Content Harry Potter


Princess Fictoria posted a comment on Saturday 17th March 2007 4:35pm for Chapter 30 - Sunrise Over Britain

Totally awesome!!!

The power and energy you put into this was remarkable. I felt my adrenaline increase just reading the battle scenes. Giving birth during the final battle was a cool twist.

Love how even the well planned assault had some hangups... wonder how long it will be before the brotherhood in the field remember the portkey function?? And what is it with leg injuries in war? First Harry, then Terry, and then Ginny? Seems to me that having a name ending in the letter 'y' is like wearing a red shirt on an away mission.

Bob, very happy to hear you are feeling better! Hope the flowers tasted good and that the cats enjoyed the cookies... btw, just what does virtual milk smell like anyway?

I eagerly look forward to the next chapter. Here is your reward for being such great authors:

B E S T S T O R Y E V E R !

beauty0102 posted a comment on Saturday 17th March 2007 4:05pm for Chapter 30 - Sunrise Over Britain

yeah great chapter can't wait for more so please update again and soon.

Polkera posted a comment on Saturday 17th March 2007 3:56pm for Chapter 30 - Sunrise Over Britain

I've been looking forward to this for a very long time, and I can't imagine a better way for the beginning of the end to begin. Thank you both for this incredibe journey, you are the people that keep the fandom strong.
Much love,

KateL posted a comment on Saturday 17th March 2007 3:48pm for Chapter 30 - Sunrise Over Britain

YAY! He's dead...did I miss it, what happened to dear ole Snape? I loved the end of Lucius...Draco did good. Here's to hoping that Ginny will be all right. I loved this chapter!

betsymc51 posted a comment on Saturday 17th March 2007 3:30pm for Chapter 30 - Sunrise Over Britain

Thank you for a most satisfying chapter. I loved it!!! I've never written before, and I want to thank you for these great stories that have filled the void while we wait for JKR. Thank you, thank you, thank you.

zac posted a comment on Saturday 17th March 2007 3:03pm for Chapter 30 - Sunrise Over Britain

Just read that end of Voldemort again...Was that some sort of Highlander powerburst or did something more sinister happen? After all the prophesy is kind of Highlander.

Neither can live while the other survives...

There can be only one...

Mere concidence? You decide...

zac posted a comment on Saturday 17th March 2007 2:55pm for Chapter 30 - Sunrise Over Britain

WOW...what a ride. Thank you both for such a wonderful story. *Pulls out plate of homemade Peanut Butter cookies made with Splenda TM rather than sugar.* You've earned them.

agent fisher posted a comment on Saturday 17th March 2007 2:45pm for Chapter 30 - Sunrise Over Britain

Flipping A. That was good.

liquidfyre posted a comment on Saturday 17th March 2007 2:32pm for Chapter 30 - Sunrise Over Britain

*squees happily and the death of voldemort and humps alyx's leg in joy*

*then runs and hides from bob*

good chap guys cant wait to see what happens next

bratling posted a comment on Saturday 17th March 2007 2:20pm for Chapter 30 - Sunrise Over Britain

Good chapter! I've often thought if you cleansed Voldie of dark magic, it would kill him... Then again, a simple accio, when properly applied, could easily kill.

es posted a comment on Saturday 17th March 2007 2:07pm for Chapter 30 - Sunrise Over Britain

soooooooooooooooooooooooooooo good!!!!! it's like a tripple chocolate cake with a cherry cheesecake on the side and the 5 gallons of mountain dew to top it all off. personaly i'm wonder ing why they didn't bring a cuople dozen SAS troopers along with some support weapons (ie m2s, rocket launchers, and some sniper rifles) set 'em up on one of the towers and just pour fire into the death nibblers, but thats just what i would do.

CRose posted a comment on Saturday 17th March 2007 1:55pm for Chapter 30 - Sunrise Over Britain

An excellent climax to the story. and you still have two to three chapters to go? Heh, I'm looking forward to reading them. Great job.

Patricia Lee Finley posted a comment on Saturday 17th March 2007 12:57pm for Chapter 30 - Sunrise Over Britain

Wow 'ol Voldie's been expired?! Yay! Now for the clean up and the really hard stuff, the rebuilding. Go team!

Musings of Apathy posted a comment on Saturday 17th March 2007 12:51pm for Chapter 30 - Sunrise Over Britain

A most excellent final battle sequence! I feel shamed that I will never write anything to compare with this masterpiece. Each and every point was well set-up and supported, while not being stale and predictable. I do believe that with this, the canon final battle may be lacking when revealed in July. After all, you two have done a better job at logical plot and consistance than canon all the way through.

Gotta love that Lucius's final words are nearly incoherent:

What I son I have, he thought. It was the last thought he ever had.

Thank you for your devotion to the craft of storytelling, truly the most noble form of entertainment.

I am glad that you are feeling better, Bob. Just this past week, one of my coworkers got news from his doctor at the VA that he has Type 2 coupled with High Bloodpressure and High Cholesterol, which puts him on rabit food, finger pricks six times a day, and four different medications. He shares his numbers for curiosity sake and I find the inexplainable fluctuations amazing. I hope that you are able to deal with your disease as well as he seems to be. If only he manages to control it enough to return to his New York Pizza on occasion, he would be a truly happy man.

Thank you again for writing.

Mike (MoA)

Ishtar posted a comment on Saturday 17th March 2007 12:21pm for Chapter 30 - Sunrise Over Britain

Ding, dong, the Dark Lord's dead! Which Dark Lord? The old Dark Lord! Ding, dong, the old Dark Lord is deeeaaadd!


First Tim, and now you! Are trebuchets and caltrops going to be de rigueur for final battles on FFA now? (I'm going to have one hell of a time working them into any of my stories ...)

Small reality check: Having the waters break at the onset of labor actually doesn't hurt at all. There are no nerves in the amniotic sac, and the fluid just runs out through the cervical opening when the sac ruptures. The mother-to-be just becomes suddenly damp, with no control over it. (Been there, done that.) All in all, Susan's labor was remarkably fast for a first-time mother. Only three hours from when labor was noticed to birth? That's very fast, and I'm not surprised she had a problem afterwards.

All in all, however ... Good show! Bravo!

Jeff Hobbs posted a comment on Saturday 17th March 2007 11:46am for Chapter 30 - Sunrise Over Britain

Great chapter! and great story. I do have one question though, does the gang get one final talk with Eocho, or is he gone now that his request was granted??

Colpinky posted a comment on Saturday 17th March 2007 11:39am for Chapter 30 - Sunrise Over Britain


Okay, so really good work on that. Having old voldie going out like that is cool. Anyway, if you can't tell, I enjoyed it. Keep up the good work.

scott2 posted a comment on Saturday 17th March 2007 11:30am for Chapter 30 - Sunrise Over Britain

one of the best last battles I've read :)

Gardengirl posted a comment on Saturday 17th March 2007 11:19am for Chapter 30 - Sunrise Over Britain

Yea, an update! Yea, VM is dead. Yea, Harry's not dead.

Sad face that so many were hurt or killed.

Don't know which numbers Bob needs to manage, but best wishes with that.

JIM HOOD posted a comment on Saturday 17th March 2007 11:13am for Chapter 30 - Sunrise Over Britain

Bob& Alex,
I have follwed allof your stories, both here and ffn . and i must say this is the absolute best story to date. thank you for entertaining a grandfather and his five grandchildren. i have enjoyed reading each and evry chapter. yes i know i haven't reviewed each and evry chapter but i hope this makes up for the indescretion. thakyou , thankyou and thankyou for all the stories.