Content Harry Potter


myrthe1203 posted a comment on Friday 4th July 2014 2:23pm for Chapter 20 - A Matter for Kings and Philosophers

This line cracked me up as a double entendre:

The King looked surprised for a moment, then nodded. "Thank you, my lord."

Usually, my lord means something like "my owner". When the King says it, it means "you might be a lord but you're MY lord, you belong to me."

"My owner" is an oxymoron in itself, I think.

amsev posted a comment on Wednesday 4th April 2012 1:02am for Chapter 20 - A Matter for Kings and Philosophers

Dumbledore and the Evil Buttplug: YAY! I was just thinking about how badly he needs an Evil Buttblug this morning, and you, my darling authors, provided!

Now we just need Amhar and the Evil Buttplug....

Continuing to enjoy this story, and am appreciating the taste of erotic-ness betwixt the Potters.

Off to read more!

strrynighte posted a comment on Saturday 6th November 2010 6:56pm for Chapter 20 - A Matter for Kings and Philosophers

Hey Bob and Alex. I've been re-reading your stories Sunrise and Sunset the past couple of weeks. I love your work!

But as an English teacher, I have a small pet-peeve of my own... "your" and "you're."

A number of times in your stories, you mean to say "you're"-- as in "you are," but it is misspelled as "your," which indicates possession. You might think about going back and checking your "your"s and "you're"s. :)

Dale Dietzman posted a comment on Monday 8th March 2010 8:25am for Chapter 20 - A Matter for Kings and Philosophers

Being "wheels" I'm sure they "spoked" quietly, no doubt they are well greased.

"They spoked quietly for a few moments before Amelia signaled Harry and Hermione to step forward."

Alice Zecco posted a comment on Sunday 4th October 2009 2:46am for Chapter 20 - A Matter for Kings and Philosophers

I wish someone would kill Amhar! I just hate that guy! Great story.

Matt Smith posted a comment on Sunday 2nd November 2008 9:36am for Chapter 20 - A Matter for Kings and Philosophers

Please forgive me for nitpicking. One blooper in this chapter...

The Sovereign would NEVER refer to anyone as my Lord or my Lady. The honorific is used by those of lesser status not by those of superior status. He would refer to Harry as Lord Potter and Hermione as Lady Potter at all times if he wished to honour the spurious title at all.

I would however, like to congratulate you on being the first non-british writers that I have come across that have correctly addressed the Sovereign as Majesty and not Highness. Thank goodness someone does their research!

I hope you are not offended by my comments, but as someone that holds a title by virtue of birth, such things have been drilled in from a very early age.

LilyPotterJr posted a comment on Monday 30th June 2008 12:09pm for Chapter 20 - A Matter for Kings and Philosophers

I realize that the story is completed already, but I wanted to review. :)

Why yes, I do hate Amhar. I hope you kill him. And I REALLY hope that it's in a just and ironic way.

Great job with your stories guys! Big fan!

GryffindorDragon posted a comment on Wednesday 27th June 2007 3:26am for Chapter 20 - A Matter for Kings and Philosophers

Isn't the line of questioning of Amhar and others out of bounds? Unless there is a question of tax fraud or ill-gotten income, aren't personal finances beyond government investigation? (I can just see McCain or Kennedy being laughed out of the Senate over some of the questions in this Wizengamot Investigative Committee). Are things really so different in England that such line of questioning would be allowed? Or is this another 'the-Wizarding-World-is-hopelessly-backward' sort of thing?
Oh, why did Amhar have to apologize? Then Harry could have challenged him to a duel and put him out of our misery. (I wrote that last part before I read down to Harry's line, honest I did).
'Is it really necessary to explain in your review why you hate him and why you feel we must hate him as well? I mean, come on, we WROTE him to be hated.' Sorry, it's not that I hate Amhar (not that I particularly care for him); it that I find him a distraction (does he really move the plot along at all?) and have a hard time conceiving of anyone in Haven acting like that (as popular as you've portrayed Harry, someone would have to be a total idiot to oppose him -- alright, I admit Ahmar is a total idiot), particularly after being rescued from Azkaban (thank you all for saving my life but I'm still going to do my best to destroy your little party -- would anyone still hold to such 'racism' after that?). If anything wouldn't that experience have made him rabidly supportive of anyone trying to take down Voldie?

Selma Flamel posted a comment on Wednesday 6th June 2007 2:21am for Chapter 20 - A Matter for Kings and Philosophers

"People used to run when I glared, he thought. Well, maybe not Hermione, but still.." Poor harry, will his glare return to its normal ferocity…or will he have to come up with a new way of chasing people away?

