Content Harry Potter


JSX posted a comment on Saturday 19th May 2007 11:02am for Chapter 32 - Taking Stock

just to let you know, the different language track is a nice little touch from you guys. if there is a mistake, i just assume that it was the author of the spell and not the author of the fic.

and FYI. i speak klingon. my parents were Trekkies and they used that when they wanted to try and hide information from me and my sister. so the two of us learned it in self defence after the 8th time going to the dentist in one semester

James_Hunter posted a comment on Tuesday 15th May 2007 1:11am for Chapter 32 - Taking Stock

Gloriously written, a joy to read.

I've been at home for a week after a wisdom teeth removal and this story has made the time fly by.

I found myself giggling madly one minute, on the verge of tears the next due to your expressive language... the gooseflesh was almost always there as your writing made the world come alive and the pictures form the way they should.

Thank you from the bottom of my heart for this wondeful fiction

Deanna Gail posted a comment on Sunday 13th May 2007 6:30am for Chapter 32 - Taking Stock

I've loved it!!!

Marcela posted a comment on Thursday 10th May 2007 8:46pm for Chapter 32 - Taking Stock

I've been having a blast reading your fics for the past two weeks. They were recommended in a H/Hr LJ community and I'm glad I followed the link.
I liked the pace of your writing, the length of your chapters and the weaving of your plot threads. Most of those were very believable within your universe, although I have to say that Dumbledore's insanity seemed a bit way out there (though it had its comical effect). I don't know if Ron's character needed to be butchered in such a way to make this story work, but I suppose that you didn't do anything worse than JKR herself (I'm not a Ron lover and I'm hoping JKR does something worthy to his character in DH).
It was nice to see that you paid great attention to the War details without forgetting to develop the characters' feelings. Often times, action-driven stories don't make the heroes ponder on their actions and the consequences to them.
I guess that there's one more chapter to come, wrapping up some of the lose threads.
Thank you for making the wait for Deathly Hallows more endurable, you have a gift for writing and I hope you two keep at it even after the series is done. I'm sure there will be some things in the last that we won't like, so I'm counting on fic writers like you two to fix them for me, :)

IamNotawriter posted a comment on Tuesday 8th May 2007 2:23pm for Chapter 32 - Taking Stock

More typo fun.
He ran a hand through his hear, messing it up even worse than before.

A great story, Thanks again.

stargirl404 posted a comment on Tuesday 8th May 2007 8:11am for Chapter 32 - Taking Stock

I just recently found your stories and have read all the way through until now. I love them, and will continue to wait for the next chapters. I appreciate the effort you've into this story and hope you keep it up!

taxzombie posted a comment on Tuesday 8th May 2007 6:33am for Chapter 32 - Taking Stock

I'm guilty of not posting a review for some time. No excuses. I'd throw myself at your mercy but considering some of the forwards I'm not sure I'd survive!

Seriously though I deeply, very deeply appreciate the time and effort you have put into your works. Especially during the tax season when new chapters were like liferings of escapism that allowed me to think of something besides 1040's, schedule's A and on up. When I needed a breather I would sneak some time to read your works.

So thank you very much Alyx & Bob you helped me survive another tax season with most of my facilties in intact. (Ya got to be a little crazy to be in this profession to start with, me thinks.)

Vidar posted a comment on Monday 7th May 2007 6:25am for Chapter 32 - Taking Stock

Damn, the last month have been crappy for me, haven't found the time to read anything, not even the newspaper! But finally I found time to read your exellent chapter:)

Great work as always, take care and make sure to give yourself a nice little hollyday:) u deserve it guys:)

Thank u very much for a great story:)

Prodipan Sengupta posted a comment on Monday 7th May 2007 4:44am for Chapter 32 - Taking Stock

hello,anybody home?
pls tell me you haven't stop writing.
update soon,if not with a chapter,then with a promise of a new story.
(sorry for my english).

Riverchic1998 posted a comment on Thursday 3rd May 2007 11:25am for Chapter 32 - Taking Stock

Wow. I'm very impressed. This is the first fanfiction that actually described a war in detail, and all the elements that go with it. Most fanfictions mention a "Last Battle" or the "Second War" but have a simple little duel between Harry and Voldemort. This was incredible.

I often find myself skimming over paragraphs and pages of useless (in my mind) details and dialogue. This fic kept me wanting more.
Plus, the author notes and disclaimers are so unique and hilarious, I would have kept reading just to see who was killed off next.

I also admit I'm not an avid Harry/Hermione shipper. I have many friends who are, and encourage me to read H/Hr fanfics, but I just couldn't find any other there. This certainly met every requirement I have of a fic and went above and beyond. I'll definitely be recommending this.

Again, job very well done.


Mell posted a comment on Sunday 29th April 2007 1:36am for Chapter 32 - Taking Stock

...this story is absolutely magnificent.

Truly, in every sense of the word, it is. I absolutely love this to death, and while I am saddened by its [upcoming] ending, I truly absolutely ADORE it, and just want you guys to know what a brilliant job you've done while crafting these two (the prequel to this being included, obviously) works of art.

