the Ministry use Irish law against the pureblood idiots? If they can't get a good British law passed for Haven to protect muggles and squibs, couldn't the Irish law be checked and even the Irish ministry be petitioned for a new law, quietly, that would offer more protection?
I love your use of the air strikes. Cluster munitions are awesome and ominous, depending on which angle you are viewing them from.
Would the next muggle option be to strike fuel depots and communication nexi? That would be what they would do at the same time as their strike on the camps to liberate the prisoners. If they were to do a coordinated strike on several muggle camps, the two wizard camps and some infrastructure, it would prevent the DE's from responding effectively.
Are there any large enclaves of DE's that could be bombed by the muggles to thin the herd? If you do that enough, the DE's would be scared to gather in large groups, as they would be too good of targets.
I don't know about the British military, but the modern American muggle military would be using UAV's that would be undetectable by muggle and wizarding means. The Unmanned Arial Vehicles that they used at the time ('97) were just such a thing, as they were too small to detect by most muggle means and had no magic to reveal themselves to Wizards.
I love the idea of the factory, but is it really a good thing to have anything of the Twins' in the same building as the portal construction? Just the fact that they would be stopping by to check on progress of their assembly line would make me weary.
Thank you for writing.
Mike (MoA)
Robert Klemic posted a comment on Saturday 5th August 2006 12:52pm for Chapter 17 - Trick or Treat
Wow. just as good as always. Nice touch at the end. It took me a few seconds to realize where that final scene was going.
Evan Mayerle posted a comment on Saturday 5th August 2006 12:49pm for Chapter 17 - Trick or Treat
Ah, a most delightful read for the weekend. I admit that I truly loved the scene at the school where Hermione took down the bigot. The rest of the chapter was enjoyable, too, as several plot threads advance and we see new aspcets of some of the characters (Neville in the Wizengamot comes to mind, especially). I suspect the uncoming raids will be rather more challenging than anyone expects.
*Sigh* I do have to do a bit of nitpicking, though. An EP-3E isn't capable of tracking ground targets, it's an ELINT collection and evaluation vehicle only where the antenna in the "M&M" under the fuselage is for obtaining accurate bearing information on signals. I should know, I've been one of the engineers developing retrofits to upgrade existing ones as well as consolidating drawings for the original conversions plus all the upgrades in order to produce a set of drawings for further conversions from stock P-3s.
Bobmin356 replied:
Alyx here. The information gathered on the EP-3E was from the Federation of American Scientists website when searching for "spy planes". The information may be wrong, but we're calling foul and saying it's not our fault! *Sticks her tongue out at the FoAS!* :P
Andrew Niehaus posted a comment on Saturday 5th August 2006 12:30pm for Chapter 17 - Trick or Treat
You know- I think I'm now more intrigued with how things are going to play out with the Wizengamot and the biggots in town than with whats' going to happen to Voldemort. that's not a bad thing, mind you...
Frank LeTanc posted a comment on Saturday 5th August 2006 12:26pm for Chapter 17 - Trick or Treat
actually I do have a question. if the dark lord is doing all of these rituals to level up to harry how can he still be able to use his phoenix feathered wand? I mean harry has had to resort to a combination of wandless magic and using a staff due to nearly burning out his wand. so whats the deal with the dark lord?
Bobmin356 replied:
Voldemort is making a classic mistake of being complacent. Unlike Harry who recognizes the need to learn constantly, Voldemort is an older wizard, set in his ways. He hasn't done anything which really pushes the envelope of his magic like Harry seems to do on a routine basis. I dont' want to give away any spoilers, so let's just say that it will be resolved in the end.
- bob
beauty0102 posted a comment on Saturday 5th August 2006 12:24pm for Chapter 17 - Trick or Treat
yeah great chapter can't wait for more so please update again and soon.
Drake posted a comment on Saturday 5th August 2006 11:58am for Chapter 17 - Trick or Treat
OMG! A spelling mistake *gasp* principle when it should've been Principal. :) Of course I won't tell if you don't :P
Bobmin356 replied:
You might want to reload the page. We fixed that error when it was first pointed out to us. Sometime between our fixing it and reloading the file, you uploaded the chapter with the mistake.
John Pinkston posted a comment on Saturday 5th August 2006 11:34am for Chapter 17 - Trick or Treat
The Great Pumpkin? I have to say, that in all of the fanfiction that I have read (and its a lot because I'm addicted) I haven't yet run across someone using the Great Pumpkin. You get brownie points for that. Keep up the good work.
