Sunrise Over Britain
Chapter 30 - Sunrise Over Britain
By Bobmin
amsev posted a comment on Friday 6th April 2012 9:57pm for Chapter 30 - Sunrise Over Britain
Wow, that was an absolutely kick-ass battle. Very nice job writing it. In spite of being a pacifist, I have to admit that I do enjoy martial arts movies and kick-ass, realistic battle scenes. Very nicely done.
Although, on the other hand, if they had waited a decade or so, Voldie, in his delusions of psycho-hood would have probably offed his own troops. Heh.
Keeroo92 posted a comment on Saturday 15th January 2011 6:33pm for Chapter 30 - Sunrise Over Britain
Now THAT'S karma! Personally I'm glad Harry has a bad leg. Heroes without a weakness aren't interesting or realistic. I'm not sure what I'm going to do to the heroes in my story yet, but they are nowhere near perfect and that makes it easier to write about them; they're more real. Anyway, great job on the final battle! I enjoyed reading it.
NuitTombee posted a comment on Tuesday 5th October 2010 8:26pm for Chapter 30 - Sunrise Over Britain
I believe that this contains a mistake. Charlie talking about himself I mean.
"I do, but I also know she and Neville both are doing what they were born to do, Charlie. We talk about Harry and the prophecy, but all of them have a role they were destined to play. My sister... Our sister has become a powerful witch with a strong sense of responsibility. She is doing what she feels she must. I didn't want to accept that, but it's the truth. Even I can see it now," Charlie said
Sov posted a comment on Wednesday 7th October 2009 6:45pm for Chapter 30 - Sunrise Over Britain
I must say I enjoyed this chapter immensely, but I have to ask. Do one of you have a serious leg injury? You seem to quite enjoy dishing them out to main characters.
Jenny.S89 posted a comment on Sunday 5th April 2009 3:48am for Chapter 30 - Sunrise Over Britain
"Vända den här dimma till rök!"
should be:
"Förvandla denna dimma till rök!"
Tammy Driver posted a comment on Tuesday 24th February 2009 3:24am for Chapter 30 - Sunrise Over Britain
Go gett'm Fuzz!!!! I just love that Snorkack!
bookaholic_au posted a comment on Friday 23rd November 2007 1:36pm for Chapter 30 - Sunrise Over Britain
"Addy brought juice. Would you like glass? It's orange, I think," Emma asked the younger witch as she picked up her cup.
For your blooper section. The missing 'a' has very interesting connotations.
Joyfullscroll posted a comment on Sunday 8th July 2007 8:17am for Chapter 30 - Sunrise Over Britain
Well now I have some of my answers to your Prophesey answered. I guessed right on Draco and Lucius (very idiotic of Lucius to go after Luna like that, but he learned rather quick not to make such future mistakes again in his next life) Oh cool sounding animals that Luna conjured! Did Fuss hitch a ride with Neville when he was portkeyed? You didn't mention it.
I will find out in the next upcomming chapters which of the remaining Brotherhood will have to sustain in their injuries. Glad that Remus and Tonks are going to have kids/wolfettes soon themselves.
GryffindorDragon posted a comment on Friday 29th June 2007 5:40am for Chapter 30 - Sunrise Over Britain
Awesome and Amazing. And sneaking in Susan's delivery (with complications) in the early stages to increase the tension was nasty (brilliant but nasty). Good job with the Harry - Voldie show -- though maybe a tad easy for Harry.
Selma Flamel posted a comment on Wednesday 6th June 2007 3:39am for Chapter 30 - Sunrise Over Britain
Voldemort proves once again that he is not a Leader. He kills his men when they are supposed to either be killing the other guys or be cannon fodder. Hey, that’s what I haven’t seen. Why no cannon? The battle seemed to have everything else.
minervakitty posted a comment on Saturday 7th April 2007 9:44am for Chapter 30 - Sunrise Over Britain
If you're having some heart troubles in life, you should change your diet a little bit, Bob. Just don't go and change your life too fast, or it would be really bad. :D Just how many of the Brotherhood has taken Harry's advice about writing a will? Figured Voldie would forget the fact that Harry had unwilling donated his blood to help him rise up again. What other aspects of the medallions come back and haunt the Brotherhood?
squagoogle posted a comment on Wednesday 4th April 2007 1:32pm for Chapter 30 - Sunrise Over Britain
Wow, great chapter. I had stopped reading just after you finished sunset with the idea I would let you get a few chapters ahead and then I could read a good chunk all at once then life got in the way. So in the last 4 days I reread sunset and all of sunrise that is available and I have to tell you, I no longer fear that JKR might have ruined book 7 cause your stories are there to take cannon's place.
