Content Harry Potter


Tonnocal posted a comment on Thursday 12th April 2007 9:13am for Chapter 32 - Taking Stock

effort GREATLY appreciated

Kari Becker posted a comment on Thursday 12th April 2007 8:55am for Chapter 32 - Taking Stock

wow it's almost over!!! this isn't cool. i have been reading this story since it started on I believe years of my life have been devoted to watching for your story to have an update. i know that all good things must come to an end (at least that's what they say) but that doesn't mean i have to like it, right? it's just such a good story i don't want it to end. well just wanted to stop by and leave you another review. as always you did a great job and i can't wait until i get to spend a few more hours reading your story.

lafbnz posted a comment on Thursday 12th April 2007 8:15am for Chapter 32 - Taking Stock

at least one more chapter is good- two would be better- love the story- it's the first thing i read when i get notified that the story has been updated.

C. Harris posted a comment on Thursday 12th April 2007 8:11am for Chapter 32 - Taking Stock

That was pretty amazing. What are your plans after SOb is complete?

ZachShanks posted a comment on Thursday 12th April 2007 8:03am for Chapter 32 - Taking Stock

kickass as always

hedwig_edwiges posted a comment on Thursday 12th April 2007 6:58am for Chapter 32 - Taking Stock

Your stories, all of them, are great. This saga is well worth for its detailed action. Maybe you could include an epilogue with some news of the future. Something about, oh I don't know, five or ten years after the reconstruction. Maybe the first pos-war generation getting to Hogwarts for the sorting! That would be really nice. I know Bob should be in a diet, but can I send some light/diet virtual cookies in thanks for the wonderful work and all the good times you give us with your story?


Princess Fictoria posted a comment on Thursday 12th April 2007 6:56am for Chapter 32 - Taking Stock

Totally love the chapter and am deleriously happy with what you have done here at the end. The attention to details both personal as well as political are part of what makes you both such amazing authors! I look forward to the final conclusion of this remarkable tale as well as the beginning of your next project.

Hope that your health continues to get better since we definitely want you around for a very long time.

Fenris Ulf posted a comment on Thursday 12th April 2007 6:43am for Chapter 32 - Taking Stock

I will miss this story when it is done. It has been a long and interesting ride I hope you continue writing in the HPverse your stories have been great so far. I think Luna is one of my favorite chars in your story she's really funny with her random comments.

biblios posted a comment on Thursday 12th April 2007 6:43am for Chapter 32 - Taking Stock

oh how sad, I am running out of tissues for your sad bits and hubby is getting cross for the laugh out loud bits (sniffs distainfully at him)I would love to see millie and co, and may be some muggle/magic interaction in rebuilding, esp in surry, hum may be a visit by the lord potter and the locals who believed the dursleys getting their comupence? love a good bit of cold revenge... humm would figg have survived or did I miss her death (glances round for any missed bodies) and of course ex hoghwartians, and new quidditch league, may be oliver? and the twins, more charlie finding life out, and maybe some followup to mollys death? of other 'loved ones' closure is good, and of course the odd unclosure left to taunt us :-) your work is one of the few I recommend to my pupils at work... well older ones as the smut doesnt exist (good work Alyx)
lol biblios

Chorenth posted a comment on Thursday 12th April 2007 6:41am for Chapter 32 - Taking Stock

A few hours entertainment? try dozens! I look forward to whatever project you decide to attempt with your very special brand of lunacy, hmmm wonder what you guys would come up with for a HPxSerenity(Firefly)crossover? aww hell wouldn't matter whatever and whenever you decide to write another story i'll be reading it first chance i get. I'm glad you guiys don't charge cuz' it's addiction like this that's forcing me to put out 600 bucks for a PS3 just for Kingdom Hearts and MetalGear Solid 4!

wotmania505 posted a comment on Thursday 12th April 2007 5:13am for Chapter 32 - Taking Stock

I have one thing to say, and one thing only (and then some). This is the best Harry Potter story I have ever read (which is saying a lot, considering my alert list on ff.n has recently passed 500 stories). I am amazed by the amount of effort that has been put in to this. You made all the characters come alive. I wish you luck in finishing this story and in all your future endeavors. Good luck!


lelila posted a comment on Thursday 12th April 2007 5:02am for Chapter 32 - Taking Stock

i'm quite glad there is another wrap up chapter. i know everything is basically done but i'm not ready to let go of this story! it's too bloody brillant to be over!! honestly, in my mind, ur story has replaced what is cannon. it's been an amazing epic and i really do hate to see the end of it. u will write other stories soon, won't u?

Matthew Blair posted a comment on Thursday 12th April 2007 5:00am for Chapter 32 - Taking Stock

ok here is your reiview I really like this story cann't wait for you too finish it I haven't had any gripes or complaints at all. Jut this one tiney tiny thing. During the battle you said the 1st Marine Expeditionary Force was in the attack. Sorry but I was in the marines and it woulda been the second mef the first mef is in California the second in Carolina they deal with things on there sides of the country pretty much. But that is petty as hell I think the story is great almost sad too see it end. After all the fan fiction I have read I am gonna have to cleanse my mind by rereading all of the original books to remember what is really happening,

Quizer posted a comment on Thursday 12th April 2007 4:44am for Chapter 32 - Taking Stock

Thanks for keeping up the quick updates and presenting us with another enjoyable chapter. I can't think of any deeply insightful comments right now, so I thought I'd just let you know that I'm still enjoying the story and looking forward to your next projects!


radar posted a comment on Thursday 12th April 2007 4:42am for Chapter 32 - Taking Stock

wonderful story. I've followed from the beginning and you've once again guilt tripped me into writing a review again. In all seriousness though, great job. One of the best !powerful!Harry fics I've read. Amazing job making the story your own.

Rob9 posted a comment on Thursday 12th April 2007 4:11am for Chapter 32 - Taking Stock

This is great and the ending is going smoothly I cannot wait to see what you will write next and will always see yall as my all time favorite fanfic author(s). Keep it up and God bless.

Rebel Goddess posted a comment on Thursday 12th April 2007 3:58am for Chapter 32 - Taking Stock

Poor Harry, there's no way he'd ever want Voldemort's power yet your description of the final battle between them was superb. Loved the scene between Ginny and Neville, even with a new leg she would be deeply distressed.

International Red Pentagram made me grin. I also liked the balance between Eocho's leaving and Luna's dirty joke. The Jedi joke was good too.

The magic cleansing sounded fun. I also loved, as always, Luna's inappropriate remarks in mixed company.

Wonderful chapter, as always, and I can't wait for the last one. Still think you're right about Harry's leg - giving him an artificial one would be like taking out an eye to give him a copy of Moony's magical one! More please. What a ride!

Arton posted a comment on Thursday 12th April 2007 3:34am for Chapter 32 - Taking Stock

Great job guys, just wanted to say Thanks and Kudos.

james marriner posted a comment on Thursday 12th April 2007 3:29am for Chapter 32 - Taking Stock

Bob & Alyx, I must say that as this story draws to a close, it makes me a bit sad. This great tale has helped pass time while I had been deployed to Iraq and gave em something to look forward to. I have to say that of all the authors of HP fan fiction out there on numerous different sites, you guys are my favorite. I hope that you have a decent plot bunny already lined up for after this story is complete. Thanks for a great ride.

gummihu posted a comment on Thursday 12th April 2007 3:23am for Chapter 32 - Taking Stock

If you ever want to make spells in Icelandic I can
translate for you :-D