Sunrise Over Britain
Chapter 2 - Orphans and a Hermione Moment
By Bobmin
Paul Ellison posted a comment on Tuesday 6th December 2005 4:36am for Chapter 2 - Orphans and a Hermione Moment
Brilliant new chapter, keep up the good work!
agent fisher posted a comment on Tuesday 6th December 2005 4:35am for Chapter 2 - Orphans and a Hermione Moment
Commander and Leftenant? I like that. Oh, and I like how instead of giving the extraction teams robes, you've given them military style black fatigues. Anyway, I love this story! Keep it up.
Kyle Bissett posted a comment on Tuesday 6th December 2005 4:21am for Chapter 2 - Orphans and a Hermione Moment
Hermione should change gears on SPEW to make sure that the house elves are always VALUED property, since they pretty much are required to be property. People don't abuse things that have value to them. I believe Jeconais did that in White Knight, Grey Queen.
One possibility with Snape's potion problem is that any ingredient not found in Britain will now be in very short supply, as the DEs can't leave to get it and nobody would ship it in.
I can't wait for the scene when all of the Weasely's thefts show up at various British embassies. Hopefully it will have a note attached saying "We noticed some of this stuff was broken, so we fixed it. By the way, please send a note to PO Box ____ to tell us where to drop off the HMS Victory and all the tanks."
Davideg posted a comment on Tuesday 6th December 2005 4:19am for Chapter 2 - Orphans and a Hermione Moment
this chapter was fantastic keep it up
sempracaveas03 posted a comment on Tuesday 6th December 2005 4:08am for Chapter 2 - Orphans and a Hermione Moment
As for the French," Paletto gave an eloquent shrug. "The Head of the DGSE committed suicide this morning, and the President of France has agreed cooperate. He seemed quite eager to listen in order to prevent word leaking out that he’s been bribing immigrant families so that he may entertain himself with their underage daughters.
The last sentence seem especially freaky to me. It is probable something some people actually do (and I REALLY don't want to know what they're doing, especially to the girls), and it just bothers me to no end that parents would do that to their children, and not stand up for themselves.
On to other aspects: The Druidic ritual seems very vague with what we've been told, so I'm unsure as what to make of it, though possible embarrassing situations (when in a story) are always good for a laugh.
I still can't quite stop laughing over the fact that you've paired the twins with twins! And do I sense a new Mrs. Arthur Weasley in the making? Oh, no, he's already got 7, plus the 12 she takes care of (unofficially hers and being shared with the Johansens), that's 19 children! And if they ever have more!?! You've got to be kidding me!
Though I do like how Mama Johansen just swept them up and bustled out of the room, them following happily behind her. It reminded me of the lady with the huge skirts in the Nutcracker Ballet, where all of the children are under them? I don't remember her name, but it's too cute! And them getting a picturesque scandinavian-like house with the shutters and everything, *sighs* so beautiful. "Now children, don’t forget to thank the nice house elves…" yes, nice indeed, as well as Harry and all of the others. When will the Outcasts visit the children?
Hnm, Hermione with a house-elf, and it's Winky to boot! Will have to watch and see how this turns out. And what's with all the saluting? It's hilarious, yes, but why? and when are we going to get their perspective on things?
I really dislike Dumbledore.
According to Canon/Storyline (yours) statistics: It's still April of D, H, Hr, N, S, & T's 6th year, and L & G are 15 and finishing out their 5th.
So: Ages:
Ginny & Luna: 15
Draco, Harry, Hermione, Neville, Susan, and Terry: 16
Fred and George: 18(Inga & Helga: 19)
Fleur: 19
Percy: 20 (deceased)
Charlie: 23
Bill: 25
Yeah! Charlie's coming back! I lov ... er like/adore Charlie! So, who're you setting Bill and Charlie up with? Bill with Fleur again? And Charlie with ...? *blinks innocently* (psst: Charlie, my name's Kelly, and I'm 20, 5'1" to your 6'0", with light-medium brown (wavy) hair and hazel-green eyes, mostly Irish ancestory, and going to be a history teacher.) *blinks, wistles, and then giggles*
Happy Snorkack Hunting (don't you just love Luna?),
sternchen posted a comment on Tuesday 6th December 2005 3:01am for Chapter 2 - Orphans and a Hermione Moment
Really great! I love it! Can't wait for the next capter! Please continue soon!
Jason Karr posted a comment on Tuesday 6th December 2005 2:59am for Chapter 2 - Orphans and a Hermione Moment
hope you guys get well and fix your word progaram
Sonicdale posted a comment on Tuesday 6th December 2005 2:17am for Chapter 2 - Orphans and a Hermione Moment
Very, very nice.
Nice also, to see some Idahoan spirit. :) My time spent in IF was great.
Loved the house elf angle, Harry's learning how to focus his energy.
I was also expecting Harry to dash off and save the orphans without thinking. I guess he's learning from his mistakes.
Good work guys.
Jack-A-Roe posted a comment on Tuesday 6th December 2005 2:01am for Chapter 2 - Orphans and a Hermione Moment
Loved that Hermione got her own house elf. About time she got knocked off of her lofty post a little. Maybe now she will learn something.
The house elves creating distractions is a good idea. It will be like a troop multiplier.
