Sunrise Over Britain
Chapter 2 - Orphans and a Hermione Moment
By Bobmin
jmcqk6 posted a comment on Tuesday 13th December 2005 1:17am for Chapter 2 - Orphans and a Hermione Moment
so are Nerfherder's merely one legged, or truly one footed? i.e. two legs, but only one foot?
lol! Great work!
lainy posted a comment on Tuesday 13th December 2005 12:19am for Chapter 2 - Orphans and a Hermione Moment
i love your stories, all of them, but whats happened to the "pet peeves" i thought they were brilliant! keep up the good work
xyvortex posted a comment on Monday 12th December 2005 11:14am for Chapter 2 - Orphans and a Hermione Moment
good chapter, only thing i spotted for your beta readers was a typo in the extraction scene. In the last paragraph, personal should probably be personell
azntgr01 posted a comment on Sunday 11th December 2005 9:14am for Chapter 2 - Orphans and a Hermione Moment
Great as usual!!!
PruePotter posted a comment on Friday 9th December 2005 10:43pm for Chapter 2 - Orphans and a Hermione Moment
I know it's for the story, but I can't believe that there are still dummies agreeing to work for Voldemort! You'd think they wouldn't since he's some physcopathic, spelt that wrong, weirdo! But noo...but, I digress. THe Johansens are really funny, and I just noticed something, they named their son he's Johan Johansen, and "sen" I'm sure is another language for "son." So he's Johan Johan's son? Or maybe I'm reading too much into it. Oh well
Vitor Aquino posted a comment on Friday 9th December 2005 8:29pm for Chapter 2 - Orphans and a Hermione Moment
great fic!!! keep up with the good work!!
Evan Mayerle posted a comment on Friday 9th December 2005 7:41am for Chapter 2 - Orphans and a Hermione Moment
And so it begins, another interesting ride with Harry and friends. I was glad to see that Harry has learned that no matter how hard you organize and plan, something always slips through to bite you; I hope he recognizes that and makes future plans accordingly.
Now to the "nuts and bolts", others have probably mentioned it, but about midway through this chapter, "baring" should be "bearing" in this usage.
Y'all keep up the good work.
Dani posted a comment on Friday 9th December 2005 3:54am for Chapter 2 - Orphans and a Hermione Moment
Hey, are you going to come back, i just found this story along with it's Presquel and i have to say, i love it, although i love Ron, i like him when he is evil and i LOVE the Harry/Hermione moments and i love that Draco and Luna have gotten together, they were my second couple if Luna and Ron didn't get together and if Ginny and Malfoy didn't get together but it seems unlikely, i really hope you come back soon, i would love to read more of this story soon!
Kristina posted a comment on Thursday 8th December 2005 11:07am for Chapter 2 - Orphans and a Hermione Moment
i really, really like how this has turned out from the Dumbledore's Army and Spiritus Crystallus stories. I think its cool. Please update soon, I can't wait to read what happens next!
Nicole posted a comment on Thursday 8th December 2005 10:06am for Chapter 2 - Orphans and a Hermione Moment
If you think you're cold in Idaho, you should be in Wisconsin. We're already below zero and falling, with no pick up in sight. As to the story, I can't wait for the next chapter, though I realize now how hard it is for people to find the time to write, especially if you work full-time like me. So good luck, and I hope things go well for you. Get well soon, Alyx!!!
Elfguard48 posted a comment on Thursday 8th December 2005 7:52am for Chapter 2 - Orphans and a Hermione Moment
I'm really enjoying the story. I agree you can not save everyone. Also if everyone leaves who will be there to hepl take back the country or help gather info. House elves cannot do it all. Take care. Hope life treats you better.
Tommy posted a comment on Thursday 8th December 2005 7:11am for Chapter 2 - Orphans and a Hermione Moment
Nice, as usual!
May The Words Be With You!
Tommy L.
Ben Russell-Gough posted a comment on Thursday 8th December 2005 2:38am for Chapter 2 - Orphans and a Hermione Moment
Ooh! Goodie! We're going to find out what Molly is doing. I'm still betting on her having taken the Mark. I'm also looking forward to the meeting between Dumb-ledore and Harry.
