Sunrise Over Britain
Chapter 24 - Dangerous Dagger Dilemma
By Bobmin
Lang posted a comment on Monday 27th November 2006 4:37am for Chapter 24 - Dangerous Dagger Dilemma
To be honest, I hope there's lots of Amhar bashing when Harry deals with him.
I hope lots of truths come out so you can perfectly describe how much sweat he's having to wipe from his brow because he's so utterly stupid and guilty.
That being said, I also hope he gets blamed for the death of Korwin... just so people can call him something other than [insert as many dereogatory words you can here].
Anyways, great chapter! Glad to see the new computer is working. Also if a deal came with the computer for a free upgrade to Windows Vista... DON'T DO IT!
MonkeyAxman1302 posted a comment on Monday 27th November 2006 4:22am for Chapter 24 - Dangerous Dagger Dilemma
Good chapter! Does it make me a bad person that I'm kind of disappointed Minerva surprised! I wanted her too, but I kind of think it would have been more shocking for her to have died!
I'm glad that peeves is back, especially with help!
Just want to ask about Harry, Remus's and Hermione's reaction to the news of Voldies sceptre! You say something about a power conduit matching the power source! Will you explain this more? Just shooting out ideas here, does it mean that Voldie can drain himself quickly if the conduit is bit enough?
Keep writing, us readers may complain about cliffies but I think deep down we love 'em because they keep us salivating for more!
Rebel Goddess posted a comment on Monday 27th November 2006 3:43am for Chapter 24 - Dangerous Dagger Dilemma
Eeek, poor Minerva! I like the way you use Millicent though. Ginny's way of dealing with the dagger, Amhar's discovery of the body and Harry's dirty conversation with Hermione were all gripping. Great chapter. More please.
Tracey1 posted a comment on Monday 27th November 2006 3:42am for Chapter 24 - Dangerous Dagger Dilemma
Okay - so I guess I need to apologize for crucioing Bob for the cliffie last chapter since y'all did not kill off Professor Kittycat (love that moniker!). But, leaving us anxious for the next chapter is not a good idea!! We may get withdrawals and start throwing crucios around for the heck of it.
Malimber ConDoin posted a comment on Monday 27th November 2006 3:21am for Chapter 24 - Dangerous Dagger Dilemma
That was great. Wonderful! Absolutely amazing! Did I like what I read? Ohh, hell yes. The details and intensity of this fic is quite amazing lots of great ideas, nice balance, nice writing style, great story development. This story is incredible, awesome, brilliant, magnificent, amazing and I love it as I was reading it had me wondering what will happen next.
Well thanks for writing and I look forward to your next update.
Malimber ConDoin
I read for pleasure only.
Jenni posted a comment on Monday 27th November 2006 3:01am for Chapter 24 - Dangerous Dagger Dilemma
fabulous chapter... fun and entertaining as always
Keronshara posted a comment on Monday 27th November 2006 2:08am for Chapter 24 - Dangerous Dagger Dilemma
Why do you keep referring to Draco as Draco Malfoy? I thought that he is a Black now. (Narcissa divorced Lucious, thereby becoming a Black once more and adopted Draco under that name, i.e. Black.) Yet Neville, and others who know him, call him Draco Malfoy instead of Draco Black.
Luna, on the other hand, is always called Mrs. Black. (Wizengamot committee members not withstanding.)
Bobmin356 replied:
Draco is Draco Black. But politically he will be forever associated with his father's name. While Harry and the people of Haven think of him as Draco Black. Others will think of him still as Draco Malfoy. And there is no denying the fact that Lucius Malfoy is the muggle overlord of Britain at the moment.
la13 posted a comment on Monday 27th November 2006 1:31am for Chapter 24 - Dangerous Dagger Dilemma
enjoyed this chapter like usual! i'm most glad to see that peeves is back.
AcceleratedGlass posted a comment on Sunday 26th November 2006 11:23pm for Chapter 24 - Dangerous Dagger Dilemma
good chapter update soon
john2 posted a comment on Sunday 26th November 2006 11:05pm for Chapter 24 - Dangerous Dagger Dilemma
I stayed up too late last night, reading this chapter, but it was a guilty pleasure that I was not going to deny myself after living with a head cold for the past week. Thanks for updating, as always, I love to visit your world. (Even if you can't get a handle on the proper use of "it's")
m4r13 posted a comment on Sunday 26th November 2006 10:55pm for Chapter 24 - Dangerous Dagger Dilemma
Great as always... ^^
Crys posted a comment on Sunday 26th November 2006 10:11pm for Chapter 24 - Dangerous Dagger Dilemma
*blink* Come on, Bob, don't hold back. Tell us what you really think of HBP.
