Sunrise Over Britain
Chapter 23 - Muddying the Waters
By Bobmin
Keeroo92 posted a comment on Tuesday 11th January 2011 12:24am for Chapter 23 - Muddying the Waters
I thought the killer only killed muggleborns? Is McGonagall a muggleborn in this fic?
albaholly posted a comment on Friday 30th July 2010 8:56pm for Chapter 23 - Muddying the Waters
This chapter has my favourite scene in either book. The scene with Thadeus taking the reforming Death Eater under his wing. The idea of the conversation taking decades and the redemption taking centuries just struck a chord with me for some reason.
I have to say, this is about the fourth time I have read Sunset/Sunrise. It is amazing, I have got so many published books that I do not hold in such high regard to read them so many times. Your work (almost without exception, I am not so keen on the current X-men crossover, I am not an X-men fan) is very high on my list of must reads in Harry Potter fanfiction. Indeed, if it was slightly more...socially read fanfiction, it would be on my fiction must reads.
Your work is of extremely high quality, thank you for sharing and continuing to share with us.
Paul Blay posted a comment on Friday 19th February 2010 7:54am for Chapter 23 - Muddying the Waters
The first plain is the plain of spirits, that's where you go after you die to be jugged.
*ahem* Pet peeve - people who use "plain" when they mean "plane". c.f. astral plane
Sankara posted a comment on Tuesday 22nd December 2009 6:44am for Chapter 23 - Muddying the Waters
Just out of curiosity, what would you say to people who leave reviews pointing out multiple errors in your stories? Do you pay any attention, or just ignore them?
Because, if I am honest, I like your stories (errors and all) but your excessively snotty attitude to everyone else's writing just really pisses me off, and is something you should feel ashamed of.
Sankara posted a comment on Tuesday 22nd December 2009 6:44am for Chapter 23 - Muddying the Waters
Just out of curiosity, what would you say to people who leave reviews pointing out multiple errors in your stories? Do you pay any attention, or just ignore them?
Because, if I am honest, I like your stories (errors and all) but your excessively snotty attitude to everyone else's writing just really pisses me off, and is something you should feel ashamed of.
ElleKendra posted a comment on Saturday 28th November 2009 2:01pm for Chapter 23 - Muddying the Waters
"Now, I'm going to start dinner. Carry on, if you wish, thought you might want to ward the door," he teased as he walked out. "The twins are due home and they don't need to see that sort of thing."
Remus snorted and tried to hold in a laugh. "Stop Harry? Be serious, Amelia. You might was well hope to stop the tide from coming in.
As long as you're going to pick apart the typos in everyones work, you may as well have them pointed out in you own. These two are from this chapter and if you read each sentence carefully you'll find the errors. For instance, in the first, 'thought' should be 'though'. And in the second you simply put a 'w' on the front of the word 'as'. I did copy them directly from the chapter. I also thought I'd say this isn't the only chapter. I usually find between three and five a chapter.
Hey if you're going to dish it you'd better be able to take it. Right?
Oh, and bravo to you for using the King to disolve the Wizengamot. I picked up a while ago that it appeared he would have the athority to do so, and wondered if you would.
Did you really kill Minerva? Bravo again. I'm shocked and hate it, but it stil deserves to be acknowledged as a brave stroke.
jariuth posted a comment on Tuesday 13th October 2009 1:00am for Chapter 23 - Muddying the Waters
The first plain is the plain of spirits, that's where you go after you die to be jugged.
Who am I to comment about being jugged. Just don't jug these authors too harshly.
not only that, but isn't it "plane" of spirits?
I personally don't think a plane of spirits would be very plain, do you?
Love the works you two have put together for us fans!
cap red posted a comment on Saturday 29th August 2009 1:02am for Chapter 23 - Muddying the Waters
Well this is an amazing story and I am glad I was recommended it. I'm just sorry it took me so long to review, but I got so into it. I especially like the fact that you have crippled Harry. It quite nicely offsets his huge powers. The conflict in prophecy was also a very nice touch.
Now for the constructive criticism. I love how you have portrayed Hermione, and I think you have got her personality spot on. My only problem is that there are times when Hermione does something stupid or lashes out in some way and Harry just rolls with it. There are times when I think Harry needs to push back a little, otherwise their relationship could have some pretty nasty bumps in the long run. Hermione does tend to dominate him a little in some things. Although I admit that the bonds help and Hermione is beginning to overcome this fault of hers.