Overall, this story is quite good, although the heavy use of OCs makes it a little harder to follow and reduces the interest a little. I would prefer a focus on the canon characters and the major events. However, I am sure that you would not focus so much attention on them if they were not important for the outworking of the story, so I will endure.
I wonder if the great ritual to come may come close to mending the fence between the Old Ways and the New Faith. After all, Hermione and her family are going to have to find some kind of compromise or the Guardian will detect the conflict in them.
Overall, this is a great chapter and has maintained my interest. Thanks!
BenRG's Rating: 8/10
Uldihaa posted a comment on Wednesday 7th December 2005 4:26pm for Chapter 2 - Orphans and a Hermione Moment
A great chapter. Looks like Harry and company might start to have more difficulty indentifying Death Eaters now that Voldie is aware of the barrier. I was rather amused by Hermione bonding Winky and the death of SPEW.
My only quibble, a very minor one, is the US president losing his lunch over the video showing the death of the French soldiers. I think that him vomiting is a bit over the top, mainly because you didn't mention any gore or anything that would truly trigger that kind of response. I could see him being horrified or disgusted, but the simple fact that it was a recording shown on his TV screen would probably given him a sense of detachment. Of course this is just my opinion :p
Looking forward to the next chapter!
makieus posted a comment on Wednesday 7th December 2005 2:21pm for Chapter 2 - Orphans and a Hermione Moment
Dang, you have at least two readers from Provo. Wondering if you got hit with the same storm system we did last week. Out of curiosity, what part of Northern Idaho are the two of you from? I lived in Rexburg for a year, and competed in a fencing tournament against ISU. Took second place in the amateur competition.
BTW Either of you ever heard of the Chaos Wars, held in American Falls every summer?
Now for the actual review....
I really don't know what to say. Seems everyone has said it all. The two of you have become my all time favorite authors for fics. Not so much that you have an excellent well thought out plot line, but that you actually care about your fic. I have read too many fics that I have enjoyed, where all the sudden the author loses interest, and kills the story. Either by ending it terribly, or just by not finishing the story. This chapter flowed quite well, and I am guessing (we will most likely find out later) that Arthur has interest in a certain Orphanage Matron. Maybe next chapter I will have a more constructive review.
If you are looking for pet peeves, how about reviewers who leave reviews nothing related to the story, asking questions etc that have no bearing on the fic, like I did at the beginning of this review?
Graup posted a comment on Wednesday 7th December 2005 12:28pm for Chapter 2 - Orphans and a Hermione Moment
I have enjoyed your story immensely. Thanks for sharing.
Schokki posted a comment on Wednesday 7th December 2005 4:03am for Chapter 2 - Orphans and a Hermione Moment
Excellent chapter!
I really enjoyed the "Hermione moment"!^______^
I nearly fell off my chair! *ggg*
So long,
harry85 posted a comment on Wednesday 7th December 2005 1:56am for Chapter 2 - Orphans and a Hermione Moment
I really enjoyed this, loved it really. As for is time she learns about Elves!
Viridian posted a comment on Wednesday 7th December 2005 1:29am for Chapter 2 - Orphans and a Hermione Moment
Another awesome chapter! Noticed how Harry is maturing comparing his blow-up at Tonks versus how he handled the orphanage beging missed. Nice contrast and use of of showing versus telling. One typo I actually noticed was mis-spelling Jeconais as Jaconais once in the intro.
I can see Ginny taking on that role in her Family. After all, she was the Weasley on best terms with Harry through the blow-up, and she also pushed her brothers to accept Arthur's penitence at Christmas. Given that this is a more bossy Ginny (as opposed to the more accepting one in HBP), and her plans for Neville, this all hangs together very consistently.
It's also good to see Hermione (finally?) placing compassion ABOVE her idealism when she helped Winky. I can't help but think that was a big step for her, and in a good way.
So how will Gred and Forge react to the idea of having 13 new nieces and nephews if they hook up with the Johanson twins? My mind shudders at the thought of the potential for corrupting young minds...
Xyverz posted a comment on Sunday 18th December 2005 4:49pm for Chapter 2 - Orphans and a Hermione Moment