Sunrise Over Britain
Chapter 21 - Christmas in Haven
By Bobmin
Musings of Apathy posted a comment on Sunday 1st October 2006 11:48am for Chapter 21 - Christmas in Haven
Terrific chapter! Yay on Dumbledore's fate. Killed by a creature that was previously believed by many to be imaginary. Although, I think you only made it sheep like in appearance so you could pun it with the 'sheepish' line. Of course, maybe you did it for the cuddle factor...but, well, I don't know anything about the cuddliness of sheep, so I'll have to take your word for it, Bob.
There was a popping sound and the creature appeared on Luna's neck, fully visible again. Luna cuddled and whispered to it, a tear running down her cheek.
I don't think that everyone will just suddenly believe in Dumbledore's guilt or the justness of his death. They won't believe that he was the one to lead the assault, or if they believe that he did, he would have, obviously, been doing it for the purest of reasons. Of course, the captured mecenaries testimony won't sway the stubborn, after all, they are criminals, you can't trust them to tell the truth. Ah, you can always rely on some people to have the attitude:
'I already know the truth, stop trying to confuse me with the facts.'
Minor, correction, maybe...
I think you need to lose the 'she' here:
Once everyone was finally through, she Amelia led them into a huge room.
Thank you for your fruitful efforts to entertain the unwashed masses. Maybe with them entertained they would agree to bathe for once. But, then again, what would you call the unwashed masses if they were washed?
Mike (MoA)
Mary Morley posted a comment on Sunday 1st October 2006 11:07am for Chapter 21 - Christmas in Haven
I'm glad you got rid of Dumbles, he was a distraction, but is this going to give the bad eggs in the Wizgamot reason to give Harry even more grief? Will there be an inquiry about Dumbles' death?
anonymous5 posted a comment on Sunday 1st October 2006 9:35am for Chapter 21 - Christmas in Haven
Another amazing chapter. I have no idea where your ideas come from, but hanging on through all the twists and turns is a blast. Thanks for the ride!
I've got one question - here, you have Voldemort state "Just so. I cannot cast wandlessly, and you will keep that information to yourself." In the First Moves chapter of Sunset Over Britain, it is stated that "both Dumbledore and Voldemort could perform wandless magic, but only barely." Which is it?
This is about the silliest nit I could pick, but when reading this chapter it tweaked something at the back of my mind and I had to go back and check. Just wonderin'. Thanks again for posting - you've got to be one of the most consistent folks on here when it comes to quality updates.
Bobmin356 replied:
He did have a minor ability in wandless magic, but with the power boost he risks destroying his hand as much as he risks destroying his wand.
Voldemort never trained for wandless magic and as a result lacks the control he needs.
pnthrgrl343 posted a comment on Sunday 1st October 2006 8:49am for Chapter 21 - Christmas in Haven
Hahahaha. I love the idea of the Snorkack being real, let alone showing up at Christmas dinner and getting christened Fuzz. Better yet was that it's actually a hell of a fighter. Rock on to you two, and keep up the amazing work. =)
Evan Mayerle posted a comment on Sunday 1st October 2006 8:39am for Chapter 21 - Christmas in Haven
Gah, what an end to a pleasant Holiday period. It would be interesting to see if an forensic wizarding autopsy found any cause for Dumbeldore's growing insanity and move to the Dark.
The rest of the story continues other threads, though I do wonder what that thorn apple is going to be used for. *wicked chuckle* I can think of a few nasty things she could do with it, likely at the cost of her life, but with payback before she went.
Shawn Pickett posted a comment on Sunday 1st October 2006 8:05am for Chapter 21 - Christmas in Haven
DING DONG The nutters gone! Dumbledore went out like the punk he was, though I have to admit, it could've been amussing to see him stand trial and let him deal with being a reviled criminal as opposed to the "beloved leader of the light" he was trying to maintain. Outstanding chapter, thank you.
Deborahsu posted a comment on Sunday 1st October 2006 7:41am for Chapter 21 - Christmas in Haven
I love your disclaimers. I love your AN's! I LOVE YOUR SNORKACK, FUZZ!!!! ROFLOL!!! The way you put it together ... priceless! I always look forward to the next chapter ... even without cliffies!
