Content Harry Potter


Wednesday Jones posted a comment on Sunday 26th November 2006 10:29am for Chapter 24 - Dangerous Dagger Dilemma

You know, I eagerly await your new chapters for the disclaimer and the AN's at the end, as well as the story. You never fail to make me laugh.

That said, when is the full scale war coming? I need more bloodshed, damnit!

However, I will settle for a little bit of Snape killing... :)

Leticia posted a comment on Sunday 26th November 2006 10:23am for Chapter 24 - Dangerous Dagger Dilemma

Another brilliant chapter!

I thought I was sad when Peeves died, but now... Now I'm afraid.

Prince Charles' "dance" kind of ruined Donna Summer's 'Hot stuff' for me as well.

Deborahsu posted a comment on Sunday 26th November 2006 10:18am for Chapter 24 - Dangerous Dagger Dilemma

Perhaps this looks familiar and could be considered part of the blooper files: "With that said, there won't be any more bloopers, at least not for awhile. When Bob's computer when belly up, it took the blooper file with it." LOL gotcha!

I continue to love your story, crazy as you obviously are ... kindred spirits of a sort ... ;-)

Any idea how much is left? Every time I laugh, my husband growls because he won't read unfinished stories ... and yes, I've tried that, and he still growls. <G>

Sean Dillon posted a comment on Sunday 26th November 2006 9:53am for Chapter 24 - Dangerous Dagger Dilemma

Guess old Marne Murphy ain't going to be real pleased with Amhar for losing her Lugo. He's in a world of shit now -- the mob, the Brotherhood, and damn near every gov't in the world looking for him.

Does Amhar know or suspect a diplomatic delegation will be going to France? Will he go there to strengthen his position before going to Britian and Voldemort?

And where do we look for information on the limits on the Scepter? Does this mean the phoenix feather has been negated?

""His blood, Hermione. What are the limitations on wand use? Or, more importantly, what would your arithmantic equations say about a power conduit that matches the power source?" Remus asked.

lordblack posted a comment on Sunday 26th November 2006 9:36am for Chapter 24 - Dangerous Dagger Dilemma

another good chapter, well done!

Jed posted a comment on Sunday 26th November 2006 9:22am for Chapter 24 - Dangerous Dagger Dilemma

Happy Thanksgiving, and thank you for not killing off Peeves. I would have missed him.

Jujuberry posted a comment on Sunday 26th November 2006 9:12am for Chapter 24 - Dangerous Dagger Dilemma

4 Peeves? I'm in awe of your comic genius... can't wait for Voldie to meet them all. *evil giggle*

Great chapter!

Lurk posted a comment on Sunday 26th November 2006 9:06am for Chapter 24 - Dangerous Dagger Dilemma

Great chappie guys!

Yes, I admit it. I'm VERY pleased that "Professor Kittycat" is alive. And I love the nickname! House-Elf names are such wonderful things, aren't they?

Hmmmm...have we heard from Bill recently? ::ponders::

Wonderful work with Peeves! I started laughing when I heard about the Magically Appearing Poltergiests (M.A.P.s). Though I wonder, was it really important to give Harry that misinformation? it making him overestimate Voldie's wand power?

Keep it up!

Dr.Shadow posted a comment on Sunday 26th November 2006 8:37am for Chapter 24 - Dangerous Dagger Dilemma

Interesting chapter about the dagger

Edward Becerra posted a comment on Sunday 26th November 2006 8:37am for Chapter 24 - Dangerous Dagger Dilemma

Small typo here:

"You'll drown it it,"

Should be "in it", I think.

Nicely done otherwise, and I enjoyed it.

Oh, how's Open Office working for you? Do you need another CD of it?


Shawn Pickett posted a comment on Sunday 26th November 2006 8:36am for Chapter 24 - Dangerous Dagger Dilemma

Outstanding chapter, it will be interesting to see what becomes of Amhar. Peeves returning with friends was a bit suprising, it should prove amusing. I'm curious to see how things go in France for Neville and Ginny, honestly, I expect something bad to happen, but what do I know. Great job, thank you.

Taegeous posted a comment on Sunday 26th November 2006 8:22am for Chapter 24 - Dangerous Dagger Dilemma

I haven't even read the chapter yet, still, Best Disclaimer Ever.

asvaldson posted a comment on Sunday 26th November 2006 7:32am for Chapter 24 - Dangerous Dagger Dilemma

Eek, after reading your response to Leticia, I had to go back and read her review. Yikes. I would have a hard time writing a man into a position of authority, with that sort of image. *shudder*

asvaldson posted a comment on Sunday 26th November 2006 7:27am for Chapter 24 - Dangerous Dagger Dilemma

OMG I love this story, I was so happy to see another chapter posted. I can't wait for the next one.

mathiasgranger posted a comment on Sunday 26th November 2006 6:39am for Chapter 24 - Dangerous Dagger Dilemma

Good chapter, and I am glad to see Ginny's powers being debeloped further. Having a feeling about something bad being around but no clue what it is, well it isn't exactly all that great of a power. It would be like a super hero who is a very good guesser....

I wasn't exactly attacking the fact that you use bloopers, more accurately I was questioning why it was necessary. It's not my aim to flatter you, but the both of you appear to have a well developed sense of humor that could be better used on other pursuits.

I look forward to seeing how "Mr. Longbottom goes to Paris" plays out.

Thanks for writing,