Content Harry Potter


GryffindorDragon posted a comment on Sunday 3rd June 2007 10:48pm for Chapter 1 - Beginnings

The rescue of the Patils is very well done, very moving.

Eagle-Eyes posted a comment on Tuesday 28th November 2006 4:52am for Chapter 1 - Beginnings

This chapter brought tears to my eyes as I saw and felt that man die doing what he felt was needed to be done. Love your story.

antipsychotic posted a comment on Monday 14th August 2006 8:55am for Chapter 1 - Beginnings

I usually do not submit reviews because I do not read stories on line. When I discoverd Fan. Fics. I would look for a completed story over 100,000 words then print it up at work then read it at my leisure. We have a very fast printer where I work,example I printed up Sunset Over Britan in less tha an half hour. I love your work so much that I printed up Surise before it was completed and now I find myself looking every day for updates. I wish to thank you for taking the time and energy to create these wonderful stories for us. I am amazed that you do this for no pay and impressed that you love writting so much. Thank

Gary Meuse posted a comment on Monday 17th July 2006 8:23am for Chapter 1 - Beginnings

Hi, I have just started chapter 1 of Sunrise after my wife and I read Sunset in one day.

One thing, I hope you don't you don't think I am nitpicking but I was hoping that the problems with grammar would have gone away. In some sentences there are words left out or mixed tenses.

It is a very good fic and I know it will get better, as I said we are only on chapter 1.

Otokondo posted a comment on Wednesday 24th May 2006 1:54pm for Chapter 1 - Beginnings

just a thought, but if Harry Potter sealed Britain and things were getting desperate, couldnt the would just nuke them?

catallison posted a comment on Thursday 11th May 2006 12:27pm for Chapter 1 - Beginnings

I've just finished reading Sunset and have started on the sequel. I've been planning to write a review for a while, but couldn't stop reading long enough to get around to it.

Your plotting is excellent-- engaging, suspenseful-- seriously, good enough to make minor flaws ignorable (I think it took a while for the voices of the characters to be well differentiated and not sound like they were having conversations in prepared speeches). Sunset had me leaving the dishes at the cafe I work at to the end of my shift and then cutting myself on a broken martini glass in the rush to catch up because I just could not stop reading. Seriously, I bled for half an hour. And got a long lecture from the night guy about how I wasn't closing my shift properly. The last time I fell into a story like that was when I read through the series for the first time two summers ago (I just graduated with a degree in English Literature, which means reading hasn't been fun and games for a while) . So, rock on, and keep the updates coming because I'm catching up.

But dudes, there's been one little tiny detail that's been driving me mad to the point that I've finally been motivated to write a review: Harry didn't make Hermione and Remus book bags of requirement, he made them boxes of requirement. Obviously, this break in continuity doesn't harm the structure of the story, but has frustrated me to no end. Maybe the idea of a box over a book bag was just more elegant and wizardy and reminiscent of the trunks everyone is carrying to and from Hogwarts and maybe I have suppressed a childhood trauma involving enchanted book bags, but I have my roommate rolling in laughter every time I shout "Book bags??? They were BOXES!" during my reading. Yeah, I know, I should bring this up with the therapist, but for the love of all that is good and holy, bring back the boxes!

Olaf Rammler posted a comment on Friday 5th May 2006 6:12am for Chapter 1 - Beginnings

Its more than absolutely great. please continue it very very soon!

TxA_GunFighter posted a comment on Monday 1st May 2006 2:37am for Chapter 1 - Beginnings

Very good. Kinda tells it like it is. War isn't fun.


SammyWrae posted a comment on Saturday 25th March 2006 10:27pm for Chapter 1 - Beginnings

I have been reading (and re-reading) Sunset for a long time, and think that it is by far and away the best fanfic story I have read in a long time, and Sunrise seems to be shaping up in the same way.

But a friend of mine (who comes from Scotland) would like me to point something out (she seemed very upset about it)

<i>The international Wizarding community has decided that you are far too ugly to be allowed to travel outside of Britain and Scotland, and so are your band of merry morons.</i>

Scotland is actually part of Britain, not a whole separate country :}

Aaran St Vines posted a comment on Tuesday 28th February 2006 11:08pm for Chapter 1 - Beginnings

I reviewed this chapter early this morning, but I just had a sad and frightening thought.

Will Dobby volunteer to go back to Malfoy to spy on him?

(Major Shivers) I hope not.

Excellent tale when I am thinking about one of your chapters subconciously hours later.

Aaran St Vines posted a comment on Tuesday 28th February 2006 7:05pm for Chapter 1 - Beginnings

I have never liked Harry Potter fanfics where Harry becomes Minister of Magic right after, or even just a few years after defeating Voldemort. No one has made him into the person he'd need to be to accomplish it.

You, however, have written a tale that develops Harry into the person who could easily be MoM by age eighteen.

This plot is complex and brilliant - not just a story built around a few plot ideas, but a WORK of fiction.


rippergirl posted a comment on Monday 16th January 2006 8:38pm for Chapter 1 - Beginnings

Oh my gosh yay new chappie. Busy at work this weekend but as soon as I saw a new chapter was out I had to read it. Was at work thinking of when I could get home and read it. Charlie has got to see the light. Dumbledore is an ass. and Awww Arthur is falling in love again. Can't wait until next update. Again you guys rock my socks.

Tildessmoo posted a comment on Wednesday 4th January 2006 7:14am for Chapter 1 - Beginnings

"How can we have notes when it's a new story?"

Well, technically it's not a new story, but a dilineation within a larger story. Besides, you had notes on the first chapter of Sunset.

Ian Mcfarland posted a comment on Thursday 15th December 2005 1:01am for Chapter 1 - Beginnings

good story with sunset over britain this is in line with j,k,r work at the end can you tell us what happened to the dursleys

harry85 posted a comment on Tuesday 6th December 2005 8:59pm for Chapter 1 - Beginnings

Good. I liked the start of this story, and I can't wait for the moment Harry kicks Voldie's ass. But it will need a long way to go, won't it?

Julia1 posted a comment on Monday 5th December 2005 4:59am for Chapter 1 - Beginnings

its like a continuation to sunset which, knowing sunset, is great. its kind of strange now though, cause before, the "outcasts" were mentioned in every chapter, and now it seams like they've grown a little apart. they dont spend that much time with each other anymore.

rahul posted a comment on Sunday 4th December 2005 3:43am for Chapter 1 - Beginnings

guyz.... need a new update............. need a new update......

Jeeb posted a comment on Saturday 3rd December 2005 10:26pm for Chapter 1 - Beginnings

update soon!!! Such an awesome story, cant wait to read more!
Awesome Writer!
I read the previous story pretty much in one night.... Sooo GOOD!!

Keep up the good Work!


Tracy1 posted a comment on Saturday 3rd December 2005 11:26am for Chapter 1 - Beginnings

i cant wait for the next installment for this story keep up the great work !!!!! i've never been more hooked as i hae been with your story

azrael1 posted a comment on Saturday 3rd December 2005 5:08am for Chapter 1 - Beginnings

Damn good start