Sunrise Over Britain
Chapter 32 - Taking Stock
By Bobmin
demonkitty03 posted a comment on Wednesday 11th April 2007 10:03pm for Chapter 32 - Taking Stock
I really love your stories. They all are well written and thought out.
Gardengirl posted a comment on Wednesday 11th April 2007 9:54pm for Chapter 32 - Taking Stock
Alyx and Bob,
I have enjoyed your story immensely! The plot has been engaging and not at all predictable. (that's a plus, IMHO)
I do flinch at your flagrant abuse of apostrophes, though. It's is a contraction of it is. Its is a possessive. A plural does not require an apostrophe (a gift from the Potters, not a gift from the Potter's. Unless Harry is The Potter and it's a gift from The Potter's collection of whatever)
End gripe. Thanks for a very enjoyable read!
Sean Dillon posted a comment on Wednesday 11th April 2007 9:39pm for Chapter 32 - Taking Stock
Tis always a good morning when you wake up and find a new chapter of one of your favorite stories posted. When Eocho marked Siomha, Harry said the group had been previously marked. I won't start the re-read until you've posted the final chapter but I'm guessing it wasn't a tattoo of a Celtic Cross on Susan's ankle else she'd have looked there first when checking the baby. Was that a visible marking and was it previously mentioned?
Tanydwr posted a comment on Wednesday 11th April 2007 9:00pm for Chapter 32 - Taking Stock
But Harry Potter with a New York accent is sacrilege! Bob, I believe you know the appropriate Monty Python insult to be used. Although I confess I'm still freaked from having set reading in Chaucer by one of the Monty Python guys. Terry Jones... That was scary!
Keep up the sensational work. You ever going to post Dumbledore's Army up here, or will you focus on a new story when you've finished?
Lol, Tanydwr
DrT posted a comment on Wednesday 11th April 2007 8:24pm for Chapter 32 - Taking Stock
RE: cherry blossems -- all together now
"Awwww, how sweet."
RE: Honours List -- you do know that new hereditary for non-royals are now considered passe? Although, I suppose, under the drastic circumstances. . . .
Treck posted a comment on Wednesday 11th April 2007 7:48pm for Chapter 32 - Taking Stock
After reading the first Terry/Susan section I just have to ask...
Do you two work on the dialog together. Terry reads like it was written by Bob and Susan reads like it was written by Alex.
Damn fine story. /passes a fish to Alyx for Musings.
scott2 posted a comment on Wednesday 11th April 2007 7:03pm for Chapter 32 - Taking Stock
Great chapter as usual, honestly I don't mind the fade to black momments instead of blatant smut, it gives the sewage filled recesses of my mind a bit of a work out :)
Trscroggs posted a comment on Wednesday 11th April 2007 10:13pm for Chapter 32 - Taking Stock