"Professor Kittycat"? *grin*
" . . . as though her soul was being ripped . . ."
Oh, hell. I just hope they can permanently disable that knife and that whatever happened to Orla isn't REALLY bad news for the good guys. Okay, no obvious long term effects on anyone except Orla, but that kinda concerned me for a minute.
Luna? What're you up to? Breaking the circle like that . . . Just to convince Harry to pour more power, or will there be more far-reaching effects?
Candlelight vigil? *think* That has some interesting implications on religion in the wizarding world. Regardless, it was a neat touch.
*blink* Multiple poltergeists? *chortle* Oh, Voldy, you're in trouble . . .
> Inside the cottage they found a body, a badly injured man who was later identified as one of Ireland's leading mobsters and a wand owned by a former member of the British Wizengamot.
*laugh* Oh, so much for Couer . . . Too bad about Korwin (hints that he may have turned super-patriot instead of traitor), but at least his loss served to absolutely gut the opposition. So now he's on the run. We'll see if he sticks his head above the slime again and manages more than being a slight nuisance to whoever he attacks in a fit of terminal stupidity.
Entertaining conversations regarding the lunch table versus the coffee table.
Ginny's attitude was weird, though. She sees herself as an extension of Neville rather than her own person? Women's lib ain't made it into that culture?
Oh, and Bob's fixiation on jugs? TMI.
Mary Morley posted a comment on Sunday 26th November 2006 8:12pm for Chapter 24 - Dangerous Dagger Dilemma
I knew you couldn't have polished off Peeves when he winked at Malfoy before he disappeared.
lilchuckie posted a comment on Sunday 26th November 2006 7:58pm for Chapter 24 - Dangerous Dagger Dilemma
damn, i was WAY off...
well you two keep up the good work, and let me take a second to ... thank you? no, that's not it. well, what i'm trying to get across is that you've done something no other story has made me do. shed a tear. the scene with minerva and the candle light vigil was brilliant.
JVTazz posted a comment on Sunday 26th November 2006 7:26pm for Chapter 24 - Dangerous Dagger Dilemma
good chapter, all around good chapter :)
Treck posted a comment on Sunday 26th November 2006 6:54pm for Chapter 24 - Dangerous Dagger Dilemma
Wonderful chapter.
Alyx. lease let Bob know that his computer isn't quite that fast.
Bob. I don't suppose that Dumbles is one of the new poltergeists? posted a comment on Sunday 26th November 2006 6:39pm for Chapter 24 - Dangerous Dagger Dilemma
You guys really are brilliant! I'm sorry to hear about Bob's computer, I hope the new one he got is 10 times better. I'm glad to see that you didn't kill Minerva or Peeves for that matter, the part of more then one of him is such a scary thought I might actually have nightmares because of it. Update soon please:):):):):):)
Alorkin posted a comment on Sunday 26th November 2006 6:35pm for Chapter 24 - Dangerous Dagger Dilemma
Yet another fine chapter. I rally liked the way you handled the removal of the knife. (Calls to mind the scene in 'Backwards Compatable' where Harry removed the assassn's blade from Hermione in his apartment in Spain.) Ginny's battle had to have been the hardest thing she'd ever done. "It knows I'm here, and it's preparng to fight me." It would have been like facing Tom again, without any defenses. Her utterance of defiance, "I fought Riddle and you're nothing!" really made that scene.
I didn't know possessed blades spoke Vulcan.
Poor little Orla. She really was a victim here. She was sent a poisoned blade by someone she trusted, and was possessed by it. Her actons mind me of the lead character in 'Laserblast', a really BAD 'B' rated SF movie.
Korwin was a waste of skin. (Republican?) His death was of no major consequence. Amhar, on the other hand, is long past due his comeuppance. Interestingly enough, if he'd just stayed put, and contacted the constabulary, he'd have come off smelling of roses. Instead, he panicked, and as a result, is now wanted for a murder he didn't commit. (Anyone seen a one armed man, lately?)
As always, I eagerly await the next chapter of 'Sunrise'. Alorkin
Lady_Readwolf posted a comment on Sunday 26th November 2006 6:07pm for Chapter 24 - Dangerous Dagger Dilemma
I do so enjoy reading this story. ^__^
Congrats on the new comp, and I'm glad Peeves didn't take too long in popping back up. Oh, and look! he brought *friends* [debates between cringing or cackling]
DaZZa posted a comment on Monday 27th November 2006 8:18am for Chapter 24 - Dangerous Dagger Dilemma