Sunrise Over Britain
Chapter 19 - Difficult Times for all
By Bobmin
Keeroo92 posted a comment on Monday 10th January 2011 12:25am for Chapter 19 - Difficult Times for all
Haha! I love the bloopers! Very funny. That whole mission/operation/battle was really intense! I think I prefer Neville's brain popping spell to the redact, although Luna's vines were pretty cool too. Either way, I say let the Death Eaters suffer before they die!
Tammy Driver posted a comment on Friday 5th November 2010 5:18am for Chapter 19 - Difficult Times for all
I would not want to get on the bad side of the twins! They can be downright vicious!
There were other traps, some hidden, some so obvious as to be overlooked. No matter what they looked like, they all had one thing in common; death. And not a neat, painless type of death. The twins had been especially vicious with their creations. The man-eating trash cans worked in pairs to rip men in half; the fake galleons, a few spread around on the ground of each camp, were packed with enough explosive force that, once triggered, could blow a man into pieces. Oh yes, the twins had been busy.
Tammy Driver posted a comment on Friday 5th November 2010 5:17am for Chapter 19 - Difficult Times for all
I would notwant to get on the bad side of the twins! They can be downright vicious!
There were other traps, some hidden, some so obvious as to be overlooked. No matter what they looked like, they all had one thing in common; death. And not a neat, painless type of death. The twins had been especially vicious with their creations. The man-eating trash cans worked in pairs to rip men in half; the fake galleons, a few spread around on the ground of each camp, were packed with enough explosive force that, once triggered, could blow a man into pieces. Oh yes, the twins had been busy.
Terry Chang posted a comment on Tuesday 21st September 2010 7:50am for Chapter 19 - Difficult Times for all
I've read this story multiple times. The part in here regarding Ginny. Wow. That part is written so well, so emotive (if that's a word). Definitely feel the moment there. Thank you. Gotta go back and read from that point again.
Miminomo posted a comment on Friday 30th April 2010 6:58pm for Chapter 19 - Difficult Times for all
I thought of this after going on to a new chapter several chapters ago. Nymphadora "Tonks" Lupin would be sick of being asked to impersonate other women. I'd expect Remus would only want her to just be herself, or they would never have fallen for each other.
kenderlyn posted a comment on Thursday 16th October 2008 6:54am for Chapter 19 - Difficult Times for all
This chapter really illustrated a catchphrase used often in the DragonLance saga:
"Evil turns upon itself; Good redeems its own"
Nice work.
RockBiter posted a comment on Tuesday 26th August 2008 10:37am for Chapter 19 - Difficult Times for all
Your forte, as a writer, seems to be battle scenes, and you do a bang-up job of it. Great job on this one.
azrael91 posted a comment on Monday 12th May 2008 6:13am for Chapter 19 - Difficult Times for all
Amen! Fuck politics, politicians and those goddamn French sonsofbitches! Oh, and very nice battle scene, i loved this chapter
bookaholic_au posted a comment on Wednesday 21st November 2007 2:05pm for Chapter 19 - Difficult Times for all
I like the bloopers, however I'm not too fussed on the battle.
GryffindorDragon posted a comment on Tuesday 26th June 2007 11:50pm for Chapter 19 - Difficult Times for all
Good chapter. Very readable. Kept my attention (unlike the Amhar plot line -- doesn't he seem a bit unreal? I know there are idiots out there who ignore the nose on their face [just read up about Ensign Francis Schlosser and Ft. St. Joseph during the Pontiac uprising], but they are incompetents who end up falling flat on the nose they're ignoring, aren't they? I suppose you've got something similar for Amhar up your sleeve. I'll try and be patient. But the man is a bit trying.).
Dustin Johannes posted a comment on Wednesday 20th September 2006 7:12am for Chapter 19 - Difficult Times for all
I've gotta hand it to you...You two have THE best disclaimers out there on the Especially helpful to those needing a laugh over here in Iraq. Thanks.
MonkeyAxman1302 posted a comment on Sunday 17th September 2006 6:23am for Chapter 19 - Difficult Times for all
Brilliant as usual!
Only problem is you say that they portkey to the south of england, and leeds ain't in the south. It may be when the elves leave u say it.
seishi posted a comment on Thursday 14th September 2006 3:05pm for Chapter 19 - Difficult Times for all
Me again, third review in 2 weeks for this chapter. just sending you a blooper, but Whydoyouneedtoknow's dangerverse
This from Sirius "I will never kiss a girl in public" Black. (Lupin)
When did he say that? (Danger)
Fifth year. James asked him if that meant he’d kiss a boy in public. I’m not sure he ever found all his teeth (Lupin)
hmmm, is Sirius Gay???
otaku_lord posted a comment on Thursday 14th September 2006 8:50am for Chapter 19 - Difficult Times for all
I hate to double post but I have a quick message for everyone about the little obnoxious guy that pops up around Luna .... THAT IS A CRUMPLE HORNED SNORKACK!!!
sorry... please continue
dave su posted a comment on Thursday 14th September 2006 8:27am for Chapter 19 - Difficult Times for all
oh yea btw... i was wondering if u guys have read the psychic serpent by barb as well as its two sequels... its a really good story i got hooked almost as fast as i did with your stories... its taken me a ton of time to recommend them because i was trying to decide if it really was a good story, the first one got some sort of really good award or something... anywho
hope u enjoy
otaku_lord posted a comment on Thursday 14th September 2006 7:51am for Chapter 19 - Difficult Times for all
I can not even put into words how incredible this story line has been.
I read Sunset in two days. I read Sunrise in three (up to chapter 19) and now I am going through withdrawals.
Your plot line and character development are exceptional.
Please keep up the good work.
BTW, per JKR, she is planning on killing off two of the main characters. She gave a brief interview while speaking about fighting with customs to carry her hand-written manuscript with her on a flight! She was afraid that it would be stolen.
Tabraiz Rasul posted a comment on Wednesday 13th September 2006 3:40am for Chapter 19 - Difficult Times for all
great story so ar. can't wait for the update.
soloven posted a comment on Monday 11th September 2006 2:54pm for Chapter 19 - Difficult Times for all
First off I love the Story.
as far as Amhar Coeur de Lion and a few of the other Wizengamot members goes I think someone needs to snap them back to reality. They have no real power and will not have any for quite a while, Even after they get back to England, several key points for this.
1) Haven is an IRISH Town, Regardless of who owns it or who lives there.
2) What punishment can they possible hand out, There is no Prison and Harry is the only one with money.
3) Going back to England is not as simple as just winning the War, rebuilding is going to take years. First the treaty between the Goblins and Britsh Ministry of Magic will have to be renegotiated since without money nothing else is going to happen. Then the actual rebuilding can begin, and lets not forget what requirements the King, the Prime Minister and all the other involved govements are going to impose to ensure that this doesn't happen again.
4) They are still going to have to convince all people to move back. Most people cannot afford and are not willing to start all over again.
Niels posted a comment on Monday 11th September 2006 12:11am for Chapter 19 - Difficult Times for all
Here's one for your bloopers :) It's in The New World of Bellerophon30. He/She/it? is a great writer, but even the greatest make mistakes.
"A bit too much, yeah. Until Hogwarts I’d never been out of England, let alone the country." The brave new world
I love your stories. Please don't ever stop writing :)
Brady66 posted a comment on Sunday 23rd September 2018 12:06pm for Chapter 19 - Difficult Times for all