Content Harry Potter


LordXander posted a comment on Wednesday 20th December 2006 4:47pm for Chapter 25 - French Fried Troubles

Loved the chapter, don't change a thing, the plot is unfolding just fine. Anyone who believes otherwise... well... Let's not talk about them.

Oh, and Alyx, I think you should verify Bob's story about Vex and Miffs dropping the Dung Bombs into the toilet. You never know what your husband eats when you're not there!

beauty0102 posted a comment on Wednesday 20th December 2006 4:36pm for Chapter 25 - French Fried Troubles

yeah great chapter can't wait for more so please update again and soon. posted a comment on Wednesday 20th December 2006 4:26pm for Chapter 25 - French Fried Troubles

Wow I loved every line of this update and I can't wait to see what happens next. Sorry to hear about your oral surgery Bob, next time don't eat the entire bag of rock candy at one time. Anyways I love the way you killed that scumbag De Lion, I'm glad that nobody got seriously hurt this chapter. I do however agree with Harry that Opperation Headshot would work the best in eliminating the stupid French goverment, maybe the US government should use that in the present day dealings with the french! Any chance on there being a huge battle soon with lots of the fun stuff aka lots and lots of blood and people dieing, I can't help myself I like it alot. DO keep up the outstanding work and update soon please:):):):)

mjc posted a comment on Wednesday 20th December 2006 4:00pm for Chapter 25 - French Fried Troubles

Damn...not quite up to your usual. I mean a few red-shirt security guards and a lion turd! Sheesh! couldn't you have at least had a few of the plane's passengers get eaten by a shark or something?

Wait, there was the Muggle girl...but that is still only 8 max (you never said the detail was dead...).

Now, the only problem with Operation Headshot, is that Harry is going to be gunning for the wrong folks. But then again, he doesn't know about the Richelieu wannabes trying to run the show. He should do a deep probe on Roach-boy anyway and maybe drop a few time delayed Wheezes on the guy before sending him back...or worse (espeically if he picks out anything about the shadow government from Roach-boy).

Ltank687 posted a comment on Wednesday 20th December 2006 3:43pm for Chapter 25 - French Fried Troubles

don't accelerate the plot! I love this story, the best there is in the world of fanfiction, and this is one of the last vestiges of good stories concerning Harry Potter. The others have already been written and hte well is drying up, but not for phenomenal writers such as yourselves.

Keep at your pace, enthrall us some more, and I eagerly await your next update!


agent fisher posted a comment on Wednesday 20th December 2006 3:42pm for Chapter 25 - French Fried Troubles

Once again the French balls it up to hell and gone. I'm with Harry. Execute Operation Headshot.

morriganscrow posted a comment on Wednesday 20th December 2006 3:31pm for Chapter 25 - French Fried Troubles

I love the politics and the complexity of the plot. Extra Peeves are a good thing and the Lion got stuffed.
Keep up the great work, and happy, safe and fun holidays to you both and all your readers.

mekareami posted a comment on Wednesday 20th December 2006 3:22pm for Chapter 25 - French Fried Troubles

I hope you guys have a great holiday. Thank you for the update and I look forward to the next as soon as the muse speaks.

Musings of Apathy posted a comment on Wednesday 20th December 2006 3:04pm for Chapter 25 - French Fried Troubles

Uh, Bob (I never blame Alyx if there is a potential mistake) you say that Metamorph's cannot change into anything but a human, but all that is changed on Tonks is her 'duck bill and feet', and she was able to change her nose to a pig's snout. Should this have said something more like her not being able to change that radically or...something?

Wow, you're making me paranoid. After the talk of the internal security's potential violence, and then switching to Ginny getting a massage that she was not expecting, I thought it was going to end violently. See, you're keeping us on our toes. she supposed to be an idiot in this? I can't believe that she would be so gulible without a hex on her to take an oar on a trip to Paris, much less a ski pole and whatever else they told her to take. But then she proves to be brilliant with using the tools available to her to change a dangerous situation to her benefit. I just don't know. I guess that she is just too trusting of friends and family.

I loved this chapter. Great logical plots.

You speak of Harry not being the one to knock everyone of the bad guys off, but...he didn't get to kill Ron (good thing because he still remembers Ron when he was a friend), he didn't kill Dumbles (love that little lamb-like creature, what could be better, cute and deadly) and now another enemy has died in a inconsequential way. You seem to be denying the dignity of a final hard fought death in battle to all of your bad guys that have any signifigance. I'm just waiting for one of the bad guys to be bitch slapped to death while they are on the run, because they decided to distract themselves from their crumbling plans and misplaced loyalties by groping Zsa Zsa Gabor's rear end on 34th street in downtown New York City in front of the Macy's while the green outfitted highschool girls with gingle bells on their pointed, upturned slippers try to lure children to sit on Santa's lap inside the overpriced store, thus draggin their parents in where the children will see all of the prominently displayed electronic games and toys and bug mommy and daddy for this or that new, hot thing.

Thanks for writing.

Mike (MoA)

JDD posted a comment on Wednesday 20th December 2006 2:40pm for Chapter 25 - French Fried Troubles

love the story. you have, once again, taken the magnitude of Robert Jordan and coupled it with the genius of JK rowling. And what you have is Bobmin. Freaking awesome, and i love the way that you killed amhar, a man like that should die unnoticed by everyone.