Second criticism. OK... I am not going to Britpick everything. Quite frankly I am sure if I was to write something based in America, I would get an awful lot wrong or messed up. There is one thing though that is a personal pet peeve of mine, which I can't help but point out. It really is minor but I can't help it.
The monarch actually still has an awful lot of authority. They can't really exercise that authority in the current climate, but it is still there. Most of the Prime Minister's powers are devolved from the monarch. Laws still have to have the monarchs approval to be passed, and probably most significantly, the monarch invites the government to form after the general election.
Like I said they can't really use their power, but it is still there. In the context of your story, when Britain has been overthrown, the government is in exile and the Queen sacrificed herself, I imagine that the power and popularity of the monarchy would be significantly higher then what it is now.
In any event, it really is a minor fault on what is an incredible story. There have been times when I have been absolutely horrified; the nuclear bomb going off was one of those times, and the complete destruction of a persons soul the other. Personally in some ways I found the second more terrifying, because there is something about just ceasing to exist that I can't reconcile.
I'm off to read the rest of the story now.
Cheers, for the excellent read!
Cap ;) posted a comment on Monday 29th June 2009 3:10pm for Chapter 23 - Muddying the Waters
u a..hole...u kill off Minerva and i'll hunt u down and kill u off!!! haha
kinkade0001 posted a comment on Sunday 17th May 2009 12:35pm for Chapter 23 - Muddying the Waters
Well, I understand why Harry must have a weakness, but given the fact that key members of the Brotherhood regularly injury themselves far worse and still get full use of their extremities after a few days, Harry and Terry (That rhymes) stand out as odd anomalies. Draco and Nev both injured their arms multiple times and had them repaired, if Harry's leg injury is that severe, then perhaps you can flesh out the underlying cause (IE venom or some such) Realistically (it's fiction i know) If Ginny can use a switching spell to rearrange genitalia from two separate people, The army of healers at Haven should be able to clone a new leg and switch it. But, that goes back to the age old question. Why is Vader more machine than man if Republic medical science had perfected cloning? Answer: the plot called for it, and it was so.
kinkade0001 posted a comment on Sunday 17th May 2009 12:23pm for Chapter 23 - Muddying the Waters
Fidelia posted a comment on Monday 27th October 2008 11:33am for Chapter 23 - Muddying the Waters
This comes from all the authors' the end of chapter 22 were people really still rabbitting on about Harry's leg? It hurts him...moving on.
Minerva? You cold, cold people you...*sniffles* Couldn't you have offed Flitwick? Or Sprout? Sigh...Minerva it is...evil authors.
jonathan snider posted a comment on Saturday 30th August 2008 11:12am for Chapter 23 - Muddying the Waters
how could you kill minnie now who is mickie going to sleep with lol
Prongs1977 posted a comment on Friday 2nd May 2008 1:09pm for Chapter 23 - Muddying the Waters
Is getting jugged what happens in those "gentlemen's clubs"?
Selma Flamel posted a comment on Wednesday 6th June 2007 2:49am for Chapter 23 - Muddying the Waters
What is Deneb’s grand plan?
IamNotawriter posted a comment on Sunday 6th May 2007 7:40am for Chapter 23 - Muddying the Waters
Speaking of mistakes, may I discreetly point out the difference between keeping knowledge to yourself that may embarrass, or reveal someone elses secrets, and the discrete stages that you go through in developing and fleshing out the plot lines of your fine stories.
Thanks again
Christina C. Keimig posted a comment on Tuesday 27th February 2007 11:28am for Chapter 23 - Muddying the Waters
And a blooper in this very chapter:
"Arthur heard the sound of furniture scrapping along the floor, then he felt two sets of arms steadying him."
I wonder that he didn't freak when the two sets of arms steadied him, perhaps thinking they were arms of violent furniture? (scraping has a long a, scrapping is a short a, and thus means 'fighting')
Otherwise, awesome chapter. And yes, you're mean for attacking Minerva like that, but as I'm behind on my reading, it's no biggie. ;-)
Sirius Issues posted a comment on Sunday 11th February 2007 12:04pm for Chapter 23 - Muddying the Waters
'I left a review pointing out the errors to the author. The reply was a simple "Bagger off!"'
... Maybe they meant "Badger off"??? (Badgers? We don't need no stinkin' badgers!)
Vidar posted a comment on Tuesday 2nd January 2007 9:21am for Chapter 23 - Muddying the Waters
you can't kill minerva? that's not fair!!!
mysuv1 posted a comment on Wednesday 10th January 2018 2:37am for Chapter 23 - Muddying the Waters