Thanks so much for sharing.

bigdrunkguy posted a comment on Friday 27th April 2007 5:19am for Chapter 32 - Taking Stock

You owned old the Rowling ass hat. Completely. Nice job.
Unlike many fanfic creators, you've got multiple plot lines supporting you. That's why every chapter was interesting to read. And despite of some overpowering, everything still remained realistic. Shame you can't publish this as a book to sell. Maybe some beer from me will help?
The only thing I didn't like is that you made Voldie too dumb and crazy... Bad news... CRUCIO... Bad news... CRUCIO... His minions have done the whole job for him, and his behavior was standard like a pile of shit. Even old Dumbledore was way more interesting to follow.
Also, you totally forgot Russia once again. Chinese and Arabic gang made their appearance, but why not old good Soviet KGB? Next time, please don't forget about this convenient source of Voldie's coalition.

P.S. If you ever decide to visit Tolyatti, Russia, remember that I owe you both a couple rounds of beer. ;)

runsamok posted a comment on Thursday 26th April 2007 8:03am for Chapter 32 - Taking Stock

As usual, I've enjoyed the latest chapter of this story. I've been faithfully reading it every time a new chapter comes out. =) Personally, I think it's interesting that Harry has a minor disability. After all, I have one, (not my leg though) so it's not unusual. Sometimes there are limits to what magic / medicine can do, so you just keep living with what you've got! It adds a bit of realism to the story and I think that's a good thing. It's always interesting to see how Harry hates being famous, yet he takes charge and leads people through times of crisis and wonders why they look to him for guidance in other areas. Of course, Hermione saw it coming. But she is the brightest witch of her generation, after all. You've kept me at the edge of my seat and I'm definitely curious to see how the rebuilding process goes now that Voldemort has been defeated. Again, keep up the good work! Lindsey Schocke

Erik Wiggins posted a comment on Wednesday 25th April 2007 1:17pm for Chapter 32 - Taking Stock

I've said it before and I'll say it again, BOBMIN was one of my first introductions into FanFic...I love you guys - Bob in a heterosexual way and Alyx in a...Does Bob own a shotgun? be determined later, way. You guys are great! I will always look for and read BOBMIN!

Christina C. Keimig posted a comment on Wednesday 25th April 2007 11:34am for Chapter 32 - Taking Stock

This has sure been a long haul, but well worth following along, of course. I'm excited to read the end, although I'll be sad at the same time.
Anyhow, just wanted to say how much I appreciate your hard work and dedication. :-)

BrinkL posted a comment on Tuesday 24th April 2007 11:06am for Chapter 32 - Taking Stock

I was going to wait until the story was completed before reviewing, but heck with that. I just wanted to let you guys know that this is one of the best Harry Potter fanfic I have ever read. You kept Harry real, like he was a real, normal person. Most of the stories I read have Harry becoming all buffed up and magic can do all things, no one has to put forth any effort for things, just snap your fingers and it happens. I love how you keep Harry injured, it brings a sense of belief into the story that I really appreciate.
Also, regarding the amount of sexual intimacy placed in the story, I believe it was the perfect balance between to much and not enough sexual exploits. Thank you so much for maintaining that balance. Far too many times, I have read a story that starts out great but descends into written smut and written porn. It is discouraging. You two have restored my faith that good fanfics do exist!
Thanks again, I have absolutely loved reading this story and cannot wait to see how you tie up all the loose ends.

Anaknisatanas posted a comment on Friday 20th April 2007 12:02am for Chapter 32 - Taking Stock

The final battle was nice and detailed. I'm also glad that both Siohma and Susan are doing well. I can't wait to see how things wrap up considering that Harry always seems to be at the center of things and still doesn't really enjoy it. Will Luna be using Harry to bring any new species into existence ahead of their time? What abou the Goblins, Centaurs and House Elfs?

la13 posted a comment on Wednesday 18th April 2007 9:32am for Chapter 32 - Taking Stock

Aww, as excited as I am to see there's another update to read, it makes me sad because I'm afraid it'll be the last. But still, always good to read! It's neat to read how they're trying to settle things up at the end to set up for the "new" Britain. To be honest, I like reading about the preparations and plans way more than the battles!

I really like seeing Hermione the way you depict her. You don't take away her nagging or anything, because--let's be honest--it would Hermione then. But you don't make her into an incredibly annoying shrew either; it's nice to see you give her depth.

Anyway, all this to say: loving the fic!

patrick43057 posted a comment on Wednesday 18th April 2007 9:27am for Chapter 32 - Taking Stock

Thanks for the journey you both have given me.
After you finish this story. Maybe you might write a Luna and Harry story. They seem to both have unlimited possibilities. And yes I did enjoy the Luna and Draco combo.
Thanks again!

TxA_GunFighter posted a comment on Monday 16th April 2007 4:06am for Chapter 32 - Taking Stock

Outstanding story and fine chapter.