Yes, I know that it's Luna's snorkack, and there is no WAY she's going to let you claim her. ;-)
Wednesday Jones posted a comment on Sunday 1st October 2006 6:41am for Chapter 21 - Christmas in Haven
wOOHOO! The old bastard is dead! I am so happy. I never liked Dumbledore, in your story or in the real thing.
Is Harry going to lose his leg? The thing is just totally useless. Poor git.
Say, are you ever going to bring back those T-Shirts with the funny slogans on them?
Wednesday Jones
Bobmin356 replied:
Would you voluntarily slice off your own leg because it hurts under circumstances that you can avoid?
Will he lose his leg? Maybe in a splinch, but I doubt it.
Jennifer4 posted a comment on Sunday 1st October 2006 4:37am for Chapter 21 - Christmas in Haven
Wonderful chapter!! I love the snorkack.
While I would have loved to see Dumbles on trial, I'm glad he's gone. I mean if you don;t start wrapping up loose ends ends the story will never end, right? Wait, I change my mind, I don't want the story to end.
PS during Christmas dinner Harry conjurred a chair for Hagrid that could habdle his "wait".
Michael Henderson posted a comment on Sunday 1st October 2006 2:56am for Chapter 21 - Christmas in Haven
Your a big fan of Tom Clancy aren't you bob (Sir, Basil)?? This is a great series. keep up the good work
Matt101 posted a comment on Sunday 1st October 2006 2:51am for Chapter 21 - Christmas in Haven
Good chapter keep it up :)
Gardengirl posted a comment on Sunday 1st October 2006 2:26am for Chapter 21 - Christmas in Haven
Thank you for finally offing Dumbledore!
Kathleen posted a comment on Sunday 1st October 2006 1:08am for Chapter 21 - Christmas in Haven
Awww, Dumbledore's fight was kinda anticlimactic. Still, at least he's dead! And creating a Snorkack!!! Genuis!!!
P.S. -- lobstering a butt, hee hee.
Jim_xinu posted a comment on Sunday 1st October 2006 12:49am for Chapter 21 - Christmas in Haven
Great chapter, thanks for sharing it with us.
Naga's Shadow posted a comment on Saturday 30th September 2006 11:40pm for Chapter 21 - Christmas in Haven
You should know that Allahu Akbar trasnlates into "God is Great" It's a call to worship not a battle cry. While not muslim myself I remember that because NPR apoligized for using it as a battle cry last week. Just thought you should know.
DrT posted a comment on Saturday 30th September 2006 11:33pm for Chapter 21 - Christmas in Haven
Glad Dumbledore bit the big one, and that Snape's 'pet' is up to something. Yet for soem reason, despit all the other excellent 'bits' (the snorkack, the toy dragon, etc.), I think I'll most remember the fairies in the tree.
ichtys posted a comment on Saturday 30th September 2006 10:57pm for Chapter 21 - Christmas in Haven
I like the story.
Keep up the good work.
Regards Ichtys
Treck posted a comment on Saturday 30th September 2006 10:37pm for Chapter 21 - Christmas in Haven
Yay! A dead Dumbles means you can add some spice to your disclaimers. :P (And give poor snape a break. (NOT!))
nespar posted a comment on Saturday 30th September 2006 8:53pm for Chapter 21 - Christmas in Haven
Very nice part. One question for you though: wouldn't the representatives sent by those other organizations to Voldermort now be dead because they crossed the line of death and were likely very bad people? Or has a copy of that Haven antidote been found? Anyway, I liked this part, and can't wait for the next one. And what exactly is growing or existing down in the dungeons of Hogwarts with the tenticles, and what is that insane slave of Snape's planning?
Bobmin356 replied:
You missed the section in chapter four in which Harry admits he goofed with the ward, it only works for people leaving the island, not for people coming in.
From Chapter four.
"I'm such an idiot, Miles. I should have made the ward to work in either direction, but I was only concerned about keeping Voldemort locked up inside Britain. Now I can't modify the ward without removing the existing one and, frankly, I don't think I want to go through that again."
Ken Warner posted a comment on Sunday 1st October 2006 12:53pm for Chapter 21 - Christmas in Haven