Sunrise Over Britain
Chapter 27 - Necromancers, Amy and Trials
By Bobmin
griffonsperch posted a comment on Tuesday 8th February 2011 3:26am for Chapter 27 - Necromancers, Amy and Trials
I love your story! Here are 2 minor mistakes that I found while reading chapter 27.
"He ought to, love. He does have seven wives and twelve concubines," he replied smugly. Then he snickered as she watched the grin slip from his wife's face.
I think this should be "he snickered as he watched"
"You were sent on a diplomatic mission to France. Would you explain to this court the purpose of that mission as it was described it to you?"
And I think this should be "Would you explain to this court the purpose of that mission as it was described to you"
Keeroo92 posted a comment on Tuesday 11th January 2011 9:57pm for Chapter 27 - Necromancers, Amy and Trials
Aw I was hoping to see Luna outwit the French Minister... Oh well.
avidreaderbz posted a comment on Thursday 1st July 2010 3:11am for Chapter 27 - Necromancers, Amy and Trials
"Look up and take in the beauty of creation in all it's majesty" I like this so much that I have put it on my facebook, cited you awesome guys of course! Though let me know if you dont approve yadda yadda, want it removed...etc
bz x
Tammy Driver posted a comment on Wednesday 3rd February 2010 7:28am for Chapter 27 - Necromancers, Amy and Trials
Go Gett'm Fuzz!!!! I just love that little ball of fur! :)
Jimmy posted a comment on Friday 29th May 2009 2:11pm for Chapter 27 - Necromancers, Amy and Trials
actually i think they're more upset at the fact that you didn't explain or show how he died...
Selma Flamel posted a comment on Wednesday 6th June 2007 3:13am for Chapter 27 - Necromancers, Amy and Trials
I completely agree Sean Connery does have a totally sexy voice.
Remus shame on you. Never mess with the librarian.
Your portrayal of The Baron is amazing.
TeoLumos posted a comment on Sunday 11th March 2007 6:09am for Chapter 27 - Necromancers, Amy and Trials
Hello, excellent chapter, as usual, even though I am one of those silent readers who nearly never review ...
But my thoughts are with you :)
Just a remark, you have a simili-blopper in here with an "it" twice present :
"Would you explain to this court the purpose of that mission as it was described it to you?""
It never hurts to polish a bit more an already shining gem :D
And should I mention that I strongly protest against the treatment of my native country ? France is not *that* corrupted ... although that could explain why I'm in Canada :D
Good luck and thanks for the entertainment you provide !
TxA_GunFighter posted a comment on Wednesday 7th March 2007 11:36pm for Chapter 27 - Necromancers, Amy and Trials
Very good chapter to an outstanding story.
es posted a comment on Tuesday 13th February 2007 2:01pm for Chapter 27 - Necromancers, Amy and Trials
on an orf note i was listening to lord of the dance the entire time i was reading, hmmm need to go kick a leprechan.
Berkeley posted a comment on Tuesday 13th February 2007 1:53pm for Chapter 27 - Necromancers, Amy and Trials
Her free hand caressed Fuzz, who stared down at harry with...
Caps Lock and Shift are useful
ben morris posted a comment on Sunday 11th February 2007 10:14am for Chapter 27 - Necromancers, Amy and Trials
Excellent as always. Just a quick question, Are you leaving the wings on Crookshanks? An idea for the name of the new species---How about Sneazle (sp?) This could also be construed as the origin of some more bizare magical species out there!
Erin posted a comment on Sunday 11th February 2007 1:31am for Chapter 27 - Necromancers, Amy and Trials
good update looking forward to the next.
Anaknisatanas posted a comment on Saturday 10th February 2007 8:54am for Chapter 27 - Necromancers, Amy and Trials
I'm really curious about what Luna did and who survived the buildings destruction. Your handling of the Necromancer and what Peeves and Co. did with the shovels was great! You two really do a good job mixing in a bit of humor with all the seriousness.
apr911 posted a comment on Tuesday 6th February 2007 2:08pm for Chapter 27 - Necromancers, Amy and Trials
Hey Guys!
I had some time over the past few days and with little else to do I took to re-reading Sunset & Sunrise.
I must say, Very Well Done! The story was great the first time around but it was definitely better the second time around.
Knowing what was to come and reading it in one fell swoop allowed me to pick up on some of the smaller details that I missed, overlooked or forgot about.
In any event I wanted to tell you guys Great Job and Keep up the good work. I eagerly await the next chapter and hope it comes out soon.
I realize some of these were subplots that have yet to or never developed or they were used simply as filler/bridge pieces but I did want to ask about whatever happened to Angie & Mason Long? What were the strangler collars, mentioned by name when voldemort was searching for cauldrons of chaos, for/do they have any significance? What was the creature consuming the bodies of Snape's "Test Subjects"
Also, Your updateless list...
