Content Harry Potter


seishi posted a comment on Friday 20th October 2006 9:56am for Chapter 22 - Pregnancy, Snorkacks and Luna rocks

hang on, one question
you have made out luna's episode with the wizengamort as if Harry had organised, it and the only way for that to happen is if Amhar had requested it. since when has amhar and harry been on speaking terms???

MarinePotterfan posted a comment on Friday 20th October 2006 9:52am for Chapter 22 - Pregnancy, Snorkacks and Luna rocks

Great chapter


Evan Mayerle posted a comment on Friday 20th October 2006 9:31am for Chapter 22 - Pregnancy, Snorkacks and Luna rocks

*snicker* Imagine the chaos if more than one witch in the Brotherhood is pregnant at once. Another chapter well worth waiting for.

The scene at the telethon was nicely done; it should be "interesting" to see how Mame Murphy adapts to the presence of wizards on the security details.


Bree Peeler posted a comment on Friday 20th October 2006 8:49am for Chapter 22 - Pregnancy, Snorkacks and Luna rocks

So, when exactly are you going to kill de Lion? Because I really think he needs to die... Update soon. I'm really addicted to this...

cyberpurple posted a comment on Friday 20th October 2006 6:16am for Chapter 22 - Pregnancy, Snorkacks and Luna rocks

A brilliant chapter as always. I wish I was as talented as you both are!

darktail posted a comment on Friday 20th October 2006 5:14am for Chapter 22 - Pregnancy, Snorkacks and Luna rocks

...Wonderful chapter! I sure hope that Amhar will get what he deserve, everytime you mention "IT" (error intendend) I have the sudden urge to kick him in the, uh, well, you-know-where (he's a male, do the math).

..."Did the aliens forget to remove Voldemort's anal probe?" is way to halirious! You know, on a site I go to called gaiaonline, for halloween they are planning an aline invasion, and everybody keep talking about anal probes, lol at the coincidence!

...Keep up the good work, OK? See you next chapter!

kcgx23 posted a comment on Friday 20th October 2006 3:58am for Chapter 22 - Pregnancy, Snorkacks and Luna rocks

Fabulous chapter, I can't wait for the next one.

Rebel Goddess posted a comment on Friday 20th October 2006 3:57am for Chapter 22 - Pregnancy, Snorkacks and Luna rocks

As usual, Harry's T-shirts are endlessly amusing. Perhaps I am too picky but I did rather like your parody. Luna's way of kicking Amhar's arse was so very amusing. Loved this chapter. The attack on the PM was great. More please. Also noted that Dilly seemed more realistic to JKR's world in this chapter.

Jim_xinu posted a comment on Friday 20th October 2006 2:59am for Chapter 22 - Pregnancy, Snorkacks and Luna rocks

A chapter with a well written Luna is always a good thing. :-)

Thanks for sharing it with us.

MononWalker posted a comment on Friday 20th October 2006 2:34am for Chapter 22 - Pregnancy, Snorkacks and Luna rocks

Hey there Bob & Alyx ... wonderful chapter. You covered a lot of ground with this one.

I had forgotten who Murphy was until the discussion at the Manor. Good to see her(?) back in the mix. Question: did you choose the name for the sake of Murphy's Law or just pick it out of the air?

Had wondered what had happened to the murderer ... interesting blade, too. Just where do you come up with these things? Do you have a Harry Potter magical item generator (like the D&D Random Item generator programs I've seen)?

Loved the bit about Malfoy's and elf-magic :)

And yes ... LUNA ROCKS!

Meteoricshipyards posted a comment on Friday 20th October 2006 1:57am for Chapter 22 - Pregnancy, Snorkacks and Luna rocks

Great chapter. I bet Snape was hiding in the kitchen sink, and that's why he wasn't in the story. Still looking forward to his painful demise.

I hope the Bider poop has nasty side effects for anyone who gets it on them.

Nice mystery about the killer. I have the impression that someone's going to get stuck with that knife, and the culprit is going to get separated from the knife and we'll find out if someone can be saved from that fate.

Anyway, still a good story. Thanks for writing this.

