Sunrise Over Britain
Chapter 23 - Muddying the Waters
By Bobmin
Donald McLeod posted a comment on Sunday 12th November 2006 6:16am for Chapter 23 - Muddying the Waters
AcceleratedGlass posted a comment on Sunday 12th November 2006 4:40am for Chapter 23 - Muddying the Waters
good chapter update soon
Kari posted a comment on Sunday 12th November 2006 12:16am for Chapter 23 - Muddying the Waters
Blooper to share!
It made me giggle.
It's called First Comes Marriage, Then Love
"Hermione shivered in the cold night air and Fred put an arm around her shoulders. She looked up at him and smiled. Only he could make her feel worm just by placing an arm around her."
Can't wait for the next chapter! Woot!
-kari lou
Sophophobia posted a comment on Saturday 11th November 2006 10:14pm for Chapter 23 - Muddying the Waters
Update soon(please) or I will be forced to use...dramatic music... the Pickle of Doom! (dun dun dun!) woman screams
By the way, I like the story. :) It only took me forever to get around to reading it, though....
LoggingInSucksAss posted a comment on Saturday 11th November 2006 1:23am for Chapter 23 - Muddying the Waters
Burger off
Berger off
Bagger off
blind-phoenix posted a comment on Friday 10th November 2006 5:29pm for Chapter 23 - Muddying the Waters
you know, there is one thing that irritates me no end.
and that is the misspelling of Voldemort.
I've seen 'voldmort', 'voldimort', 'voldermort', 'voldemont', and by no means least, 'Voldermont'.
I'm not the greatest of spellers but my screen reader has a hell of a time with these pronunciations. I just wish people would learn to spell Voldemort first.
great chapter as always guys, oh and the burgger off blooper? I submit the author was a might peckish, and wasn't keeping his/her mind on the fic at the time.
either that, or the burger they'd had was slightly old.
pjedge posted a comment on Friday 10th November 2006 1:11pm for Chapter 23 - Muddying the Waters
I am glad to have the opportunity to tell you both how much I enjoy your writing. I am a 58 year old woman and have only recently been introduced to "fan fiction". My son had been begging me to read some and recommended your stories as ones I would enjoy. He was indeed correct. I find your work innovative and wonderfully creative. Your plot line is well thought out and your characters have depth. I especially enjoy your sense of humor as shown in the disclaimer and the authors' notes. Thank you for giving me pleasure. I will just sign off with my old D&D character name - Dreamdancer.
Joe Ritter posted a comment on Thursday 9th November 2006 11:52pm for Chapter 23 - Muddying the Waters
You're EVIL! Obviously I had to say this. It's in the reviewer's handbook, "You must reply with, 'You're evil!' to any cliffie." Of course, that's not rule number one. Rule number one reads "Only review when you have something to REALLY whine about."
Anyway, as I'm a proponent of the critical counter-intuitive methodology, let me just say, This was one of the better chapters. But probably because you two slipped and forgot to hurt Harry in this one.
Anyway, ignore us whiners and continue to write your sick, sadistic and twisted visions. Of course, you know that's why we continue to read them.
Holly Snow posted a comment on Thursday 9th November 2006 2:27am for Chapter 23 - Muddying the Waters
nice story
i thought i would wait until i had gotten the entire way through whats written before writing a review and just my luck thats the chapter you put a cliffy.
so neway thanx for an awesome story now please please please update
thanx Holly
Jenni posted a comment on Wednesday 8th November 2006 11:31pm for Chapter 23 - Muddying the Waters
Amusing... a touch of silliness... well written... fast read this time out. still loving it.
Roy1 posted a comment on Wednesday 8th November 2006 2:17pm for Chapter 23 - Muddying the Waters
OKAY , I will confess I have read each and every chapter of this and al previous stories you have written, but this (I think) will be the first review I have left. Sorry, but somehow Loved it please post soon, seems, well...a bit cheesy. Every chapter you have written have been incredible, I find myself going back and rereading chapters I have already read repeatedly.
The Characters are well thought out and very much multi-dimensional, I have read too many fics that are plastic and quite superficial. Scanning over areas that could have been developed more but to appease the whinging masses of Lemmings, rush the chapter to say "Look at how nice I am for keeping up and posting regularly".
I find myself agreeing with many reviewers in that there are a multitude of characters that I would like to see "removed" from existence. But I must say that I find it interesting that you have written "King Charles" as some one not only to be respected, but as having a spine of his own.
