Sunrise Over Britain
Chapter 24 - Dangerous Dagger Dilemma
By Bobmin
Keeroo92 posted a comment on Tuesday 11th January 2011 1:12am for Chapter 24 - Dangerous Dagger Dilemma
Minerva lives and Peeves multiplied? And here I thought you were a pair of bloodthirsty writers who like killing off characters!
Fidelia posted a comment on Monday 27th October 2008 3:09pm for Chapter 24 - Dangerous Dagger Dilemma
So very true about book six...there were just too many good stories out there that HBP just read like some wonky fanfiction. Glad someone else thought so too.
There were clues about the dagger dammit! Ah well, I got caught up in the drama and the horror of a dead/dismembered/distraughtintoinsanity Minerva. the both of you are still evil authors in the best of senses.
I do like what you've done with Neville. Neville is one of my favourites so, any good treatment, especially when it could sort of be that way makes it all the better. That was a lovely confusing sentence. neville - pureblood- stern grandmother - last of his line = probably did learn quite a bit about wizarding tradition and politics. Nice touch. Sends cyber krispy kremes for the Neville love.
Kingtad posted a comment on Thursday 26th June 2008 4:27pm for Chapter 24 - Dangerous Dagger Dilemma
Coeur D'Alene?
azrael91 posted a comment on Wednesday 14th May 2008 10:42am for Chapter 24 - Dangerous Dagger Dilemma
maybe i wasn't paying close enough attention, but when did O'Dalley stop being Irish? he keeps saying it's the Irish' problem, but he came into this story as the Irish liaison to Haven, and even though he is a citizen of Haven, i don't remember that he ever stopped being Irish.
Alternator posted a comment on Friday 26th October 2007 3:58pm for Chapter 24 - Dangerous Dagger Dilemma
Normally I only leave a review in the last chapter, but I'd forget about the JR comment if I did that, so bravo. But the quote is, more correctly, "Who shot JR?"
Selma Flamel posted a comment on Wednesday 6th June 2007 2:57am for Chapter 24 - Dangerous Dagger Dilemma
When you are a teacher (a good caring one) then the students are yours. I offer to Minerva my well wishes on a speedy recovery.
"Behave yourself or I'll trade you in on a puppy." Funny
Christina C. Keimig posted a comment on Tuesday 27th February 2007 12:13pm for Chapter 24 - Dangerous Dagger Dilemma
I'm SOOOO glad you didn't kill off Peeves. And I very much look forward to reading about what he and his new friends get up to at Hogwarts...This is just so much fun!!!
Jeff Hobbs posted a comment on Thursday 1st February 2007 1:27pm for Chapter 24 - Dangerous Dagger Dilemma
"The bus vanished again, leaving a red smear on the stage.
"You can't do that! You killed JR!" screamed Alyx.
"Too late, I just did it," replied Bob smugly."
.And now we know who killed JR.
TxA_GunFighter posted a comment on Friday 22nd December 2006 2:02pm for Chapter 24 - Dangerous Dagger Dilemma
mekareami posted a comment on Wednesday 20th December 2006 4:08am for Chapter 24 - Dangerous Dagger Dilemma
Awesome story that has kept me spellbound for almost a week (between the 2 stories)
I hope there is a messy comeupance(sp?) for Mr De Lion coming. He really yanked my chain.
Thank you very much for writing and I eagerly await the next installment.
Lady Melina Hites posted a comment on Tuesday 19th December 2006 2:34am for Chapter 24 - Dangerous Dagger Dilemma
otherwise the chapter was good :)
Hesuse posted a comment on Sunday 17th December 2006 7:02am for Chapter 24 - Dangerous Dagger Dilemma
Couldn't find you e-mail address, so I am leaving you a blooper I found in a review. The story is called, We, in Faith, by Elagabalus. Chapter URL is About halfway down it says "Dress robes will born,".
Dale Dietzman posted a comment on Friday 15th December 2006 1:44am for Chapter 24 - Dangerous Dagger Dilemma
I know that the Holiday season makes it hard as Real Life interfers, but could you sneak another Chapter in before the year ends, as a Christmas Present to all your fans?
grey-wings posted a comment on Sunday 10th December 2006 6:07am for Chapter 24 - Dangerous Dagger Dilemma
It's been some time, since I last had the time to read and enjoy your fanfiction. (This little inconvenience named Real Life really likes to mess with that.)
Enough of that. Kudos for your marvellous work! It's a real pleasure to read your story, to follow the development of the different characters and I like the fact, that you work with such a variety of point of views (Is that the correct phrase?).
