Sunrise Over Britain
Chapter 22 - Pregnancy, Snorkacks and Luna rocks
By Bobmin
amsev posted a comment on Wednesday 4th April 2012 9:10pm for Chapter 22 - Pregnancy, Snorkacks and Luna rocks
Excellent chapter, especially Luna putting Amhar through his paces.
GREAT author's notes:
Did you include anything about a kitchen sink in this chapter?" Alyx demanded to know.
"Well... um... no," Bob answered uncertainly.
"See! It doesn't have everything in it! They now will have a reason to complain," Alyx answered smugly.
I realize you've finished writing this, but I'm hoping for a really nasty buttplug for Amhar. Hmmm, maybe he already has that problem: he has one in place, but can't remove it without causing serious damage, thus, well you know the logical result, self-induced constipation, so that's what's making him act up (sorry, my brain goes weird places...)
Keeroo92 posted a comment on Monday 10th January 2011 11:22pm for Chapter 22 - Pregnancy, Snorkacks and Luna rocks
Richard the Lionhearted must be spinning in his grave at Amhars pompousness and idiocy. If you ask me, it's about time he was fired.
Roguedestiny posted a comment on Wednesday 14th October 2009 10:23pm for Chapter 22 - Pregnancy, Snorkacks and Luna rocks
Chapter 22 beginning, paragraph 4:
While it was all excellent news for Mr. Blair, it left him with several undeniable facts. The first was that the fact of his country rested in the hands of a group of...
Just noticed that...
Wonderful story!
drjaxon posted a comment on Sunday 2nd November 2008 6:49am for Chapter 22 - Pregnancy, Snorkacks and Luna rocks
I enjoy your stories, but your sarcasm about other authors is a it hypocritical. I don't know if anyone has pointed out to you the difference between "your" and "you're". "You're" is a contraction for "you are", but this still does not give "your" the same meaning. And, this mistake happens quite frequently - not just an occasional error.
webdoc posted a comment on Wednesday 5th September 2007 9:30am for Chapter 22 - Pregnancy, Snorkacks and Luna rocks
I am truely dissapointed... no kitchen sink in this chapter.... shame shame shame...
I don't know what I like more, the actual story, or the disclaimer and notes for each chapter....
Brady1 posted a comment on Thursday 28th June 2007 6:12am for Chapter 22 - Pregnancy, Snorkacks and Luna rocks
omg he is such a loser, please tell me he dies of extreme diahrea from one of the twins pranks...god
Selma Flamel posted a comment on Wednesday 6th June 2007 2:45am for Chapter 22 - Pregnancy, Snorkacks and Luna rocks
Will Draco learn to do elf magic??????
My favorite line: "Just how many pieces do you want to be buried in?"
Christina C. Keimig posted a comment on Monday 26th February 2007 1:07pm for Chapter 22 - Pregnancy, Snorkacks and Luna rocks
Luna rocks indeed! Good Heavens you had me cracking up! What a blast!
ponderous stibbons posted a comment on Friday 26th January 2007 8:06pm for Chapter 22 - Pregnancy, Snorkacks and Luna rocks
Yep, Luna does indeed rock.
Little Flower Princess posted a comment on Wednesday 20th December 2006 3:08pm for Chapter 22 - Pregnancy, Snorkacks and Luna rocks
This was good but are all the girls pregnant or is it just Susan's cravings effecting them?
chris13 posted a comment on Sunday 26th November 2006 4:20am for Chapter 22 - Pregnancy, Snorkacks and Luna rocks
i just had a thaght, and i know that Harry's leg needs to be for ever bad for your plot but how coms Hermine hasnt sugested an MRI on his leg as it is entierly possible muggle surgery could fix it, after all we can rip out our own crappy bone knees and incert pritty plastic ones
noylj posted a comment on Sunday 5th November 2006 6:29pm for Chapter 22 - Pregnancy, Snorkacks and Luna rocks
My only complaint so far is that you let DD die too easily. This is the same mistake that JK made in book 6. Next, you and she will let Moldie have a quick and painless death. When you count the number of people who have died (and, as of canon book 6, are still dying), the only difference between Moldie and DD is one takes an active part and one just lets it happen. I certainly hope that your Lion-man is allowed a slow and painful death.