Okay last but certainly not least the standardized lemming chant of the masses, please post soon. While I understand that great work cannot be rushed, like many things, to be enjoyed one must wait for the wine to breathe for the best flavors and aromas to savor. I am looking forward to the next chapter, whenever it is ready for us mortals, and pleabian authors to read.
lelila posted a comment on Wednesday 8th November 2006 4:47am for Chapter 23 - Muddying the Waters
ok, i thought i'd finally review to let u know i'm not a pod person. well, maybe i am. it's been a while since last i checked. i suppose it is a bit evil of me to have read all of the 'suns over britain' stories and not reviewed. blame it the evil pod person part of me.
what can i say but that i have no complaints. this is the 1st hp story where it's an actual war of britain, including the muggles, monarchy, racial issues, even the ghosts and the politics of it all. the detail into all those different facets r just great. the jumping around from point to point between characters gets to be a bit much but it's understandable as there r so many parts to a war.
the brotherhood was just inspired. it starts out as some odd comment and fate's basically like 'hey, that's a great idea!' gotta love situations like that. will more be said about hermione's clashing beliefs and the brotherhood beliefs?
i kind of like the fact that harry's leg bothers him. it truly sucks for him but it gives u a reminder that harry isn't all powerful and that he's still human.
i'm a harry and hermione shipper so i do hope that hermione is preggers. i'm evil, i know, but if susan caused a lil trouble, i can only imagine what hermione might do while pregnant. u keep hinting it that i imagine that the jokes will continue until finally she finds out she really is with child and no one believes her at first.
draco and luna together, completely crazy but it's crazy like a fox way. this is the 1st story i've read of their pairing and as odd as it is, i can almost believe it. i just like luna in general so if she's happy with it, that's all that matters. i like the way u explain her powers and ablities a lot. draco, well, he's been thru a bit of a change so it's ok that he's different but i like him.
though u didn't mention him in this chapter, it's nice to see neville with more confidence and harry showing a lot of support to him and vice versa. neville was indeed raised in the pureblood family withouth the prejudice so it's good that harry lets him take care of those politics. i like ginny with him.
i do hope that snape dies a terrible death.
i think that about covers everything. well, almost forgot there's 1 thing.
*cough* *cough* yes, well, i hope u lot r happy now!
Kat Armstrong posted a comment on Wednesday 8th November 2006 12:14am for Chapter 23 - Muddying the Waters
Happy happy little bunny :-) Not much of a constructive review but I wanted you to know that all your hard work is very greatly appreciated - especially since I tried writing something myself this week and I've stalled already!
scottpesj1 posted a comment on Tuesday 7th November 2006 9:46am for Chapter 23 - Muddying the Waters
Been reading for a while and just wanted to let you know I think you are doing a great job and to keep up the good work!
Jamie' posted a comment on Tuesday 7th November 2006 4:09am for Chapter 23 - Muddying the Waters
What exactly is going on with the French?
Did Voldy kill their leader and replace him with a loyal minion?
MonkeyAxman1302 posted a comment on Tuesday 7th November 2006 3:06am for Chapter 23 - Muddying the Waters
Wow! Wow! Wow! Your the best authors ever, yet at the same time probably the cruelist most evilist as well! Why should the good natured reviewers be punished for the non-reviewers crappiness!! Cliffies are usually fun but that was just plain cruel! Any who, onto the chapter review...
Thanks a lot for clearing up some stuff on the child of Gaia concept. Its nice to have a few thoughts on how she differs and is also more powerful. That was done very well but slipping it in the conversation it seemed very natural. From one aspect by describing Luna's abilities as a way for her to almost harness the very power of Nature, and having Harry as still more powerful says a lot for his abilities.
Its nice to see Amhar neutralised but I do hope that we get to see him die soon. He is a character on one level I love to hate, but I still like it when they die.
Interesting new skill this "Travelling", ever read an author called Robert Jordan and a series known as the Wheel of Time? He has something similar, its a great phrase though.
Oh yeah!!! You KILLED peeves!!! That has never been done, but he winked at Malfoy as he faded away so I'm holding out hope. Really liked the Ghost council scene, especially the addition to the known house ghosts of other spirits from previous buildings.
Now back to the cliffie! (this review is getting long:-D). I can't believe you did that, but I suppose having the murderer being in the school we should have seen a teachers death as a possibility if not your intention as authors! If she does die it will be sad, but at the same time useful for the story. It will show that real characters, the meaty ones that have been there since the beginning, aren't safe from death!
TxA_GunFighter posted a comment on Tuesday 7th November 2006 1:28am for Chapter 23 - Muddying the Waters
Good chapter, but really big bummer at the end.
Prof. D. Kirke posted a comment on Monday 6th November 2006 9:35pm for Chapter 23 - Muddying the Waters
Great chapter and terrific cliffy! I hope they manage to save Professor McGonagall somehow. As for the rest of it, I predicted Harry bringing King Charles in to deal with the Wizengamot (just in this chapter) and I loved it. Just out of curiosity, why did the wizards and witches in general or the Wizengamot specifically reject the Magna Carta? I think it's a great bit of back story so I was just curious. posted a comment on Monday 6th November 2006 4:10pm for Chapter 23 - Muddying the Waters
OUTSTANDING CHAPTER!!!! I can't believe you had McGonagell attacked:(:(:(:( I don't know wether to hang you by your short hairs or stick you into one of the many torture devices I have......hmmm ponders which idea to do. I am however pretty sure that this idea was Bobs idea because out of the two of you he's the real diabolical one. Anyways I can't wait to see what happens next. I hope McGonagell isn't dead that would sadden me alot. DO keep up the amazingly awesome and outstanding work and update soon please:):):):)
la13 posted a comment on Sunday 12th November 2006 9:12am for Chapter 23 - Muddying the Waters