Content Harry Potter


morriganscrow posted a comment on Sunday 5th November 2006 12:18pm for Chapter 23 - Muddying the Waters

Wonderful chapter, EVIL CLIFFIE!!
I really do love this story, and am grateful for all your hard work. Please update again soon, so that I'm not forced to hunt you both down.

rippergirl posted a comment on Sunday 5th November 2006 11:41am for Chapter 23 - Muddying the Waters

Love it but hate the cliffy. As if you needed something to keep readers reading your story. Good to see Amhar getting some comeuppance finally. Hope Peeves is ok. Glad to see some more og him bugging old snakeface. Oh and my final words..."Badger Off!"

Arvin Betancourt posted a comment on Sunday 5th November 2006 11:39am for Chapter 23 - Muddying the Waters

One thing to say about revenge Bob


love story, keep updating

Lurk posted a comment on Sunday 5th November 2006 10:47am for Chapter 23 - Muddying the Waters

Brilliant chapter guys!

Let's see, CLIFFY?!?!?!? But...but...but, but what about us LOYAL reviewers!? Do we deserve to be tormented so?

....yeah. We do.

I had a lot more to say, but unfortunatly, I got distracted.

Oh yeah! I remember now! Good job with the twins and Arthur. It's not somethign pretty, but it's one of those things that just has to happen to flesh stuff out.

Poor Amy. Whatever did she do in her past life?

Keep itup!

kenny posted a comment on Sunday 5th November 2006 10:43am for Chapter 23 - Muddying the Waters

the both of you are awesome this chapter really rocked and grr i dislike cliffys but it happens

Graup posted a comment on Sunday 5th November 2006 10:28am for Chapter 23 - Muddying the Waters

Enjoyed the new chapter. I hated to see Minnie die however (tears).

Crys posted a comment on Sunday 5th November 2006 10:11am for Chapter 23 - Muddying the Waters

> Amy had returned from her latest adventure.
*sigh* Poor Amy . . .

Hmm. The ghosts are worried about Peeves (now there's a switch ;) But he winked at Malfoy . . .

> Dorothy, his new secretary.
*blink* *snicker* Um, did you ask Dorothy about borrowing her name before doing this?
*read more* Ah, she's a plant. Cool.

Hmm. I suspect that you just gave us enough hints as to the identity of Snape's mystery slave.

Ah, we finally blindsided Amhar! And the King PUBLICALLY stated he wasn't royalty. His influence just fell through the floor. Only thing I can see he can do anymore is direct, literal attacks. And that's downright suicidal. I'm sure you have something else planned, but nice to see him stomped on so hard. Oh, and I DID catch that Harry's now officially a military officer.

Fun story, indeed.

Dale Dietzman posted a comment on Sunday 5th November 2006 10:03am for Chapter 23 - Muddying the Waters


first plain is the plain of spirits

...must be a plane of very plain spirits, I imagine.

mastapsi posted a comment on Sunday 5th November 2006 9:50am for Chapter 23 - Muddying the Waters

The first plain is the plain of spirits, that's where you go after you die to be jugged.

Who am I to comment about being jugged. Just don't jug these authors too harshly.

Don't forget about planes and plains.

I for one would rather go to a diferent plane, rather than be stuck on a plain growing corn for all eternity.

Lon Huey posted a comment on Sunday 5th November 2006 9:49am for Chapter 23 - Muddying the Waters

From a lurking pod type person who doesn't review as often as he should, thank you. Good chapter. We now return you to your regularly scheduled lurkdom.

Shawn Pickett posted a comment on Sunday 5th November 2006 9:20am for Chapter 23 - Muddying the Waters

An outstanding chapter, Amhar has lost his position at the ministry and his financial backing, it should be interesting to see how he tries to make a pest of himself now. The bit with King Charles was quite entertaining, at least Hermione, while getting mad, let things play out before she would've blown up at Harry. An interesting evolution across the board, thank you.

Dustin Johannes posted a comment on Sunday 5th November 2006 9:17am for Chapter 23 - Muddying the Waters

Oh, no!! Not the cliffy!! Whatever shall we do??? Once again, a great chapter on the happenings in Haven. And I do hope that Peeves somehow survived. Hogwarts wouldn't be the same without him if he were truly gone.

seishi posted a comment on Sunday 5th November 2006 8:40am for Chapter 23 - Muddying the Waters

you guys are totally evil! Killing McGonnagall and Peeves? Even in your most goriest chapters you dont kill 2 main characters in one chapter!! Or is this a new style of fasion? ;P. nice chapter otherwise!

Craig St.Onge1 posted a comment on Sunday 5th November 2006 8:38am for Chapter 23 - Muddying the Waters

Hmm. Leaving a cliffie is a great way to end this chapter - Could not have asked for better. That said, let the readers come at ya - I will stand with you against them!

Honestly, I look forward to more chapters in this story, and am quite impressed with Voldemort's new staff - had to even the score so to speak, and that would do it all to well.

Have fun, and keep up the amazing work!

JIM HOOD posted a comment on Sunday 5th November 2006 8:13am for Chapter 23 - Muddying the Waters

i love everything about your stories from the disclaimers to the author's notes. you all rock!!!!!!!!!!!

ctao posted a comment on Sunday 5th November 2006 8:13am for Chapter 23 - Muddying the Waters

wow its getting good :D cant wait for more

Beau Wolff posted a comment on Sunday 5th November 2006 7:35am for Chapter 23 - Muddying the Waters

I'm loving the story, but I did note one blooper buried within another in your blooper section:

The first plain is the plain of spirits

I would think it would be rather plain that they're speaking of the Plane of Spirits, wouldn't you?

FenrisWolf posted a comment on Sunday 5th November 2006 7:35am for Chapter 23 - Muddying the Waters

Great chapter as always, but what is the story behind the Grangers' new family crest on their robes, not to mention ancient family jewels? Enquiring minds want to know!

IndigoCat posted a comment on Sunday 5th November 2006 7:25am for Chapter 23 - Muddying the Waters

The ending is evil. Loved it. :)

Ltank687 posted a comment on Sunday 5th November 2006 7:21am for Chapter 23 - Muddying the Waters

love it, but it is an evil, evil cliffy. Thank you for undating regularily, it is a joy to read this amazing, long, story that twists and turns with no equal, not even J.K. Rowling herself. You have encorporated muggle and magic perfectly. Congrats!