Frank LeTanc posted a comment on Saturday 5th August 2006 11:27am for Chapter 17 - Trick or Treat
camilla being mistaken for a horse? I think you've just offeneded horses everywhere. I'd br looking out for some of those ole' buckin' broncos...yeeha!
freakyfinger posted a comment on Saturday 5th August 2006 11:21am for Chapter 17 - Trick or Treat
"Hi there. I'm Harry Potter. As for the two women you insulted, the older one is my friend, Olga, the younger one who broke your wrist is Hermione, my wife."
Oh man, if I was that guy, my life would be flashing through my head right now. But I doubt I could ever be so narrow-mindedly stupid . . .
Sean Dillon posted a comment on Saturday 5th August 2006 10:41am for Chapter 17 - Trick or Treat
Oh God. It's the Great Pumpkin Charlie Brown! I haven't laughed that hard since Ginny threatened to neuter Snuffles in This Means War.
blind-phoenix posted a comment on Saturday 5th August 2006 10:40am for Chapter 17 - Trick or Treat
now that'd be interesting. Dumbledore getting double crossed. I mean he's gonna pay for some mersinaries to do harry in? what if Voldemort came up with a better offer? I mean don't they sell out to the highest bidder? ah well. I will just wait and see.
good show guys, and alex, what bob does with hit tongue, is not worth the hassle of having a bloke around full time. buy a b.o.b and have bob do the housework and shite.
avram posted a comment on Saturday 5th August 2006 10:11am for Chapter 17 - Trick or Treat
Big fan of the story (and the one before it). You truly belong on this site.
Minor quibble- "It even corresponds to something the muggles know about already. They call them irrational numbers."
Perhaps you mean imaginary numbers? As a math major with lots of physics background, irrational doesn't make sense to me here (irrational = not expressible as a fraction, imaginary = square roots of negative numbers)
A minor quibble, great chapter overall. Yay H/H!
DrT posted a comment on Saturday 5th August 2006 10:10am for Chapter 17 - Trick or Treat
Sorry, the Wizengamot might be needed for your story, but it isn't needed in Haven as it is set up in your story. Still, I'll willing to see where you're going with the rest of the story line
zac posted a comment on Saturday 5th August 2006 10:02am for Chapter 17 - Trick or Treat
HAHAHA...Draco and Luna had to give the Angels the TALK...maybe that wasn't supposed to be funny but I found it to be hilarous...Maybe Harry should just kill that half of the wizengamut, that would solve part of the blood supremacy problem. In fact, her could just line up everyone in town and kill whoever believes in that crap. Ok, maybe that would be a little extreme, however satisfying it might be.
The Great Pumpkin? Was Charles Shultz a wizard or a squib or did he just capitalize on an older legend? I hadn't heard of the great pumpkin until that Charlie Brown movie. Is the tooth fairy real too then? The Easter Bunny? wow that is a pretty cool story thread.
Once again, thank you for brightening up all of our pathetic existences with your story. I look foreword to your next installment.
lbfan posted a comment on Saturday 5th August 2006 9:54am for Chapter 17 - Trick or Treat
That's much better of a disclaimer. I felt you were getting a bit carried away with Snape. It was actually getting a bit tired. Using Amy was distasteful, but her getting revenge seemed nice for a change. Please give us another disclaimer where Amy continues to settle the score.
vl100butch posted a comment on Saturday 5th August 2006 9:38am for Chapter 17 - Trick or Treat
The King is Charles. Camilla was accidentally mistaken for a horse and shot for food two months after the fall of Britain.
ROFLAMO---this isn't the first time I've heard Camilla linked with Flicka
I hope you have something good planned for the racists in the Wizgamont
Gardengirl posted a comment on Saturday 5th August 2006 8:48am for Chapter 17 - Trick or Treat
Just a couple of spelling suggestions - alright is incorrect, though common. All right is the correct way to spell it. Principle means an idea, a principal is in charge of a school.
Aside from that, I enjoyed the update immensely, as usual!
Bobmin356 replied:
Alyx here. Alright isn't incorrect, it's just not the standard spelling. It's been used for over a century and if it's good enough for James Joyce, we figure it can't be all bad. It's actually no different than using "already" or "altogether", except that those two words have been around since the Middle Ages, so readers are more willing to accept them as standard. I guess age has its privileges.
As for Priciple....erm...we have no excuse. However, it's been fixed in the file, so that counts, right? :D Thanks for pointing it out to us!
Lewis posted a comment on Saturday 5th August 2006 1:12pm for Chapter 17 - Trick or Treat