Sunrise Over Britain
Chapter 1 - Beginnings
By Bobmin
Laughing Cat posted a comment on Monday 28th November 2005 2:12am for Chapter 1 - Beginnings
You don't need notes when it's an awesome story. ^_^
Robbert posted a comment on Monday 28th November 2005 2:00am for Chapter 1 - Beginnings
Nice, very good start with the sequel.
jmcqk6 posted a comment on Monday 28th November 2005 1:52am for Chapter 1 - Beginnings
"This was Harry, leader of Haven."
That gave me goosebumps. I nearly cried with the extension of the patil family. Great start! This is super harry well done, a rare enough find in Harry Potter fanfictions. You've done it twice now with your first series, and now this!
About the dementors. I don't know what you have planned, but I thought I would mention what I'm planning in my story, Prodigy, simply because in case we have similar things planned, I don't want to be accused of stealing your idea. I'm planning on Harry creating creatures of light (yet unnamed) specifically to counteract and battle dementors. He works on this after discovering that the dementors were man made (or rather wizard made, although it would be an interesting twist to have them muggle made. I may have to think about that...).
Anyways, great work! I look forward to future chapters, especially what you started with the last chapter in Sunset with the recreation of the brotherhood. Thanks for sharing!
Lord Nytmare posted a comment on Monday 28th November 2005 1:47am for Chapter 1 - Beginnings
Arg, Wahoo!
Thank God, Iv'e been waiting for you two to start this one!
Brilliant First chapter, Go Alyx, Viva Bob!!
Lord Midian Nytmare
Jenn Sroc posted a comment on Monday 28th November 2005 1:38am for Chapter 1 - Beginnings
Wonderful, spectacular, fantastic!!!!!! Keep up the good work!!!!
Sonicdale posted a comment on Monday 28th November 2005 1:38am for Chapter 1 - Beginnings
Harry was polishing his Firebolt. There's a joke there, but I'll refrain. I was sooo hoping that he'd fly it. Flying seems to be the 'thing' for Harry to relax, other than his girlfriend. :)
Likey this story muchly. A great beginning.
A question though... Harry's been going through the ranks of the bad DE Aurors, right? I'm just wondering at the competency of them being able to detect the extraction team so well. I guess we'll see more - Lucius can't be the only lackey Moldie has at his beck and call.
Good work!
rmcclain124 posted a comment on Monday 28th November 2005 1:37am for Chapter 1 - Beginnings
Very nice start. You hate to see it start with a death, but hey, it's war people. A 19:1 ratio for a day would be acceptable in any war.
I also read 'Parallels' yesterday. An outstanding piece of work. Ended pretty solidly, but left a lot of story that could be told from that point forward. And I certainly wouldn't complain....
I am however somewhat curious that you would take up another H/Hr (even if it was an extended single) in the middle. Especially when you have said previously that you prefer (or maybe preferred?) an HP/GW coupling. I'm definitely not complaining, as I enjoy the current 'ship myself. Like I said, just curious is all.
Keep up the great work, and I will eagerly await the next chapter.
Best regards, PK Fan
wenz posted a comment on Monday 28th November 2005 1:37am for Chapter 1 - Beginnings
Wow, I like this, action right from the word go. ;)
Dementors, I've read fics that placed them as solid echos of Dark Lords or Evil Wizards, or something like Inferni. I also read one about them being lesser demons of a sort, that and something about a lightning patronus (or something like that). Am I onto something?
When Lucious tried to portkey the newly marked ones, Harry said the line had been breached? Is that the right term, or should it have been something closer to "probed" or something like that? The way the line was put up sounds more like a very permanent or long-term type thing, rather than a single use.
Keep it up, update soon!
James posted a comment on Monday 28th November 2005 1:35am for Chapter 1 - Beginnings
I'm sure all the nice people of wales are not to pleased with you.
