Sunrise Over Britain
Chapter 27 - Necromancers, Amy and Trials
By Bobmin
apr911 posted a comment on Friday 26th January 2007 4:32pm for Chapter 27 - Necromancers, Amy and Trials
Hey guys,
Yet another great chapter even if you did sort of leave it on an evil cliffhanger... and you were doing so good about wrapping up chapters or leaving the cliffhanger mid-chapter so that it didnt feel as much of a cliffhanger as it was...
I assume the next chapter will wrap up the council of avalon and the events that just occurred and I for one cant wait to see it so please get to and get it up soon!
Cant wait to see what you guys come up with to follow the council of avalon, i get the feeling that we are still a bit of a ways off from the end.
In any event, keep up the good work, update again soon and please at least try to keep me from hating you for cliffhangers. Need I say more? I think not, you get the picture. LOL!
Till next time,
Humbly yours,
Musings of Apathy posted a comment on Friday 26th January 2007 4:31pm for Chapter 27 - Necromancers, Amy and Trials
Excellent chapter! I am once again awed at the writing talents of this team. How many cliffhangers is this. Leave the poor man alone. You cannot keep hanging poor Cliff and reviving him. This must stop!
Here's a bit for your disclaimer:
Curtain opens to reveal a man hanging from a rope. Bob and Alyx are lowering him and removing the hanging man from the thirteen knot noose.
Once he is free, Alyx tells him, "If you give a good disclaimer this time, Cliff, we won't hang you at the end of the chapter."
In an abused voice, certainly from the damage that a rope had repeatedly done to his neck, he quickly disclaims the ownership of these characters, etc... and then in panic disclaims everything else he can think of.
Once he is removed from the stage with a long hook around his abused neck, courtesy of Vaudeville, Bob turns to Alyx and asks, "Why in the world would you promise to not hang Cliff at the end of the chapter? We never give in to threats or demands about our Cliff Hangers."
Your action scene was masterful. I was on the edge of my seat, hanging on, wanting to know what will happen, but at the same time, not wanting it to ever end.
Thank you for writing with such skill and attention to detail and suspense.
Mike (MoA)
Arnold posted a comment on Friday 26th January 2007 4:23pm for Chapter 27 - Necromancers, Amy and Trials
"When I possessed him, I learned the truth. His wife is the daughter of the French Minister of Magic
Ghostly tears rolled down Penelope's cheeks and she shook her head. "His own Ministry threatened this? His wife's own brother would have her killed? What kind of people..."
Wouldn't that be his own father or did I miss something.
Great mixture of action and suspense.
Bobmin356 replied:
Your right, it should be father. It's fixed now. Thanks
lelila posted a comment on Friday 26th January 2007 4:10pm for Chapter 27 - Necromancers, Amy and Trials
ok, i might have to get me on those things that can print stuff on t-shirts and use the ones u've been putting on harry's t-shirts. hee hee. and u'd think by now they'd be used to harry doing the impossible-wearing shirts that insult old voldy, creating a whole new wing to the mansion from just having a cold, and conjuring boxes made of magic.
let's not forget having staffs search thru his mind and having murals of merlin wink at him and it seems that harry might become minister of magic. i'm curious, might that really happen? harry and hermione didn't blink when umtumba said he was also a maglios tho. i like umtumba. will we see more of him after this whole council of avalon business?
bravo the poltergeists with the shovels! i quite enjoyed seeing voldy throwing a tantrum like that, tho i do feel bad about the how the necromancer got there in the first place. i hope his family will make it.
i almost feel sorty for amy. almost, mind u.
i know it's war but did u really have to let the strange house elf kill tobby? i'm glad draco realized that tobby was his friend tho sad it took his death to see it.
i'm glad the that the coucil is going well for the british but i'm with harry and the brotherhod on this. killing pierpont and burning down the french ministry building would save loads of time. did luna and hermione transport the entire council?
u people r evil with the cliffhangers. update soon or the batch of cookies gets it!!
Evan Mayerle posted a comment on Friday 26th January 2007 3:54pm for Chapter 27 - Necromancers, Amy and Trials
Ah, a fascinating chapter on all counts. I have to say that there's only one suitable piece for background music for them dealing with that vase, "Return to Sender, Address Unknown". It would appear that Voldemort has even more problems now than he did before he tried to eliminate Peeves; couldn't happen to a more deserving blackguard.
The Council of Avalon is moving along nicely; I do think the French will find that they've opened more than just Pandora's Biix with their efforts. Besides, I'm willing to bet that there's more than one pensive sitting around with those same memories, and with the necessary evidence trail to allow them to be used.
