Sunrise Over Britain
Chapter 1 - Beginnings
By Bobmin
minervakitty posted a comment on Friday 2nd December 2005 10:11am for Chapter 1 - Beginnings
Flitwick probably doesn't need that much of a skin for his loin cloth. Will Shaila accept Lavender? Too bad, Voldie's mouth wasn't open when the 19 men exploded. Makes me wonder about how many people will be needing the potion to recover. Does all the aurors have second skin? Is there something in the books about how the dementors was created? I do hope that the twins invent something that would deceive the capture teams of Voldie's.
edhel posted a comment on Friday 2nd December 2005 3:44am for Chapter 1 - Beginnings
I ´m a german reader and find it wonderful. Don ´t waste to much time with the next cheapter!!!
light fan posted a comment on Thursday 1st December 2005 9:35pm for Chapter 1 - Beginnings
Very nice beginning to your book. I found your Sunset story a couple of weeks ago and read the whole thing very quickly. It was one of the best HP fanfiction stories I've ever read. I liked the plot, your writing style, your long chapters and your belief in updating frequently. Hope you do the same with your new story. Thanks for sharing. By the way, I also enjoyed your one-shot, Parallels and hope there will be a sequel to that as well.
Hagrid posted a comment on Thursday 1st December 2005 8:44pm for Chapter 1 - Beginnings
A great start! What more can I say? A few chuckles, a few tears, you two are the best.
icaro posted a comment on Thursday 1st December 2005 7:33pm for Chapter 1 - Beginnings
I LOVE your disclaimers!!!
The line works, well and now what? Tommy boy will try to breach it? Will he succeed?
Another twist with the dementor thing, it'll play a part in the sequel, won't it?
Through this review I'd like to congratulate you and your partners in crime (the writers in this site) on your excellent work and dedication. I intend to read all your fics and I follow some in fanfiction but in my opinion, fanfiction is a bit shortsighted in question of rating. They alow bold slash stories(I personally don't have anything against slash), and some bloody but without plot, and censure masterpieces like "Sunset..." or "A year like no other"
Well, enough rambling, I expect the second chapter soon.
Read you later!
Rex posted a comment on Thursday 1st December 2005 7:11pm for Chapter 1 - Beginnings
Nice job guys I like the opening can you please kill the lemon drop sucking old codger in a Extremely painful way?
MistMaster posted a comment on Thursday 1st December 2005 8:38am for Chapter 1 - Beginnings
ive gotta say i loved the story, ive been reading it for a few days now (verrrrrry long chapter, nice) i read a few chapters a day and i just finished now and i love it
and i like storyies were draco is redeemed, ron is a moron, and dumbledors a manipulitive old lunatic, so this was a great read. Thanks for writing and please update soon.
is snape going to die in this? or just be a slave for volde-wart? its just my opinion but i think he should try to attack dumbedor for betraying him, though it may not fit all that well into your story
Wednesday posted a comment on Wednesday 30th November 2005 8:03pm for Chapter 1 - Beginnings
Yay! New story... or at least a continuation... is it going to be a Trilogy? Or just a sequal?
Can someone please kick Dumbledore's arse?! Please...
freddie1 posted a comment on Wednesday 30th November 2005 3:17pm for Chapter 1 - Beginnings
Debby Smith posted a comment on Wednesday 30th November 2005 1:33pm for Chapter 1 - Beginnings
I loved it! Now I just have to wait for the next chapter to be here. But I know it takes time to put out the great chapters you do.
Lurk posted a comment on Wednesday 30th November 2005 10:46am for Chapter 1 - Beginnings
Wonderfully brilliant! Ah, poor Harry. He's starting to have to cope. And while him coping is wonderful, the fact that he -has- to cope is not. I' in shock about the amount of money Harry actually owns. Was Remus serious, or exaggerating? Either way, Hermione's going to have her hands full trying to keep Harry from giving almost all of it to the needy. I loved the bunny spell! When I read that...I kept thinking "killer bunny, killer rabbit, killer bunny!" Monty Python is King. Even if Monty Python isn't actually a person, it still is King. With a capital "K". And your story is Brilliant and Amazing, with a capital "B" and "A" and any other letters that describe how amazing this truly is. Interesting names for the Patils. Did you read the names somewhere, or are they completely your own creation? They're very lovely. Keep it up!
Jack-A-Roe posted a comment on Wednesday 30th November 2005 10:18am for Chapter 1 - Beginnings
I believe that this may be the best chapter you've written in any of your stories!
Although, I did miss the pet peeves in the authors notes. Did I mention that I just read a 90+ chapter story where the chapters were all about two thousand words....very frustrating to get involved in it.
thanks for writing.
Lanthir posted a comment on Wednesday 30th November 2005 7:40am for Chapter 1 - Beginnings
Hello There,
i like the story. Please write again so good and fast.
Bye Lanthir
Darrell2 posted a comment on Wednesday 30th November 2005 7:24am for Chapter 1 - Beginnings
All I can say is this: B-E-A-UTIFUL! the begiining chapter for this story already has the sunrise starting as families are reunitied and reborn, with ol' Tom getting pissed off because of our hero. Keep it up!
Manatheron posted a comment on Wednesday 30th November 2005 7:10am for Chapter 1 - Beginnings
That was simply awesome,
Some of your best work to date!
Anastasia posted a comment on Wednesday 30th November 2005 5:33am for Chapter 1 - Beginnings
Not bad at all.
I won't tell you guys to update soon or to keep up your good work because I know that you will do that without me telling you anyway :)
Michelline posted a comment on Wednesday 30th November 2005 5:28am for Chapter 1 - Beginnings
I have to say I'm a horrible reviewer. Just the opposite of you guys as authors. You are wonderful! Spectacular. This story started off strong and I'm looking forward greedily to chapter 2. And 3. And 4... Don't let the nit-pickers get you down. Write for your own enjoyment (and mine!!!).
Machelle posted a comment on Wednesday 30th November 2005 4:36am for Chapter 1 - Beginnings
Another well written chapter. I was very happy to see Harry blow up at Hermione. I understand her fear and empathise with her but does she not see that by protecting the house elves - even after Dobby said that they wanted to help take back their home - she is being as much as a Master to them as the ones she complained about. These house elves were not bound to any family and had voluntarily bound themselves to Haven. Who is she to take away their rights to choose?
exar posted a comment on Wednesday 30th November 2005 12:35am for Chapter 1 - Beginnings
Wonderful beginning to the sequel....I loved it and there is not much more I can say. Really enjoyed what you did to the death eaters crossing the line.
Schokki posted a comment on Saturday 3rd December 2005 2:07am for Chapter 1 - Beginnings