BT posted a comment on Wednesday 28th March 2007 8:13am for Chapter 30 - Sunrise Over Britain
Er, maybe someone mentioned this already, but when injured!Ginny portkeys in, she is "barely conscious" ... yet Emma worries that she can't find a pulse. Immediately after this, Ginny is able to drink a blood replenishing potion.
First aid training doesn't cover (all) injuries related to wizarding battles, but I think Red Cross had this one down.
MonkeyAxman1302 posted a comment on Wednesday 28th March 2007 5:22am for Chapter 30 - Sunrise Over Britain
Oh my God! Wow, just plain wow! Finally we're there! Voldie is poking up daisies! It was all worth it, that epic story and he goes out like that. Just wow!
Thank you for an amazingly epic and brilliant last battle for an insanely brilliant epic fic!
mekareami posted a comment on Tuesday 27th March 2007 12:02am for Chapter 30 - Sunrise Over Britain
I just adore you nice long chapters :) Makes reading on a PDA so much easier.
Thank you for the updates and I eagerly await the rest of the story :)
FriskyPixie posted a comment on Monday 26th March 2007 4:05am for Chapter 30 - Sunrise Over Britain
Thank you for answerng my question! I don't mind Harry having a bad leg, lol, I have a bad leg. I was only wondering about his power. He's just so powerful it seemed a little odd that he didn't just say, "Oh, I fixed my leg yesterday, it was nothing," lol. You've portrayed Harry GREATin this story. I'm very glad I came across it. Happy writing! I can't wait until the next chapter.
I hope Ginny is okay :looks nervous:
Lurk posted a comment on Sunday 25th March 2007 10:30pm for Chapter 30 - Sunrise Over Britain
I loved it!
...I didn't get an email alert as to this chapter update....but I still read it! (Once I was told it was updated)
I honestly don't know what to say.
You've meshed everything together so perfectly, it was an actual battle, not too much (which makes me skip over sections), but not too little which makes it seems false.
You are gods.
Keep it uip!
Alorkin posted a comment on Sunday 25th March 2007 10:43am for Chapter 30 - Sunrise Over Britain
An OUTSTANDING chapter! The battle scenes and the delivery of baby Siomha, were just as I remembered (them both).
Voldemort isn't a very good tactician. If he had been, he would have realized he was being led by his ego into a trap. Lucius wasn't\t much better, but with ol' Voldy's prediliction, for shooting the messenger, he and the other 'leaders' of the dark forces,(read: Mulciber) were more concerned with keeping their own skins intact and jockying for position, to really concentrate on running a war.
The 'choosen' aa nice use for the imperial guards. I'd tell Emperor Palpitine you were using them, but then I don't really think he'd like that. He's also known for shooting the messenger...erm, nemmmind!
The battle itself, was classic enfold and destroy. Well done to your troops!
Harry's method for ridding the mortal plain of the mortal pain that was Lord Voldemort, was, I think, unique I don't think I've ever read a similiar method of killing him off. Another Bravo-Zulu to you!
Now what? Th wizarding world has a great deal of work ahead of them. The secrecy statutes are shot to hell. The muggles are officially aware as they can be made of the wizarding worrld. Now that Voldemort is finally gone, the entirety of Britain must be rebuilt. I wonder if you intend to try those who collablorrated with Voldy's forces. I think the Hague is gonna be booked for decades!
I look forward to the completion of this most excllent fic. Alorkin
It's good to know Bob's doing better.
razor_M posted a comment on Sunday 25th March 2007 7:07am for Chapter 30 - Sunrise Over Britain
great story! i just read it again...
mysuv1 posted a comment on Thursday 11th January 2018 4:55pm for Chapter 30 - Sunrise Over Britain