Tom A.

Ken Barker posted a comment on Friday 20th October 2006 1:57am for Chapter 22 - Pregnancy, Snorkacks and Luna rocks

All I can say is fantastic! This has been a series (sunset and sunrise) that has caused me to laugh, cry, get pissed off, yell for joy. You have a real talent! I know that some may get upity about updates, to them I say, start the story over again. I have, and each time I've re-read it I experience all of the emotions again. I would like to see however, someone, Dobby for instance, challange Amhar to a duel. It would be poetic justice.

Thanks again for a great read - Ken

Crys posted a comment on Friday 20th October 2006 1:57am for Chapter 22 - Pregnancy, Snorkacks and Luna rocks

> "Something about us putting the Prime Minister up for the night. It's nothing important.

> Centerfold pullout, A Snorkack named Fuzz. Four Page color spread!
You are just evil and twisted, Bob.

Introducing a fair amount of mystery for us. The possessed student and Korwin's mysterious string-puller.

Nice gesture with AD's body, BTW. Just hope Voldy doesn't try to steal him and turn him into some form of inferi or something.

Amhar is planning on challenging someone on a duel? Well, he's stupid as well as ambitious. Anyone he's fighting would all be Brotherhood members. Unless he's going to challenge Amelia, maybe . . . Naw, there has to be a law against challenging the sitting Minister. Else Fudge never woulda lasted as long as he did.

Hmph. Don't know where that's going, but it'll be interesting to watch.

That "broadcasting the cravings" thing was just hysterical, Bob. I'm surprised Alyx let you keep it in there.

Looking forward to the next chapter.

LordXander posted a comment on Friday 20th October 2006 12:39am for Chapter 22 - Pregnancy, Snorkacks and Luna rocks

Great chapter. Except that you forgot the kitchen sink! How am I supposed to enjoy it now?!! Seriously, love the story since day one. But it's the author's notes that really get me laughing. Don't know why people complain about'em. You're not as bad about what you put in them as some others that-shall-not-be-mentioned.

Alex00 posted a comment on Friday 20th October 2006 12:31am for Chapter 22 - Pregnancy, Snorkacks and Luna rocks

Great chapter.

Shawn Pickett posted a comment on Thursday 19th October 2006 11:30pm for Chapter 22 - Pregnancy, Snorkacks and Luna rocks

Amhar's a bitch, he's a big old bitch, he's the biggest bitch in the whole wide world. Sorry, that brief bout of insanity is brought to you by South Park. It was nice to see Amhar get so thouroughly smacked around for a change. Life is good. Outstanding chapter, thank you.

Voldemort is Dead posted a comment on Thursday 19th October 2006 11:07pm for Chapter 22 - Pregnancy, Snorkacks and Luna rocks

Excellent! I really wish I could cast some silencing charms. My neighbors probably think I am insane because I was laughing so at Luna's performance at Amhar's little meeting!

Lurk posted a comment on Thursday 19th October 2006 11:04pm for Chapter 22 - Pregnancy, Snorkacks and Luna rocks

Wonderful chapter! I loved the bit with Luna, that was wonderful! And I think Harry should wear his shirts more often. They are QUITE amusing.

I'd say more, but I gotta run. ::curses college essays::

Keep itup!

mathiasgranger posted a comment on Thursday 19th October 2006 10:42pm for Chapter 22 - Pregnancy, Snorkacks and Luna rocks

Good chapter, I liked it but still little in terms of blowing Amhar up.

Thanks for the update,

Archangel255 posted a comment on Thursday 19th October 2006 10:06pm for Chapter 22 - Pregnancy, Snorkacks and Luna rocks

Excellent story. i have been following for a while, but don't remember reviewing before. What about cutting of Harry's leg and regrowing it? Or a prosthetic like wormtails? Not all spell like that are truly dark and evil. I believe a Druidic spell would work buy using nature's regenerator like a lizard. I think I remember seeing a show on lizards regrowing lost limbs. Just my thoughts on the matter. I know writing is tough as I have two stories going on Please keep up the excellent work and I look forward to the next chapter.