Locathah posted a comment on Wednesday 20th December 2006 2:15pm for Chapter 25 - French Fried Troubles

I was just reading your comments at the bottom about someone getting through the wards because they didn't "think" they were evil wether they actually are or aren't.

The problem with this concept is that I highly doubt that many evil people actually think they are evil... some of your more sadistic death eaters might but that's really an extreme case and many of them probably think they're just fighting back against the evil muggles who's influence is degrading wizarding heritage.

O.k. I don't buy that one either but I'm sure many of the pureblood raised sons and daughters in the death eater corps are brainwashed to believe they're following a righteous cause... most have to be able to justify their actions to themselves as perfectly rational and acceptable or they'd be doing somethign else.

I can't help but think that any ward which based its discrimination on the subject's own perception would be useless.

I'd been assuming that all your wards were based on more fundamental things like what they'd actually done, an actual taint left behind by their actions perhaps. Actual evil rather than perceived evil.

rippergirl posted a comment on Wednesday 20th December 2006 1:59pm for Chapter 25 - French Fried Troubles

Yeah that bastard finally got what he deserved. Died by a mugggle weapon and almost stone cold poor. How the rich can fall when they suck. Love that Peeves has his brothers around. Can't wait to see the tag team in action again at Hogwart's. I want to see what is going to happen with the situation in France as well but I guess I will just have to wait until next year. Aww man. JK. Have a awesome Christmas with your friends and family and HAPPY CHRISMAKWANZAAKUH!! to all!

apr911 posted a comment on Wednesday 20th December 2006 1:51pm for Chapter 25 - French Fried Troubles

Love the new chapter...

I like how things are heating up with France and hope to see more in the next chapter...

As for those telling you the story is too long... I think its great and you should take your time on it because its so good id hate to see it get ruined by a rush job (sort of like HermanTumbleweed on Rising Phoenix... Im still confused if they are finished writing it or if they were just summarizing whats to come)...

Cant wait for the next chapter and i am really interested in the repercussions of France's actions with Harry's group, the British and internationally....

Now for some begging and pleading...

Pretty Please with Sugar and a Cherry on top update again soon...
i know you said early next year... but i am hoping that by asking really really nicely or as the case my be shamelessly begging, the update will be like 1/2/07 or 1/3/07 (gotta allow time to recover from the new year festivities :) )


Evan Mayerle posted a comment on Wednesday 20th December 2006 1:33pm for Chapter 25 - French Fried Troubles

I can't feel sorry for Amhar at all, he made his bed and has to lie in it. As for the French ministry, I figure they haven't had it bad enough - yet. The overall dynamics of this chapter are excellent as is the balance of the different story lines.

*chuckle* I have news for the speaker counting on their nuclear arsenal, that can be neutralized wihtout overmuch difficulty (cf. "Cauldron" by Larry Bond). If anything, the ability to do so is easier today than it was when that novel was written.

Treck posted a comment on Wednesday 20th December 2006 1:32pm for Chapter 25 - French Fried Troubles

Wonderful chapter and Happy holidays

logits posted a comment on Wednesday 20th December 2006 1:08pm for Chapter 25 - French Fried Troubles

I am really enjoying your story the way your characters grow and change.

The only thing I wonder about is why does it seem all Harry's enemies are unable to do any real damage to the people around him. Surely in a war as you created, his side will lose some key players. Just thought.

Keep up the good work!

vl100butch posted a comment on Wednesday 20th December 2006 12:26pm for Chapter 25 - French Fried Troubles

What a nice holiday present, personally I'd rather have Operation Headshot, but let's see what Amelia pulls off.

And, what sort of havoc will Peeves and his brothers cause!!!!!

Ken Warner posted a comment on Wednesday 20th December 2006 12:24pm for Chapter 25 - French Fried Troubles

Here is wishing the Merriest of Christmases and a Very Happy and Succesful New Year - thanks for leaving us with a very nice chapter as an early Christmas gift. Loved the chapter, the short interlude with Peeves and his brothers was nice - Did they damage the wall with Chung, or just temporarily injure the animal?

Glad that Neville is OK - and ans long as Amhar is dead - good riddance.

I have to go with Operation Headshot - I have long maintained that it is far more moral to take out the decision makers than to have a war where the majority of the victims are either civilians or soldiers who had nothing at all to do with the causes of the conflict.

warmest regards

Shawn Pickett posted a comment on Wednesday 20th December 2006 12:11pm for Chapter 25 - French Fried Troubles

Outstanding chapter, it was nice to see Amelia reign in Harry regarding headshot, though I'd be inclined to go that route. The bit with Amhar was perfect, while I like the idea of Harry beating the snot out of him, having his sins catch up with him like this is nicer. The part with Harry getting sick made for a nice little aside as well as Oliver and the quiditch team. Great job, thank you.

DaZZa posted a comment on Wednesday 20th December 2006 12:03pm for Chapter 25 - French Fried Troubles

But Alyx - the horns are so cute. :-)

OK, minor nitpick time

"Your saying the French are being obstructionist simply because it annoys the British?"

"The piece of you inside me makes it so I hurt when your hurting."

I love your stories - all of them I've read so far - but I hate it when I see things like "you're" and "your" being mixed up.

Having said that, I'd be most upset if you stopped writing, so if nitpicks peeve {no pun intended} a lot, then feel free to ignore me and keep on writing, bugs and all!