Content Harry Potter


mathiasgranger posted a comment on Wednesday 20th December 2006 11:24am for Chapter 25 - French Fried Troubles

Good chapter, I especially enjoyed the Harry and Dan interaction. Armored magic carpets....only Harry could think of that.

Personally, after everything Amhar had managed to dirty himself with by the end, he deserved a death just like the one he recieved. He dealt with the wrong people, ones who don't give mercy and even he couldn't weasel his way out of that.

Perhaps you could explain the Avalonian council in more depth. If you did already then perhaps you could point out where so I could go back and read it.

Have a Safe and Happy Holiday Season,

Gardengirl posted a comment on Wednesday 20th December 2006 11:00am for Chapter 25 - French Fried Troubles

Thanks, I enjoyed this! The muggle drugs in the IV's gave me the willies, though, as I expect it was meant to do. Have a very Merry Christmas, and I'll 'see' you next year.