Shawn Pickett posted a comment on Monday 28th November 2005 1:26am for Chapter 1 - Beginnings
Maybe not notes, but certainly pet peeves. Great chapter, it got the ball rolling nicely, though I could've stood to see more of some of the missing players (Snape in his dungeon, Molly trying to cope, Dumbledore's plans) but a good start none the less. I kind of liked that Hermione is still trying to grasp all of what is going on, she understands intellectually, but hasn't quite come to grips with the full scope of things, such as sending people to their deaths to win the fight. Great job, thank you.
hatten_jc posted a comment on Monday 28th November 2005 1:14am for Chapter 1 - Beginnings
Great work. One question is bothering me.
What happend to Dumbledoor ? last we heard about him he was in a Irland somewhere trying to find Harry but i realy like to know what the old nuttcase is up to.
darktail posted a comment on Monday 28th November 2005 12:54am for Chapter 1 - Beginnings
I had tears in my eyes in the end...
I really can't thank you enough for even -thinking- about creating a story as beautiful as those you wrote, and are writing...
Keep up the perfect work, ok? And if this means a long time between updates, I'll accept it gladly, for it means a new, wonderful chapter is coming...
See you in the next rewiew page, bye bye!
Eliew posted a comment on Monday 28th November 2005 12:48am for Chapter 1 - Beginnings
Oooo...wonderful start for a sequel. Love the excitement of the extraction, the sacrifices made, the lives saved.
The stress felt by Harry and Hermione, as well as the interaction between those two were great as well. Even as they grow closer, they are still learning about each other's behaviour and learning how to deal with each other.
The scene where Riddle was told about his travelling restrictions was fun, and good. Just too bad the corpses explosion weren't more violent. I was hoping for the flying shrapnels of bones to be forceful enough to take out a few surrounding DEs, or at the very minimum, cause some injury. On the other hand, I was hoping that the DEs trying to cross the line would simply die without Voldie knowing somehow, so that the line can be used to take out more of them before someone realise what is happenning.
Paulo Weber posted a comment on Monday 28th November 2005 12:44am for Chapter 1 - Beginnings
Oh, what a great start. Truly marvelous. A question, thou, do you guys intend to deal with the other Magical creatures left behind in England, like centaurs and the like? Cause it seems that they were somewhat 'forgotten' by Harry and Co., and I don ´t think Voldemort will ally himself with them, and when they return to Britain, I think they could end up with another problem, like a Centaur War.
Sean Hennessey posted a comment on Monday 28th November 2005 12:37am for Chapter 1 - Beginnings
What? No Cliffie? How can you expect people to keep reading if there's no cliffie? Just kidding. Great story.
john6 posted a comment on Monday 28th November 2005 12:34am for Chapter 1 - Beginnings
It is rare when a story get's better with the sequel,this is one of those rare stories.
I have enjoyed all of you fic and look forward to your next and the one after that
Meg posted a comment on Monday 28th November 2005 12:26am for Chapter 1 - Beginnings
Hot damn!
Absolutly fantastic. I'm already feeling the crack-like addiction set in.
Angel posted a comment on Monday 28th November 2005 12:24am for Chapter 1 - Beginnings
WOW!!! Awesome beginning..I am speechless. Keep it up both of you are awsome.
Mickey posted a comment on Monday 28th November 2005 12:19am for Chapter 1 - Beginnings
Very nice story although you STILL have an annoying tendency to mix up Britain and England. England is a large island in the British Isles. Britain is either a political unit consisting of England, Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland and other territories or a geographical location known also as the British Isles including England, Scotland, Ireland, and others. Thus the phrase "Britain and Scotland) is meaningless.
About the scene where Lucius is explaining his reasoning not to kill everyone. Wile the resoning is sound and it's possible Malfoy would see it I don't believe any version of Voldermort would be able to accept that line of reasoning and even if he could I do not believe Malfoy was subservient enough to him in his tone or choice of words to escape infuriating Voldermort.
The Unicorn
fanofdrows posted a comment on Monday 28th November 2005 2:14am for Chapter 1 - Beginnings