Content Harry Potter


Colpinky posted a comment on Saturday 27th January 2007 12:33am for Chapter 27 - Necromancers, Amy and Trials

Bah!! You had to end the chapter like that. Now I have to wait to see what happened. And yes I'm whining. Keep up the good work.

Ishtar posted a comment on Saturday 27th January 2007 12:06am for Chapter 27 - Necromancers, Amy and Trials

You microwaved Toto AND fed Sean Connery to mutant sea bass? All right, that's it! I'm sending the Flying Monkeys after you. Don't bother to hide, they'll find you.

Eliew posted a comment on Friday 26th January 2007 11:58pm for Chapter 27 - Necromancers, Amy and Trials

Arrgh.... you guys left the battle at it's climax!! I want to know what is it that Luna had done. Since it seem to involve the entire Able company of the Brigade, must be something only Luna can come up with.

I like what Peeves and his siblings are doing though, creating havoc and being a right pest to Voldy. A shame they didn't do something more drastic to make sure that those who have fell into the pit have no way of return to Voldy's service.

Anyway, I do hope that the shadow government's end is coming, and that the British Ministry will get a new ally soon. Hmmm... if that is the case, who will be the next main opponent to Harry and his crew, the Irish mafia perhaps? Or did you guys have something else planned. Whatever it is, I will be looking forward to reading the next chapter to see the aftermath of the attack.

loralee posted a comment on Friday 26th January 2007 11:36pm for Chapter 27 - Necromancers, Amy and Trials

Great chpt, i hope Amy manages to kick off her shoes so she can launch a suprise attack before the twins realize she's back. lol

DrT posted a comment on Friday 26th January 2007 11:36pm for Chapter 27 - Necromancers, Amy and Trials

All right, the return of the t-shirts. I've missed them.

Interesting final scene. Decent cliff hanger.


dic posted a comment on Friday 26th January 2007 11:12pm for Chapter 27 - Necromancers, Amy and Trials

really nice chap.. i particularly like the scenes in the council of avalon. they show that it has not always to be war and action and death to be exciting.
well then.. keep writing.. i want the next chap!!

greetz dic

ps fuzz rulez! ^^

ponderous stibbons posted a comment on Friday 26th January 2007 11:09pm for Chapter 27 - Necromancers, Amy and Trials

I presume they got away ... now the question is whether people (gossip etc) will blame the French or the Brits for the disaster...

Love the whirring sound.

Is the Bloody Baron Salazar?

Peter Clark posted a comment on Friday 26th January 2007 10:38pm for Chapter 27 - Necromancers, Amy and Trials

I've just read my review, and, wilst I stick with the just plain mean comment, it was meant in jest.

However, I'm still for Bob and Alyx to star in the next disclaimer. Something involving blenders?

Peter Clark posted a comment on Friday 26th January 2007 10:35pm for Chapter 27 - Necromancers, Amy and Trials

Leaving that as cliff hanger is just plain mean. I vote for Alyx and Bob to be the stars of the next disclaimer!

Dominick posted a comment on Friday 26th January 2007 9:30pm for Chapter 27 - Necromancers, Amy and Trials

Oh my! I can't wait to read more!

misumo posted a comment on Friday 26th January 2007 9:14pm for Chapter 27 - Necromancers, Amy and Trials

When the French Minister asked Harry about being a wanted felon - HP should have said that he had committed no crime on French soil or against French Nationals on any foreign soil. So France declaring him a wanted criminal was without jurisdiction and hence illegel.

Donald McLeod posted a comment on Friday 26th January 2007 9:01pm for Chapter 27 - Necromancers, Amy and Trials

Oh man! What a great cliffy. Your right about Patton. He only died after he sent thos other poor bastard to death for thier country Harraw!!

Kail Ceannai posted a comment on Friday 26th January 2007 7:20pm for Chapter 27 - Necromancers, Amy and Trials

And that is how a cliffhanger ought to be done.

Excellent work.

Srikanth posted a comment on Friday 26th January 2007 7:04pm for Chapter 27 - Necromancers, Amy and Trials

Another CLIFFIE!! wow man i like your cliffies. This bring up your total Clifie count to......mmm i am really not sure. Greate chapter again.

Digging things + Dynamite + PEEVES = ??? **Shudders**

possibly **HUGE** trouble

Chris Steadman posted a comment on Friday 26th January 2007 6:08pm for Chapter 27 - Necromancers, Amy and Trials

I'm not sure which is more entertaining: the dramatics in your story or the humour in your notes.

Either way, great work all around. Eagerly awaiting the next installment.

Your work is definitely the bees knees.

(PS:If you ever need a name for a character who dies in some horrifyingly embarassing or humiliating way, mine's real easy to spell!)

Memo posted a comment on Friday 26th January 2007 5:40pm for Chapter 27 - Necromancers, Amy and Trials

Am I the only one who is getting a broken version of the episode?

It ends rather abruptly at

"Ah." Montrose nodded in understanding. "They can be most troublesome


Bobmin356 replied:

I just noticed that Memo, please try again. I was fixing a spelling error when the file got truncated. I have reuploaded the file and it's complete again.

Ronnie McMains posted a comment on Friday 26th January 2007 5:20pm for Chapter 27 - Necromancers, Amy and Trials

My people suffer under the yolk of an evil overlord.

Unless Voldie's taken to using eggs to replace his missing DE's, I think that's supposed to be 'the yoke of an evil overlord.' :)

This chapter certainly shows just how far Draco's come since second year, doesn't it? Too bad about Tobby, though.

I can see a scene from the epilogue now: Fred and George murdered gruesomely, and their killer gets off, because everybody knows just how hard put-upon Amy truly was. Once St. Mungo's gets rebuilt, she spends the rest of her days in their Long-Term Psychiatric ward...

The Penny/Baron interaction was nicely done as well. (I'd say more, but I have a problem putting my thoughts into words.)

What will be done with the people who dared attack the Council of Avalon? (Please tell me Harry left some of them alive; have to be able to prove who sent them after all.)

Keep up the good work!

Jeanas posted a comment on Friday 26th January 2007 5:19pm for Chapter 27 - Necromancers, Amy and Trials

Happy to hear that the necromancy is gone and that Peeves and Co can run Hogwarts to Voldy dismay.
Uhm did the French ministery not know of this secret formation in their mist?.
And what would happened now as the council chamber had been destroyed.
Would that meant that the french governement would be completly remplaced because the council had been attacked?.
Great chapter like always and can wait for the next one.
Ps: Fuzz and Grimmy are back! I missed them

Greg Johnson posted a comment on Friday 26th January 2007 5:09pm for Chapter 27 - Necromancers, Amy and Trials

NOOOO... Not again. How could you leave us hanging at that point. <sigh>

As always an excellent chapter. I really can't wait for the next one. Keep up the great work and update again soon!

lgsimian posted a comment on Friday 26th January 2007 5:00pm for Chapter 27 - Necromancers, Amy and Trials

sets countdown timer to 15 days, takes enough valium for a long winters nap

they say good things come to those who wait, well they are right, this story. Thank you for such an entertaining and well written story, with a plot that grabs you and hangs on