Sunrise Over Britain
Chapter 33 - Of Endings and Beginnings
By Bobmin
Pamela St Vines posted a comment on Saturday 25th August 2007 3:08am for Chapter 33 - Of Endings and Beginnings
A fabulous epic. I LOVED it!!!!!!
katelyn posted a comment on Friday 24th August 2007 11:45am for Chapter 33 - Of Endings and Beginnings
could u do a story with daphne/harry or maybe girlblaise/harry
or even hryr/tonks
they are so rare and i wanna read more!
bajab posted a comment on Tuesday 21st August 2007 9:45pm for Chapter 33 - Of Endings and Beginnings
An excellent epic that didn't disappoint and kept to an extremely high standard throughout. Thank you.
canys_blackwolf posted a comment on Tuesday 21st August 2007 11:20am for Chapter 33 - Of Endings and Beginnings
Hi, I have found your two stories already finished but I want to tell you that Sunset and Sunrise are actually in the top ten of my favorite Fanfiction. Thank you for the adventure and really good work.
An happy reader,
AngelaB posted a comment on Monday 20th August 2007 8:41pm for Chapter 33 - Of Endings and Beginnings
OK, didn't quite read this in one go, but still stayed up all night for the last six chapters.
Loved the scenes with King Charles III, didn't quite picture him able to relax that much but good anyways. Kept expecting the boys to show up and then had the image of Prince William and Harry commiserating over being treated as sex objects in the press.
Some of the military stuff was too technical and took away from the flow of the story, but only a couple of time. Could be cause I'm Canadian or cause I'm a girl who's not interested in that stuff.
Both series were wonderful and Bob and Alex,
I envy your friends having you in their lives.
You are very interesting people and I'm sure you will be blamed for many laugh-lines and peed pants.
I adore the t-shirt sayings.
lantana posted a comment on Monday 20th August 2007 10:04am for Chapter 33 - Of Endings and Beginnings
What a glorious, wonderful, marvellous story! Read it in one go (well, with some interruptions of RL, of course). Thank you so much for sharing.
pfeil posted a comment on Saturday 18th August 2007 10:17am for Chapter 33 - Of Endings and Beginnings
Wow, very well done. I've spent far too much time over the past few days--including at work--reading it :/
I wrote a script that converts stories to PDF; once I port it for ffa I'll try to remember to tell you. (I've been thinking of LuLu-ing a few favourites, such as Jeconais's Hope.)
peruvianprincess posted a comment on Saturday 18th August 2007 5:26am for Chapter 33 - Of Endings and Beginnings
You're on my list of best authors now. It was fun getting to know you and your dark, (but smutty - you've got to admit it) , sense of humor through the disclaimers and author's notes. High plot believability and great character development. I'll never know how you kept all the plot lines straight! It must make it easier to have two people working on the story. Thanks for making both stories so long too. (And I'm glad someone finally figured out how to spell 'dining'. I didn't want to pick on anything, since you did such a wonderful job, but I am anal like that)
Ashley Spurgeon posted a comment on Saturday 18th August 2007 4:04am for Chapter 33 - Of Endings and Beginnings
Well, I have to say, this is on my top ten series. Both Sunset and sunrise had me constantly wondering what was going to happen next. I have to admit that I wasn't going to read this series because of the pairings. I am a major H/g shipper. My husband, who had never steered me wrong as far as reading in concerned, told me over and over to read your fine master peace, and finaly, I did since I had the time with summer and awaiting these last few months until our first child is born. Anyway, you two are wonderful authors, and I can't wait to read whatever you may write in the future.
Infin1x posted a comment on Friday 17th August 2007 2:35pm for Chapter 33 - Of Endings and Beginnings
If I didn't think that it would interfere with your writing schedule I would start a petition to get the two of you committed purely for the insanity of your "Standard" Disclaimers. Really a great story the only thing I can find to complain about is that in some of the earlier chapters you repeat yourself once or twice from chapter to chapter. It's not really noticeable but is there.
nelgraf posted a comment on Friday 17th August 2007 11:41am for Chapter 33 - Of Endings and Beginnings
I loved it , no other way to say it, it is the best fan fic ive read. ever
in all love
Pixel (aka nelgraf)
CaptainG posted a comment on Wednesday 15th August 2007 4:45am for Chapter 33 - Of Endings and Beginnings
A fitting end I think, and infinitely better than the Epilogue in DH.
I still think the best line in this piece is in chapter 30
'The 806th had gone to war before, many times. They were officially listed as part of the Pentagon's black ops group'
The irony makes me laugh. Black ops being officially listed...
Other than that I have to say this has been epic. I, as I think many others were, was sceptical halfway through Sunset, where we had a superbutwimpy!Harry, but i think it really picked up in Sunset.
Greywolf25 posted a comment on Monday 13th August 2007 6:01am for Chapter 33 - Of Endings and Beginnings
I really enjoyed the Sun series. Extremely enjoyable. (I believe the word my husband would use is 'addicted') What can i say? I can't believe its all over. *wipes a tear away*
fraupapst posted a comment on Thursday 9th August 2007 1:55am for Chapter 33 - Of Endings and Beginnings
This thing is epic. Thanx for the great read.
The only thing I found odd in your universe was the pure-bloods giving a damn about Muggle royalty. But I guess JKR used worse plot-devices;-)
I'm usually not a big fan of Harry/Hermione pairings, not because I mind the ship (I don't), I just find the authors are way too passionate about the ship to keep their stories from degrading into stupid character bashing for the sake of character bashing. So many great storylines have suffered from this, it hurts. Sunrise is one of the few stories I found that have a mature and believable relationship between Harry and Hermione, embedded in a story-line that makes sense and does not revolve around the ship. Special thanx for that.
Tlcatlady posted a comment on Monday 6th August 2007 12:00pm for Chapter 33 - Of Endings and Beginnings
I just want to thank you both for the time and effort you put into these stories. I didn't realize there was an entire AU world out there until a friend told me about your stories and sent me a link. I've devoured both sunset and sunrise and I have to tell you, I like your ending better than JK's! Take care and thanks again, Tara Caton aka TLCatlady
Bevvie posted a comment on Sunday 5th August 2007 4:43am for Chapter 33 - Of Endings and Beginnings
I have not finished reading the story yet, but I just copied it into Word, so I can print the pages to read so I am not attached to my laptop always, and I can see my 2 year old...
Just wanted to let you know that in Arial 10pt, with .5" margins, the story is 1098 pages long. I am sure others have already told you this, but since I just saw the question (August 5th, 2007), I thought I would let you know.
Thanks for writing all of your great stories...Bevvie
phoenix8976 posted a comment on Thursday 2nd August 2007 11:10pm for Chapter 33 - Of Endings and Beginnings
Wonderful, i thoroughly enjoyed both sunset and sunrise. I don't think i've cried so much reading a story before. Excellent work look forward to reading some of your other stories.
Chris xx
frozendream posted a comment on Tuesday 31st July 2007 5:05am for Chapter 33 - Of Endings and Beginnings
Excellent thank you very much
Superdd posted a comment on Saturday 28th July 2007 7:34am for Chapter 33 - Of Endings and Beginnings
Thank you so much for putting in the huge amount of effort a book of this quality would need - I loved the whole roller coaster ride, and look forward to devouring the next book/s!
neil woodes posted a comment on Tuesday 28th August 2007 10:59am for Chapter 33 - Of Endings and Beginnings