Regards from Germany,
Mell posted a comment on Saturday 9th December 2006 11:57pm for Chapter 24 - Dangerous Dagger Dilemma
....I have no idea where to start. This story is just so magnificent that it's overwhelming to even think that I could possibly let you
know how much I love it in one review.
I've deliberately held off on reviewing this story until I caught up with it, because I wanted to be able to give you guys a whole review.
Let me start off with -- OH. MY. LORD. -is dead- Your descriptive power that you've harnessed in writing this story is just...phenomenal. There has never been a time when I've questioned 'what does that mean, exactly?', when normally, I do.
Secondly, I applaud you on flexing your writing muscle in writing a ship that you don't support. That in itself is incredibly admirable.
Third, the characters -- You've managed to make the characters your own, while at the same time managing to keep them the same 'people' we know and love. You've brought some that we don't normally see into play, and molded them into dynamic, '3-D' characters, and it's simply incredible.
And last, the plot. Which happens to be incredible. The slow [and steady -- it's at the perfect pace, trust me] progression of this has just left my jaw on the floor as I continue to read this. Extraordinary job.
Some of the things I found wonderful [whether disturbing or happy]:
-Dumbledore giggling...very, very graphic. Dumbledore's fall in general was written wonderfully.
-The Matura Magicus back in Sunset. Who else could have thought of that? Certainly not me. And it was such a wonderful plot device to make Harry powerful enough to handle Ol' Voldie.
-The ships. I'm a HHr person myself, but I love ALL the ships in this story. Which is rare, I assure you. Normally I don't care about the rest of the characters. In this story, I do.
-Amhar. You've created such a wonderful plot device with this character -- one that we all love to hate. While he's not my favorite character, I do adore a twisted way. Not that I don't want him to die, mind you.
-The Dementor blade. Genius. No one else could have thought up such a thing.
-Luna's being Child of Gaea (Gaia?). Again, another wonderful creation. As well as with Ginny's power.
...and I've exhausted everything that I can think of right now. But trust me, there's plenty more.
And now, like every bad reviewer, I demand answers out of you!
1) Will we ever read more into Hermione's lineage?
2) When will Susan's baby be born?
3) I realize you've got quite a stretch to go, what with Harry is no where [I think] close to battling Voldemort, but I was wondering if you had any idea of how long where this story was going to go. Say, would you give us a length epilogue of the Brotherhood's children playing together, or will it just end shortly after The Battle? Of course, I realize you don't want to spoil us, so I have no idea why I'm asking this really....
I hope you realize that you've converted me to thinking that your story is canon, lol. Now, whenever I read the 6th and 7th books, I'm going to have to say that 'It's all wrong! Half of the story is missing! What's this Horcrux business?'
But I wouldn't have it any other way. I prefer these stories to the road that JKR is taking, personally.
Again, incredible job. I certainly look forward to reading your next installment [and my next adventure].
Jeanas posted a comment on Saturday 9th December 2006 5:03am for Chapter 24 - Dangerous Dagger Dilemma
Thanks that Minerva is still alive. But how many others draggers are there out? More that two?.
And poor Voldy indeed, our Peeves was a force but with severals Poltergeist there he would had any moment of peace, I do hope so.
Would you killed Coeur de Lion in the next time?.
Regards and waiting for another update like always.
Kalen Darkmoon posted a comment on Thursday 7th December 2006 1:41pm for Chapter 24 - Dangerous Dagger Dilemma
Great chapter! In my not so humble opinion, this and Sunset are far better in quality and depth than any of JKR's books. As far as I'm concerned (and particularly because I **loathe** HBP and refuse to acknowledge it for the garbage that it is) this has become my favorite continuation of her work and will, for me at least, be the official continuation.
BTW, have you considered posting this and Sunset on other sites like Portkey and I really think this deserves far greater recognition than what I believe it to be currently receiving.
penguin13 posted a comment on Tuesday 5th December 2006 10:42am for Chapter 24 - Dangerous Dagger Dilemma
Great chapter. Keep them coming.
Eagle-Eyes posted a comment on Sunday 3rd December 2006 10:40am for Chapter 24 - Dangerous Dagger Dilemma
Thank you for keeping Minerva around for a while longer --- she's greatly needed. And yes, I'm even glad Peeves decided to come back - and bringing more with him --- Old Snake Face won't know what hit him.
Waiting patiently (not) for your next update.
mysuv1 posted a comment on Wednesday 10th January 2018 3:26pm for Chapter 24 - Dangerous Dagger Dilemma