The passage & ritual sound interesting.
And you were able to introduce a love interest for Mr. Weasley.
Overall a very good chapter. Nice humor but not forced.
Crys posted a comment on Tuesday 6th December 2005 1:27am for Chapter 2 - Orphans and a Hermione Moment
The "brats" line in the opening: I'll assume it was Snape and not Jeconais talking . . .
*snerk* Oh, nice opening. Though those ten foot poles should've been bangsticks instead of simply wooden poles . . .
*look at Melinda* *look at Arthur* How old is the recently widowed, Healer Melinda McKinny?
You're tying that into quite a knot, btw. The orphans going to that muggle family and two of 'em dating Gred and Forge and not Arthur acting like a teenager around Melinda . . .
". . . massive, one footed, hopping Nerfherder"
*blink* *laugh*
Okay, which one (or is it both) are the SW fan?
You're really having fun with the saluting elves, aren't you?
"Maybe we don’t like them, maybe they were annoying us, maybe we just got tired of writing about them, or maybe they left us a bad review."
*snicker* I seem to remember a conversation recently . . .
Looking forward to the next chapter!
Particle_Accelerator posted a comment on Tuesday 6th December 2005 1:24am for Chapter 2 - Orphans and a Hermione Moment
Again guys, love the story. Hermione still seems a bit wishy-washy to me, not the stand up take charge kind of gal that came across in books 1-5 (HBP doesn't count!) I think that SHE should propose to Harry. After all, you can lead a horse to water, but you can't make him drink...
MysticHowler posted a comment on Tuesday 6th December 2005 1:18am for Chapter 2 - Orphans and a Hermione Moment
Hey, Amtrak is a good company.
Awsome chapter.
-7 (-18 wind chill) in Omaha NE
Sean Tremblay
two days ago, it was -32 in Fairbanks AK. That is in Raw temperature.
patrik svensson posted a comment on Tuesday 6th December 2005 1:08am for Chapter 2 - Orphans and a Hermione Moment
Great story,
keep up the good work.
Opinions are like assholes.
Everyone has one - but some just smell worse than others.
Rick Gale posted a comment on Tuesday 6th December 2005 1:02am for Chapter 2 - Orphans and a Hermione Moment
Another well written, well thought-out chapter. I hope you can keep up the exceptional quality of your writing. Even though I have you on an author-watch, I have to check just about everyday to see if you've updated before the e-mail gets to me (like today). Thanks for a great story!
TheBlackPearl posted a comment on Tuesday 6th December 2005 12:45am for Chapter 2 - Orphans and a Hermione Moment
Fantastic installment! I don't know how you manage it, but each chapter is more exciting and wonderful than the last!
I loved the twist with Hermione and Winky. Bloody Brilliant!
I really look forward to seeing Hermione and ultimately Hermione and Harry, together, tackle the faith issue. I've never seen it broached in another fanfic. Fascinating.
And I can't wait to see the twelve's reaction to Harry's Druid Rite.
I am anxiously anticipating the next chapter and I hope the Word *issues* have cleared up.
beauty01021 posted a comment on Tuesday 6th December 2005 12:32am for Chapter 2 - Orphans and a Hermione Moment
yeah great chapter can't wait for more.
Christopher Estep posted a comment on Monday 5th December 2005 11:36pm for Chapter 2 - Orphans and a Hermione Moment
Looks like the original purpose for SPEW is well and truly *SCREWED*, as Hermione accepts the bond from Winky. (However, it may be a good thing in disguise.) Tom is forced to split his troops, as he has discovered the hard way he can't reinforce Team Dolohov in Ireland. Charlie goes on leave from the Romanian dragon preserve, and is enroute to Haven. Meanwhile, Draco works on using the elves as a distraction force within Warded Britain to aid the Haven extraction/insertion teams.
Taia posted a comment on Monday 5th December 2005 11:30pm for Chapter 2 - Orphans and a Hermione Moment
Very nice. I've been following this story since the very beginning of Sunset. I've been waiting to hear more about Dumbledore. You've got me running little senarios about him finding Haven and then trying to take over, bashing Harry's reputation, but having no one believe him. And then he becomes the village mad man who runs all over the streets preaching doom and gloom for all that don't follow him.
Pet peeves? Don't you just hate those people who think they could make a better pet peeve (or storyline) than you, when you are the one authoring it? Simply because they're that conceited?
That's the best I've got.
Kinda lame.
Shawn Pickett posted a comment on Monday 5th December 2005 11:16pm for Chapter 2 - Orphans and a Hermione Moment
Excellent chapter, while I would've liked to seen Muggle/Wizard cooperation in dealing with Britian, you've handled things nicely to proceed with a wizard only story. I was actually more concerned with Hermione tripping about the religous issue than the house elf thing, I'm curious to see if she spends any more concern on it, or decides that it really isn't that important. The bit with the house elves tripping the magical detectors was outstanding, I'd be tempted to keep that going 24/7, just to derail the capture teams, it would decrease peoples chances of getting caught using magic, and keep Voldemorts forces run ragged trying to keep up with everything. Again, outstanding story, thank you.
Sean Melton posted a comment on Tuesday 6th December 2005 4:36am for Chapter 2 - Orphans and a Hermione Moment