Sunrise Over Britain
Chapter 1 - Beginnings
By Bobmin
hyper_swain posted a comment on Monday 28th November 2005 12:25pm for Chapter 1 - Beginnings
a most excellent begining!
Meghan posted a comment on Monday 28th November 2005 11:40am for Chapter 1 - Beginnings
yes you can definitely have notes! :) great start to a brand new story! :D i'm very excited and can't wait for the next update
Tinwenilda posted a comment on Monday 28th November 2005 11:31am for Chapter 1 - Beginnings
You spelled something wrong. Get a beta. seansli@gmail(dot)com
Haha, more to the point, this was terrific. I raise a toast to ye great authors and a great start.
corwalch posted a comment on Monday 28th November 2005 10:51am for Chapter 1 - Beginnings
I must say it is a very good beginning and maintains the pace set in the other story quite nicely. Keep up the good work.
Kingpin posted a comment on Monday 28th November 2005 10:47am for Chapter 1 - Beginnings
I like it. there is not much else i can really say about it. Good start, i like the spell that harry used with the line spell to tell voldemort that he could not go anywhere. will definetly keep reading to see how your story progresses
Emily Troy posted a comment on Monday 28th November 2005 10:45am for Chapter 1 - Beginnings
Snaps, you guys, how on earth do you write such long chapters? Wow. You're really good authors. =)
Kris posted a comment on Monday 28th November 2005 10:43am for Chapter 1 - Beginnings
Totally COOL! I have no idea how you are able to write chapters that can make me nearly pee in my pants laughing on minute, and then be on the brink of tears the next! What's your secret? Is it a secret potion made with the blood of a unicorn, tinted with Snivilus spit? (Too gross?)
Please update soon! I can't wait! ;)
...One more questions... are you a published writer? If so under what name and where can I buy the book?
Kristina posted a comment on Monday 28th November 2005 10:42am for Chapter 1 - Beginnings
OMG! i lovoed it! keep it up and update soon!
Peter Clark posted a comment on Monday 28th November 2005 10:39am for Chapter 1 - Beginnings
Wai wai ^_^
MysticHowler posted a comment on Monday 28th November 2005 10:37am for Chapter 1 - Beginnings
Maybe no AN, but what about Pet Peeves?
Awsome chapters
Lady FoxFire posted a comment on Monday 28th November 2005 10:32am for Chapter 1 - Beginnings
First off I will state that I love this fic and can't wait for the next chapter.
I am curious to see what Snape, Dumbledore and the Weasley family has been up to.
Where is Molly? Did she ever learn what happen to Ron?
As for the disclaimer... I have to agree with Alyx on that on. The bass lack a present. When I read that Snape was in a cauldron I was hoping for beautiful young women who wanted to give him a bath, so they filled the cauldron up with water and slowly heat it until it was boiling.
I will admit I did like seeing Professor Flitwick in it. That was a bright spot of the disclaimer.
Soemdays I don't know what I look forward to reading the most, the new chapter or the disclaimer
exileena posted a comment on Monday 28th November 2005 10:30am for Chapter 1 - Beginnings
I about started crying when Lavender did. Great start.
Christina C. Keimig posted a comment on Monday 28th November 2005 10:28am for Chapter 1 - Beginnings
A beautiful start to Sunrise. Difficult moments, but lots of hope at the same time. Can't wait for chapter 2!!!
Jake posted a comment on Monday 28th November 2005 9:53am for Chapter 1 - Beginnings
Yay! Great chapter, I hope there's more of the outcasts coming up, I really like the group as a whole. Keep up the great work an update soon!
Steven Anderson posted a comment on Monday 28th November 2005 9:45am for Chapter 1 - Beginnings
More. And soon.
Katie2 posted a comment on Monday 28th November 2005 9:34am for Chapter 1 - Beginnings
Hi bobmin,
I've been reading all of your stories and I just love them and I thought it was time that I told you. I don't really have the writing bug, I find it very difficult for me to continue a story once I get past the muse inspired beginnnings, so I have great respect for any writer, even more for one who can continue writing countless stories. Thanks for all the hard work and effrot you but in to make the story come alive. Thank You.
Jessica2 posted a comment on Monday 28th November 2005 9:27am for Chapter 1 - Beginnings
What was the purpose of the squirrel in the begginning of the chapter? Is that one of the subplot things you were talking about that you had to work into the story?
Maybe I am just reaching out to nothing, but was the squirrel Dumbledore's animagus form? I can't remember if you've ever let us know what his form is, or if he even has one. And since you called the squirrel "Nutters," I just thought it would kind of make sense. But, I"m probably just letting my imagination run wild.
Jessica2 posted a comment on Monday 28th November 2005 9:24am for Chapter 1 - Beginnings
Wow. Absolutely amazing. Well worth the couple weeks wait until it was posted.
Jason Karr posted a comment on Monday 28th November 2005 9:20am for Chapter 1 - Beginnings
this is a good story
ThunderGod posted a comment on Monday 28th November 2005 12:28pm for Chapter 1 - Beginnings