Ch 6. The Cleansed Power - Updated and then off the map again
Ch 7. HP & the Mind Mage - Moved & rewritten but seemingly abandoned before reaching its previous update point
Ch. 9. HP & Merlin's Gifts - Recently Updated
Ch. 10. The Time of Change - Updated Nov 06
Bobmin356 replied:
Alyx here. Yes, many things were used as filler material, never meant to be fully fleshed out - like the strangler collars. The Long's fulfilled their mission and have gone on to other adventures.
As for the creature consuming the bodies of the test subjects, do I really need to tell you? How about if I give you some not so subtle hints? Let's see. We all know where the dungeons in the castle are located. So what butts up against the outside of the dungeons? And what lives there that has tentacles? You see the creature in JKR's books, so it's nothing new. I'm sure if you think about for a moment, you'll figure it out.
Thanks for reading, Tony, and we hope you continue to enjoy the story!
jessiepp posted a comment on Tuesday 6th February 2007 7:13am for Chapter 27 - Necromancers, Amy and Trials
neet keep it up
digeediva posted a comment on Friday 2nd February 2007 12:06am for Chapter 27 - Necromancers, Amy and Trials
Alyx & Bob, let me start by saying, Great Chapter! I'm sure someone in the French delegation is thinking, "I DEMAND THE NEXT CHAPTER, IMMEDIATELY!"
All joking aside, there is something about Hermione that has me somewhat puzzled. In early chapters, Hermione was taking instruction from Narcissa about her duties as Lady Potter and the political clout she would have as a result of her position as such. Hermione seems to take a great deal of offense to the lifestyles of other cultures (i.e. multiple wives and bound servitude of an apprentice).
It seems to me that, if Hermione was still taking these lessons, she should know that not all cultures follow the norms of the western world and her attitude could be considered quite offensive and be detrimental to Harry as Ambassador-at-Large to the Ministry of Magic in Exile and as Lord Potter. Harry seems to get the idea. Hermione on the other hand is just acting bullheaded and refuses to understand the political ramifications of her actions.
Am I wrong in this assessment? Has Narcissa not given her instruction in this area yet or is Hermione refusing to take the advice? I think, if Hermione continues on this path, she is going to cause a lot of problems to both Harry and the Ministry.
Keep up the excellent work.
Steve6 posted a comment on Thursday 1st February 2007 12:30pm for Chapter 27 - Necromancers, Amy and Trials
As usual, another great chapter. I always check for updates and am happy to have read this latest posting. It will be interesting to see what happens with the French ministry when you have their fate decided. I'm curious to know what happened to the current minister's daughter & kids. I know, I know, what the heck am I doing wondering about minor characters when there are all these other major characters to worry about. Well, I like how you've woven updates to other characters through the story. So that got me to thinking. Would you be doing anything about Orla's parents? Would Pops or Moms go to one of the extraction camps to interview survivors to see if XX's brother (Orla's uncle) was put under an Imperious to get the dagger to her, or did he do it intentionaly. I'm leaning towards him getting tired of starving in a camp and taking the mark to get out. So then what do they do when they get this news? How do they cope with Orla's death? It turns out there are 3 girls who are contemplating abortion who are near Orla's age since they no longer have family. They could adopt... Okay, far fetched, but how about this: the two students who were taken from the school under treason actually have to face the charges. Long story short, the judge says normally they would face death (you can't do that to us - we're just kids!) but since they are kids, they are getting a second chance. They are to have their magic stripped and live the rest of their lives as squibs. Additionally, they will be obliviated back to infancy so they can relearn their "lives". The judge will make sure they go to good homes. The muggles have a very good program rehabilitating brain injury vicitms, getting them to relearn how to live. Or... no, that's enough. I have to go massage my wife's feet. Yeah, I'm whipped. But I like being married and she makes me a happy husband.
Looking forward to the next chapter! Keep up the good work!
Tracy0652 posted a comment on Thursday 1st February 2007 11:31am for Chapter 27 - Necromancers, Amy and Trials
You guys are doing a fantastic job. To be able to 1) make the author's notes and disclaimers as much fun as the story itself, and 2) to make it believalbe (although very unlikable!) that Mrs. and Ron Weasley were against Harry, shows the quality (very high!) of your writing. How's that for a run-on sentence! Also, your creativiity and novel ideas are wonderful. I'm torn between the military house-elves, thwarting the evil French, and Luna as a Child of Gaia as my favorite ideas. Thanks for continuing to spend your time and efforts on these marvelous escapes!!
Rayven posted a comment on Wednesday 31st January 2007 9:04pm for Chapter 27 - Necromancers, Amy and Trials
Still as barmy as always, and it's just fantastic! I'm wondering how come the Chief Justice Umtumba didn't seem to react much when the Council was attacked, though. Oh well, perhaps he was a bit too trusty with the protocol and thought the French wouldn't dare to attack.
*goes back to slumber while awaiting next chapter*
Oh and I totally agree with the A/N. Spell check!
amsev posted a comment on Thursday 5th April 2012 10:31pm for Chapter 27 - Necromancers, Amy and Trials