I have to admit, I do feel somewhat sorry for Amy, all that traveling has got to wear you out. The interesting thought is, what will she do in retaliation? I think I want to watch her retaliation from behind some thick and powerful shields.
I admit, the ending was spectacular and a nice cliffie. 'Twill be interesting to see where that device sent everyone.
Guy posted a comment on Friday 26th January 2007 3:49pm for Chapter 27 - Necromancers, Amy and Trials
WTF!!!!! You can't end it like that!! Bob, Alyx you two better get back here and put the next chapter up soon or I'll do something to you both that you have been doing to Snape and Ron!
Drake posted a comment on Friday 26th January 2007 3:11pm for Chapter 27 - Necromancers, Amy and Trials
Four letters. OMFG, that was so awesome. Although, to be honest, the opening scene up until the first witness seemed rather long for what was conveyed. The battle scene seem to lack the luster or depth that previous battles have contained. Seem to me to be rushed, maybe for earlier viewing?
The end, however, surprised me. It seems to be that Harry was either low on his magical reserves, or had some rather powerful opponents, at least to keep consistent with the description of the building, and an estimation as to how many visitors could fit and not make it seem obvious that a number of people who were not there previously showed up.
All in all a good chapter.
Hilary McKenna posted a comment on Friday 26th January 2007 2:48pm for Chapter 27 - Necromancers, Amy and Trials
AAAAGH!!!! You can't just leave it there. That's evil, it's worse that evil, it's downright cruel and inhuman! Please, please post the next chapter tomorrow!
Fishburne posted a comment on Friday 26th January 2007 2:45pm for Chapter 27 - Necromancers, Amy and Trials
vl100butch posted a comment on Friday 26th January 2007 2:18pm for Chapter 27 - Necromancers, Amy and Trials
The evil cliffie strikes again.....I just have a feeling that Harry has just begun to fart in the general direction of the French :-)
rippergirl posted a comment on Friday 26th January 2007 1:35pm for Chapter 27 - Necromancers, Amy and Trials
I hate you guys right now. Ending the chapter right when it was getting good. You guys do enjoy the cliffhangers don't you. Sorry. I apologize, I was really getting into the story and started the review with exactly what I was thinking. Anywho. Glad to see some of the French getting what they deserved. Guess this will serve them right for thinking they could take on Harry and the Brotherhood. T-shirts were filarious as always.(and yes I did mean to write filarious). Glad to see that the necromancer didn't get rid of anybody important from Hogwart's.(sad to see him go considering the back story we got. I mean he was only doing his job.) Anyways I have to go make some voodoo dolls of Bob and Alyx and force them to finish and post the next chapter A.S.A.P.!(and no I am not telling you were I got my secret ingredients for them).
Alex00 posted a comment on Friday 26th January 2007 1:32pm for Chapter 27 - Necromancers, Amy and Trials
Nicely done.
Princess Fictoria posted a comment on Friday 26th January 2007 1:00pm for Chapter 27 - Necromancers, Amy and Trials
Great chapter. Loved the inner workings of international magical governments. I look forward to the destruction of the French magical government since they were the ones who disrupted the proceedings. I also find it rather amusing to see the destruction that the undead or nondead are causing for old Voldie shorts.
I also wanted to take a moment and let you know that your effort on this story is greatly appreciated. You are the most talented, dedicated, and exciting fanfic writers out there... and you update regularly... yay you!
Please accept this virtual representation of my thanks:
Dr.Shadow posted a comment on Friday 26th January 2007 12:33pm for Chapter 27 - Necromancers, Amy and Trials
Wow awesome story so far, and it was a really fast update!
seishi posted a comment on Friday 26th January 2007 11:44am for Chapter 27 - Necromancers, Amy and Trials
As that supposed to be a cliffhanger? What a bloody and gory way to end a chapter :D. this is the funniest chapter i have ever read (not easy at work when your boss thinks you are supposed to be working :D:D:D) Keep up the good work
Shawn Pickett posted a comment on Friday 26th January 2007 11:38am for Chapter 27 - Necromancers, Amy and Trials
What and utterly evil place to leave the chapter. Brilliant job, thank you.
mathiasgranger posted a comment on Friday 26th January 2007 11:03am for Chapter 27 - Necromancers, Amy and Trials
Hmm, what an evil way to end the chapter. A cliffhanger of sorts, no?
I liked Umtumba, will he be a recurring character?
Well, I think we could all see what the French were going to try but it was still entertaining to read just the same.
Thanks for writing,
beauty0102 posted a comment on Friday 26th January 2007 4:49pm for Chapter 27 - Necromancers, Amy and Trials