You also left out several good sex scenes from this chapter, not to mention Hermy's joy at getting sardines.
Hesuse posted a comment on Sunday 5th November 2006 4:31am for Chapter 22 - Pregnancy, Snorkacks and Luna rocks
Excellent as always. You might want to correct this:
The two exchanged a glance, then met Luna's blue eyes. "We surrender!" the exclaimed in unison
The two exchanged a glance, then met Luna's blue eyes. "We surrender!" they exclaimed in unison
Also, though it might have been said before: MORE AMHAR!
tw posted a comment on Sunday 29th October 2006 11:55am for Chapter 22 - Pregnancy, Snorkacks and Luna rocks
Hey!!!!!!The stories are great!!!!
Have you thought about petitioning the crown for the complete removal of the Wizengamot and the institution of a Peoples Congress and judiciary?
For that mater, as the ministry in exile is on Harry's property, can't he dictate what can and won't fly? posted a comment on Friday 27th October 2006 9:07am for Chapter 22 - Pregnancy, Snorkacks and Luna rocks
OUTSTANDING STORY SO FAR!!!! This story rules and I can't wait to see what happens next. You two are great writers. I have a question that has been nagging me since I started reading Sunset are You(Bob and Alyx) married? ok I know its personal but I had to ask, you don't have to answer that question if you don't want to. The chapter was as entertaining as the Disclaimer and the Author's Notes at the end of the story. Update when you can please:):):):)
Hellbeast posted a comment on Thursday 26th October 2006 11:36pm for Chapter 22 - Pregnancy, Snorkacks and Luna rocks
you say that magic cannot fix harry's existing leg why doesn't he just replace it with a new one like a magical metal one or what i would do cut the leg of replace the bone and regenerate the muscle tendons and ligaments and hey presto a new leg
uberwald posted a comment on Tuesday 24th October 2006 12:21pm for Chapter 22 - Pregnancy, Snorkacks and Luna rocks
I've just stumbled upon your story after reading many of the stories from the rest of the site here, and read Sunset over the weekend and caught up on Sunrise today -- I had more difficulty putting my laptop down to walk away from your tale than I had putting down the last several of Ms. Rowling's tomes.
Well done. Very compelling.
Dale Dietzman posted a comment on Tuesday 24th October 2006 12:47am for Chapter 22 - Pregnancy, Snorkacks and Luna rocks
A Review of the Author's Notes al la Bloopers:
And now... BLOOPERS!!!
You are my heir little loin, whatever way it has come to pass.
Sheesh... what can we say about this?
Well you COULD say that a little LOIN is how most HEIRS come about.
"Oh so the world revolves around the great James Potter!" Harry retorted ignoring the calls from his friends to shit down and be quiet.
Just out of curiosity, but is it possible to shit up? And is that optional?
I believe shitting UP occurs on the Space Shuttle and in the Space Station, which is why the gravity-less toilet requires that the shit hit the fan!
Hermione had to admit that Harry looked adorable that morning as his glasses weren’t quite on straight and his hair was stinking up even more than normal.
Harry, wash that hair. If it stinks enough for people to notice it... ewwww
Birdie, birdie in the sky......
One of the fowl specters swept up to Harry.
Here is a dementor attack that was written by the Great Gonzo.
The ghost of turkeys past.....
After Hermione nodded in the affirmative, Harry started by kissing her passionately, he then trailed kisses down her chin, her neck, passed her color-bone, until he reached the valley between Hermione’s breasts.
Obviously this writer is a med student drop out.
And I'm sure he wanted to use his color-bone on her.... until she turned pretty colors, too.
AcceleratedGlass posted a comment on Monday 23rd October 2006 8:34pm for Chapter 22 - Pregnancy, Snorkacks and Luna rocks
good chapter update soon
thomasnealy posted a comment on Monday 18th February 2013 5:19am for Chapter 22 - Pregnancy, Snorkacks and Luna rocks