Dumbledore is frightening. Perhaps it’s time for him to be put down. (like the mad dog that he is )

bratling posted a comment on Saturday 3rd March 2007 7:45am for Chapter 20 - A Matter for Kings and Philosophers

About Amhar... May I kill him? Please? I specialize in doing in characters that I hate... am infamous for it in some circles...

john.adams posted a comment on Tuesday 13th February 2007 1:14pm for Chapter 20 - A Matter for Kings and Philosophers

In the newspaper article, you refer to the Saudi "calvary," which is incorrect. It's Cavalry. Calvary is the hill on which Jesus was supposedly crucified.

The GRIM posted a comment on Thursday 1st February 2007 1:38pm for Chapter 20 - A Matter for Kings and Philosophers

I am enjoying your story(ies). I just happened upon them a bit ago. One thing bothers me. In your authors notes, you seem to take glee in poking fun at people who incorrectly use certain english phrases. I always thought that fanfiction could be used as a learning tool for many authors and that, while people engage betas, there are no true editors. It would seem inevitable to find misspellings and grammatical errors. Maybe what you are doing is truly just fun poking but it seems a bit malicious. By the way, when people sup, it is my understanding that they are "dining", not "dinning". Possibly your concisitetnt misspeeeling of this word is some obcure prase in Britsepeek. Using a spellcheck might help.

ponderous stibbons posted a comment on Friday 26th January 2007 6:58pm for Chapter 20 - A Matter for Kings and Philosophers

Glad Hermione's excited about the Muggle royalty... not many Brits are! But the royals are highly essential for the British tourism industry!

TxA_GunFighter posted a comment on Friday 20th October 2006 10:55am for Chapter 20 - A Matter for Kings and Philosophers

Good chapter.


Voldemort is Dead posted a comment on Monday 2nd October 2006 12:56pm for Chapter 20 - A Matter for Kings and Philosophers


I have a Blooper for you.

I came across this on another fanfic site: It is a story written by Corwalch.

The story is called: A Wizard of Silence. It is a cross-over of Harry Potter and Charmed.

The blooper is at the beginning of Chapter 2:

Vernon Dursley was just about to pick up his fork and start on his dinner when the doorbell ran.

I think that the author meant that the doorbell rang. If the doorbell ran, where did it run to, and how far did it run?

You should check out this story.

I really do like this story so far!

Matthew Blair posted a comment on Wednesday 27th September 2006 6:26am for Chapter 20 - A Matter for Kings and Philosophers

Is Mrs. Weaslly one of the thousands recued I am just wondering you never really killed her off, and it seems like it could be an interesting thing to throw in the mix. That is all I am done trying to make suggestions and thanks for not having a bloopers on comments cuase me no good and writing english. Great story though .

Bobmin356 replied:

Alyx here: Mrs. Weasley is dead. If you go back to Chapter 9, the scene at the Memorial Lake in Haven with the Weasley family makes that clear. Mr. Weasley felt her passing, and the twins can no longer feel her. She's gone, never to appear within this story again. The same goes for Ron and Percy.

Oh, and your English is perfectly understandable. Even if it wasn't, we'd never make fun of it.   Thanks for reading!

patrick43057 posted a comment on Tuesday 26th September 2006 2:08pm for Chapter 20 - A Matter for Kings and Philosophers

I have enjoyied all your writings. And will patiently wait for more. I have not enjoyed reading like this in many years. I just caught up with your stories and now find my self waiting for more chapters. I finished chapter 19 not realizing I was reading a work in progress. I was a little disapointed, but felt like I was now apart of a shared journey with so many of your other readers. Thank you for sharing your talent and imagination.

Bobmin356 replied:

Alyx here: We're sorry you were caught off-guard with the WIP status of the story. But we do try to update ever 14-15 days, so we'll try not to keep you waiting too long.   We're glad you're enjoying the story and thanks for reading!

PamelaC posted a comment on Saturday 23rd September 2006 7:46pm for Chapter 20 - A Matter for Kings and Philosophers

speaking of bloopers ... 'Bare with me and I'll wing this on my own' ??? Just what sort of virtual interactions are you trying to set up here? WITHOUT ALYX??? I was shocked, shocked ...

Bobmin356 replied:

Alyx here: I'm sorry, but I giggled myself sick over this one. I rarely have the chance to edit the AN's, so I didn't see this. However, it does explain why Bob was sitting in front of his computer naked!

seishi posted a comment on Saturday 23rd September 2006 5:27pm for Chapter 20 - A Matter for Kings and Philosophers

For those people who ask who asked for the assassin, it has to be voldemort, as the blade is the blade of mordoc. the description by the constables is exactly the same as the dementor effect, also of how voldemort described it to lucius

turnlach posted a comment on Friday 22nd September 2006 10:35pm for Chapter 20 - A Matter for Kings and Philosophers

Be interesting to find out who ordered this last assassination attempt. Was it that Irish criminal or one of Voldie's or Lucius's plots. Still seems like you can't take Harry anywhere without something happening.

I really want to know what you're planning to do with Korwin. It sounded like maybe he's had an attack of conscionse but there he is back on de Lion's side.