Sunrise Over Britain
Chapter 25 - French Fried Troubles
By Bobmin
Keeroo92 posted a comment on Tuesday 11th January 2011 2:29pm for Chapter 25 - French Fried Troubles
I always thought the French were a few pawns short of a full chess set. How stupid do you need to be to go up against the rest of the world? Pretty damn stupid. Good riddance to Amhar, although a bit of torture would've been nice. Glad to see him go though!
Quincy posted a comment on Thursday 29th April 2010 7:29pm for Chapter 25 - French Fried Troubles
So Harry has the Marauder's Map right? Bam, ward the castle with voldemort in it. Clean up the death eaters and muggle military. Have Harry press the button on a Mustard gas attack on Hogwarts. Wait for gas to clear, problem solved.
Martyjvv posted a comment on Saturday 3rd January 2009 8:06pm for Chapter 25 - French Fried Troubles
Not sure if it was a typo or words are missing so I'm just letting you know.
He walked over to Amelia. "We need to talk about responses to this," he said tensely.
She looked at him sharply, but. "I know. I've been wondering about it myself. What do you have in mind?"
She looked at him sharply, but.
Fidelia posted a comment on Monday 27th October 2008 4:26pm for Chapter 25 - French Fried Troubles
The entire French wizarding population cannot all be evil, can they? Maybe just their government then?
Nice Chapter. I enjoyed the frightened/worried Brotherhood waiting at the manor while a rescue operation was mounted and executed. Gave a touch of reality to the situation and saved Harry from personally recusing yet another person. I cannot help but feel rather sorry for poor Orla.
Tammy Driver posted a comment on Sunday 5th October 2008 5:02pm for Chapter 25 - French Fried Troubles
It's a falcon, sitting on a thrown with a crown in its beak
It's a falcon, sitting on a throne, with a crown in it's beak.
Spot the differences....<G>
cwejr posted a comment on Saturday 5th July 2008 9:46am for Chapter 25 - French Fried Troubles
Talk about bloopers!
"It's a falcon, sitting on a thrown with a crown in its beak." I wonder what was thrown.
Excellent story, so far.
azrael91 posted a comment on Wednesday 14th May 2008 11:36am for Chapter 25 - French Fried Troubles
wow, you two really hate the french, don't you? oh well, I happen to agree, they are a bunch of snotty, arrogant bastards.
porthos112 posted a comment on Wednesday 9th April 2008 10:49pm for Chapter 25 - French Fried Troubles
I'm loving the story so far, especially lines like this.
Ginny climbed off his lap and stood up, hands on her hips, giving him a mock glare. It would have been more impressive if she weren't dressed in her bra and panties , and trying to hide a smile.
Note the part in bold. Of course it would have been more impressive! She'd be naked if she weren't dressed in her bra and panties. lol.
And what red blooded male wouldn't find a spunky red head impressive in that state?
Love your work and I'm going to go back to reading it now
GryffindorDragon posted a comment on Thursday 28th June 2007 6:40am for Chapter 25 - French Fried Troubles
Just a note on your use of 'tong' to refer to Asian organizations. The term only refers to secret societies among chinese immigrants. Secret societies in China (which the tongs were modeled after) would be referred to as 'triads'.
'the evacuation of the Dutch Jews in World War II' -- less than one-fourth of Dutch Jews survived the Nazi oppression!
Why would a diplomatic mission being staying elsewhere than the embassy (beside needing them in a hotel for plot purposes)?
Oh, the ski pole and oar were marvelous. And Remus and co. thought they were pranking Ginny.
Selma Flamel posted a comment on Wednesday 6th June 2007 3:03am for Chapter 25 - French Fried Troubles
I always thought they should have a class called Wizard Studies, too complement Muggle Studies
Favorite line: "But no one steals me away from my Colonel."
IamNotawriter posted a comment on Sunday 6th May 2007 10:09am for Chapter 25 - French Fried Troubles
What's a thrown and how does one sit on it? You've thrown me for a loop with that one. Otherwise, sounds like an attractive family crest.
bratling posted a comment on Saturday 3rd March 2007 1:37pm for Chapter 25 - French Fried Troubles
Glad he's dead. Idiot deserved it.
Christina C. Keimig posted a comment on Wednesday 28th February 2007 12:24pm for Chapter 25 - French Fried Troubles
I like Amhar's end, personally. He's not worth Harry's time. Good show, there.
Congratulations on another excellent chapter!
Sarahb posted a comment on Thursday 1st February 2007 6:59pm for Chapter 25 - French Fried Troubles
Hi, Just want to say that i find your story great. but i think i have found a small mistake...not that I really mind, but thought you wanted to know. You wrote in this chapter that almost all of the Dutch Jews had been saved overnight, i have never heard of that, but a lot of Americans make the mistake thinking that people from Denmark are Dutch (they are not, they are Danish). As a dane my-self (someone from Denmark), I experienced it a few times while I was in the states as an exchange students. Not that the fact really matters to the story line or anything, I just wanted to let you know.
once again I want to say what a great story I think you are writing.
Best regards from Sarah (the dane)
ponderous stibbons posted a comment on Friday 26th January 2007 9:41pm for Chapter 25 - French Fried Troubles
Given the emergency items Ginny had packed for her, I'm surprised one of the three men wasn't decapitated by Hogwarts: a History ;)
cream435 posted a comment on Monday 8th January 2007 8:34am for Chapter 25 - French Fried Troubles
Luv it still. its been what? four weeks since i started reading this? Wow. Update soon please!
Dale Dietzman posted a comment on Monday 8th January 2007 1:43am for Chapter 25 - French Fried Troubles
OK Guys,
Thanks for the pre-Christmas update, but what have you done for us lately?
"Siriusly", I hope that Peeves' brothers smacked Chung down so hard into that stone wall that he died of cerebral hemorage! Can you tell I just don't like the dude?
WHat works better with you folks, threats or grovelling?
Ple-e-e-e-e-se another Chapter, we wants it, we wants it.
clt_71 posted a comment on Saturday 6th January 2007 5:13am for Chapter 25 - French Fried Troubles
I am an avid reader for sites like and SIYE. However, the stories on this site are, in my opinion, far better. this one, in particular, I absolutely enjoy. I cannot wait for the next installment.
MonkeyAxman1302 posted a comment on Thursday 4th January 2007 12:54am for Chapter 25 - French Fried Troubles
An acme disclaimer! That really made me chuckle.
Good chapter, liked the "good wizard bad wizard" bit on LaRoche that Harry and Remus used. I admit I would have expected Harry to play the bad wizard bit.
Really loved Luna's comment about the "first recorded flight of a Kneazle in..."
Multiplying Poltergeists is a great idea, love it. Although, who came up with the names? Bit weird they are.
Harry sneezing and pulling a plane down was great. Really liked flying carpet that responds like a surf board!
Keep writing please!
thomasnealy posted a comment on Monday 18th February 2013 9:31am for Chapter 25 - French Fried Troubles