Sunrise Over Britain
Chapter 2 - Orphans and a Hermione Moment
By Bobmin
thomasnealy posted a comment on Saturday 16th February 2013 6:19am for Chapter 2 - Orphans and a Hermione Moment
I'm a little confused as to why Harry is refusing to bond to any of the elves him self?
Lord Cleveland posted a comment on Sunday 27th May 2012 2:03pm for Chapter 2 - Orphans and a Hermione Moment
I see now that you created a magical item that doesn't exist. And you sit there talking about pet peeves. How about stop creating and adding things to the HP world without mentioning its a new invention etc...
ireadurstorynow posted a comment on Saturday 28th January 2012 9:35pm for Chapter 2 - Orphans and a Hermione Moment
Within thirty seconds of the flare appearing, all of the Haven personal were gone.
I love reading your stories, and remember a few notes about you hated seeing these. It is about halfway through the second chapter. I'm not flaming, just trying to help. Keep up the good work. :D
darridle posted a comment on Sunday 18th December 2011 9:21pm for Chapter 2 - Orphans and a Hermione Moment
*counts* wow... it took Ginny how long again to remember Charlie and now she tells him 3 or so times in one letter that they need him. *shakes head*
on the other hand... I've forgotten bout that orphanage too and I don't have the excuse of missing the master list.
still love the story and am still happy I don't have to wait for updates *sticks tongue out at previous readers*
hpfirecracker posted a comment on Thursday 3rd March 2011 8:31am for Chapter 2 - Orphans and a Hermione Moment
I don't know which I'm enjoying more. Your wonderful story or your disclaimers. Thank you for sharing your wonderful stories.
Keeroo92 posted a comment on Tuesday 4th January 2011 11:51pm for Chapter 2 - Orphans and a Hermione Moment
Hermione with her own house elf?! It would've been ridiculous without the right circumstances, and you got them! posted a comment on Sunday 10th October 2010 12:39am for Chapter 2 - Orphans and a Hermione Moment
I think somebody should write a story where Harry goes to live with the Johansens when he's a toddler!!!!
WorldOfLilyEvans posted a comment on Sunday 7th March 2010 3:34pm for Chapter 2 - Orphans and a Hermione Moment
I'm glad I came into this story after you finished! No cliffhangers for me!! Yay!!!
-xxx- Malou
Megra posted a comment on Saturday 20th September 2008 11:35am for Chapter 2 - Orphans and a Hermione Moment
I just wanted to let you know something...
For school, we have to log our reading time, and I'm pretty sure that they have to be published books. Well, I for one disagree with this, and have decided to "screw the rules" as one of my friends put it and log the time it takes for me to read about 2-3 chapters of Sunset/Sunrise a night. So far, I've gotten about 500 minutes a week, and we only need 150. But basically, my other reason for logging this is that I didn't feel like finishing Breaking Dawn for a second time. *eyeroll*
Dragen posted a comment on Sunday 18th May 2008 9:21pm for Chapter 2 - Orphans and a Hermione Moment
Oh great story mates, I love how the story is going and I can't wait to see what it goes, I love what Harry has done for the children. Keep up the great work.
Joyfullscroll posted a comment on Wednesday 20th June 2007 9:24am for Chapter 2 - Orphans and a Hermione Moment
*Huh* What a chapter. No Peeves for the moment. Ok.
As for this chapter, well I have to say that most if not a majority of HP fanfic writers end up getting Hermione her due in the SPEW aspect at one time or another for multichaptered storylines.
The one thing that I usually look forward to is Ron's reaction once he finds out she has House Elf/House Elves bound to her. Usually it always ends up being Binky and Dobby to Harry. In another storyline Draco as the last Malfoy in his Will gave Hermione ALL of the Malfoy HouseElves! (He considered it as a last say on Granger Hee Hee.) Poor Harry had quiet a time calming her down and Ron wasn't helping in ANY way. I still find that one to be rather funny.
As for the HP Plot Bunnies are you sure Harry didn't send them your way? He could have used that spell you mentioned in the other story where he taught the Grangers the multi-Bunny thingy. Speaking of Bunnies...*blinks* *blinks again* There goes a Black bunny outside my backyard!! What's with the Bunnies!? It's extending outside the realm of Fanfictions! @@
Selma Flamel posted a comment on Wednesday 6th June 2007 1:02am for Chapter 2 - Orphans and a Hermione Moment
Awesome chapter. Olga and Sven are such wonderful characters.
GryffindorDragon posted a comment on Monday 4th June 2007 12:48am for Chapter 2 - Orphans and a Hermione Moment
I wouldn't touch your disclaimer with a . . . (oh, but you already used that, drats).
'to relax and trip to Stonewall Lane' -- are they tripping? Don't you mean 'to relax, and a trip ...'
'You fell out of bed, Harry. But that’s not important!' -- that was priceless.
If you're talking about the country (United Kingdom of Great Britain), you forgot Northern Ireland.
Wedge_A posted a comment on Friday 17th November 2006 10:17pm for Chapter 2 - Orphans and a Hermione Moment
Ho, by the way (sorry I forgot), Really good story.
Wedge_A posted a comment on Friday 17th November 2006 10:16pm for Chapter 2 - Orphans and a Hermione Moment
You don't like French, don't you ?
TxA_GunFighter posted a comment on Monday 1st May 2006 5:19am for Chapter 2 - Orphans and a Hermione Moment
Very good story.
Aaran St Vines posted a comment on Wednesday 1st March 2006 12:20am for Chapter 2 - Orphans and a Hermione Moment
Heartwarming about the orphans. In a sense, Mrs. Johansen is the traditional 'Molly Weasley' type we see in most H P fics. I like the type; what would we do without a little doting.
I am curious about how you handle the faith issues.
Just excellent all around.
minervakitty posted a comment on Friday 17th February 2006 12:23pm for Chapter 2 - Orphans and a Hermione Moment
Makes me wonder if the "line of death" also affects other things like vampires and whatnot when they cross it. Just how well will the house elves work with the attack force? I wonder why the other Outcast doesn't like their 15 minutes of fame. Did Hermione actually derailed SPEW? Just make me wonder how scary Mrs Johnson is when she's in battle mode.
atlantis-rob posted a comment on Thursday 5th January 2006 5:41am for Chapter 2 - Orphans and a Hermione Moment
Wow! Great chapter as usual. I loved the bit with winky bonding to hermione...excellent bit of work there. Damn that dumbledore and his dumb ideas. Excellent job on the rescues also!
Jon08 posted a comment on Wednesday 26th August 2015 4:49pm for Chapter 2 - Orphans and a Hermione Moment