Content Harry Potter


Cromi posted a comment on Sunday 18th March 2007 2:14pm for Chapter 30 - Sunrise Over Britain

A new twist on a somewhat traditional ending of Voldemort. Bravo!

Thanks for writing ^_^

Fenris Ulf posted a comment on Sunday 18th March 2007 1:51pm for Chapter 30 - Sunrise Over Britain

oops - Somehow managed to get this chapters review under last chapter. Damned fingers.
here it goes again!

Wow - Loved the battle Harry and friends made it look easy. Can't wait to see the rest of the story. A bit sad that it's ending though. I just hope JK Rowling does as well as you guys did she scared me with book 6. I almost want to pretend it doesn't exist. Kinda sad that some of the fan fiction is better then "cannon".

igotbannedfroma2k posted a comment on Sunday 18th March 2007 1:29pm for Chapter 30 - Sunrise Over Britain

OH my goodness gracious!!!
This was an excellent chapter. I don't remember which part it was...but there was definitely one part that I started crying at. This is a great wrap up and it feels like the end of an era. I know you aren't writing a sequel to this but are you stopping fanfiction all together? That would suck. You are rock when it comes to fanfiction. I'll get on and search for the title to a "good" story, read it, decide it's bad, quit half-way through and go back and read Dumbledore's Army or Sunset over Britain. You have such a great writing style and I'm so glad I found your stories on Thanks for bringing joy into my obsessive Harry Potter Fanfiction life. I hope Bob gets better and I hope that you have many cookies wherever you go in life. (By the way...I completely LOVED the reference to Who Framed Roger Rabbit in this chapter. It was [once upon a time] one of my favorite movies and that is still one of my favorite quotes...)
Now! I have school in 6 hours with a major test that I'm prepared to fail. I'm so excited! I hope you update soon (Hmm...just realised I say that in every review I leave). Keep up the good work!
~IGotbannedfroma2k A.K.A ~ALison
P.S. Thanks for telling me that it was The Incredibles DVD... I was trying to figure that out for a while... posted a comment on Sunday 18th March 2007 12:53pm for Chapter 30 - Sunrise Over Britain

AMAZING!!!! The death of Voldemort was kinda anti-climatic in my opinion but opinions are like buttholes everybodies got one. Anyways I can't wait to see what happens now. I still kinda wish you would of maybe had Voldemort die via some form of spell to the head making his whole body explode but thats just me and I do so love exploding bodies. Any chance for a third story in the Sunvers? DO keep up the outstanding work and update soon please:):):):)

Deborahsu posted a comment on Sunday 18th March 2007 12:15pm for Chapter 30 - Sunrise Over Britain

Thank you thank you thank you! All of the core group survived the last battle, and we got a baby as a lovely bonus!

The wrap up should be interesting ...

And Bob? Heal up & be well!

legilimancer posted a comment on Sunday 18th March 2007 12:11pm for Chapter 30 - Sunrise Over Britain

Bravo! Simply amazing chapter. I'm thrilled with the battle scenes -- love those Weasley twins and their weapons! Good job with the Brotherhood; I can't stand it when Harry & Co. are written as all-powerful and infallible, and you've done a great job avoiding those pitfalls. I'm dying for more, but dreading reaching the end of the story!

Glad to hear Bob's doing better. Best wishes.

~ legilimancer

Amarathine posted a comment on Sunday 18th March 2007 11:39am for Chapter 30 - Sunrise Over Britain

wow... just wow

rippergirl posted a comment on Sunday 18th March 2007 11:03am for Chapter 30 - Sunrise Over Britain

Whoa. Not really anything else left to say. Very, very good chapter. Brilliant. Felt like I was there, drawn into it, like every good story does. Hope that Ginny and Neville are ok. Nice to see that there was some happiness in the chapter with Terry and Susan's baby being born. Can't wait to get the next chappie to get more info into what is going to happen now that Moldyshorts is gone as well as most of the death eaters. Hope everything goes well with Bob. Till next time.

Mr.Zemme posted a comment on Sunday 18th March 2007 10:13am for Chapter 30 - Sunrise Over Britain

Wow... that was, indeed, rather emotionally draining to read - a quality that only good chapters have. Very good guys, though I wish the fight with Voldemort was a little longer, but I think I'll get over it.

I'm glad to hear that Bob is doing better, and good luck with the next two, or three, champters - I doubt you'll need it.

Thanks so much for this FF,


sasqch posted a comment on Sunday 18th March 2007 10:02am for Chapter 30 - Sunrise Over Britain

A very well done chapter. You portrayed the frenetic energy of the battle very well. I also like how you had Susan's labor occur during the battle to help increase the tension of the story.

I really liked how you brought back the blood staff bit -- I was afraid that we wouldn't find out why it was so important.

Oh, and what is it with the characters with 5-letter names ending in "y" getting permanent and serious leg injuries in this story? First Harry, then Terry, and now Ginny. Downright mean.


razor_M posted a comment on Sunday 18th March 2007 9:00am for Chapter 30 - Sunrise Over Britain

pnelson255@yahoo.comJeeze, this story is great!! I liked Sunrise better than HBP, cause it just sucked. But both this and Sunrise are both really good, well written stories. I think havin' a handicapped hero is pretty cool, too. Also, I think it would be sweet if you did a mini-seqel about what goes on after this battle and what the Potters and gang do with the Brotherhood to help the world and all this.

freshwater posted a comment on Sunday 18th March 2007 8:11am for Chapter 30 - Sunrise Over Britain

Aaaaahhhhhh....that was really satisfying! About halfway through I convinced myself that this chapter would be all about the attack, and that you would leave the actual LV/Harry confrontation to the next chapter...maybe even leave us with a cliffie of LV holding Hermione....thank you for not being THAT evil!!

LOVED the part with Draco and Luna on top of the wall..."Luna, focus sweetie. We have a situation here!" That should go down in fanfic history as one of the all time great quotes!

Again, tremendously satisfying end battle you wrote....well worth the wait. Now, I assume Fred and George have a pool running on how many years it will take before Harry become Min. of Magic? I'd like to lay 10 galleons on it happening in about 15 years. That's long enough for Amelia to oversee the rebuilding of Britain with a great deal of consistency, and for Harry and Hermione to have a passel of kids and years to enjoy them. Then, about the time the young Potters are hitting adolescence, Harry and Hermione can escape to the call of duty as Min. and Asst. Min. of Magic. What do you think?

texasranger_10 posted a comment on Sunday 18th March 2007 7:21am for Chapter 30 - Sunrise Over Britain

enjoyed the chapter? nah bloody hell i have enjoyed the whoe story. i love the way you write. yours is one of the few i wait very pataintly for the update. please continue and i hope you continue to write. so i can continue to ead.

Chthonius posted a comment on Sunday 18th March 2007 7:07am for Chapter 30 - Sunrise Over Britain

The end is in sight. I'm not sure if this makes me happy or sad. It's been quite a journey, and I'll miss the anticipation of waiting for more updates.

Can I bribe ya into writing another one, maybe?

PS: As I managed not to review at all... Nicely done. Hopefully Neville can deal with Mad-Eye Ginny's potential prosthesis.

freakyfinger posted a comment on Sunday 18th March 2007 5:55am for Chapter 30 - Sunrise Over Britain

I've never been more enthralled by a fanfiction chapter. Although Jeconais's last chapter of This Means War was pretty cool, this was much more realistic.

Will Fawkes come back? Will be become Harry's familiar? I know its sort of a cliche for Harry to have a phoenix, but you have to admit if a phoenix deemed Dumbledore to be worthy, then another would have to deem Harry worthy.

So does Harry no longer have a scar on his forehead, or is it just 'healed' in that it won't ever bother him again and is the same as a normal scar?

Harry and Voldy were supposed to be equal in power, but for some reason I got the impression it was still a powerful-Harry taking down a normal Voldy. The part where Harry 'survived' the killing Curse reminded me of Cry's Order of the Phoenix scene where Harry did the same thing . . .

One more thing, during Harry's Legilimancy attack, you said that muggles had no connection between their mind and their core. Since Harry can see the core and its connections, couldn't he also use his power to establish that connection in a muggle?

Jason Karr posted a comment on Sunday 18th March 2007 5:29am for Chapter 30 - Sunrise Over Britain

Can't blame Harry going ape when he got his hands on Volde. Rems has a lovely idea, that he and Tonks should try for little ones

Meg posted a comment on Sunday 18th March 2007 4:37am for Chapter 30 - Sunrise Over Britain

Wow, wow, wow.

Other reviewers have summed up the awesomness of this battle already, and I've nothing better to add. I will say that once I saw the title of the chapter in my inbox, my heart rate shot up and I didn't relax until Hermione got to Harry near the end. Between the length of the chapter and doing normal "Mom stuff" for my girls, this meant that I was a nervous ball of twitchy energy for a couple hours. Now I need a nap! ;)

I read Dorothy's review, and while she's correct that waters breaking don't hurt, I read that as Susan had a contraction after she stood up and *then* her waters broke. Also, with my first labor I had those twingey, crampy contractions for 12 hours or so and then about 5 hours of "real" labor. Granted, mine was drug-free, and y'all made it WAY too easy on Susan, in my opinion, just for that. ;)

I hope this does go three more chapters. I've been following the story since just before it was moved here. Besides getting nervous seeing the chapter's title, I also nearly started crying knowing that it was going to come to an end soon. This has been one of the most gripping, entertaining, well-researched, well-plotted, and emotionally engaging stories I have ever read. I can't remember which author's "favorite" list I found you guys on, but I'm so glad I followed the link.

Thanks for sharing this with all of us. You two rock.


Rebel Goddess posted a comment on Sunday 18th March 2007 4:31am for Chapter 30 - Sunrise Over Britain

Loved Luna's comments about Hermione's dirty thoughts and wanting to see the Grand Dame of the ancient Snorkacks. I also really liked the drama of this chapter. Tonks rescuing the pleasure women was really good. Poor Ginny! That sounded horrible but I know Neville will try his best to help her. Loved the way you had Harry kill Voldemort. Fantastic battle scenes. This was dark and gripping, the Luna-Draco-Lucius scene being particularly good. More please.

wwwendy posted a comment on Sunday 18th March 2007 3:44am for Chapter 30 - Sunrise Over Britain

Well, I'm glad you did the battle scene all in one chapter with no evil cliffhangers...actually I'm a bit surprised about that, but pleased.

I'm also glad that we know that Luna, Draco, Neville & Ginny aren't missing, yes, they are hurt, but not missing.

Great job, I look forward to the next section.

Oh and I hope Remus proves the healers wrong.

whyshouldicare posted a comment on Sunday 18th March 2007 3:25am for Chapter 30 - Sunrise Over Britain

THAT WAS GREAT! It left me on the edge of my seat!